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High School Programs

SUNY Oswego in the High School

SUNY Oswego in the High School is a cooperative program between SUNY Oswego and participating high schools in New York State. The program allows highly motivated, academically eligible, high school junior and senior students to earn college credit in their own high school at a reduced cost. SUNY Oswego academic departments approve courses and instructors. Review our Parent and Student Info Sheet for additional information.

New Vision Program*

New Vision Program is a competitive, rigorous, immersion-based program for high school seniors interested in exploring a career in allied health and other specialized fields. This program is offered by CiTi for high school seniors enrolled in Oswego County school districts. CiTi and SUNY Oswego partner to allow New Vision students to earn 12 SUNY Oswego credits by taking a series of college courses taught by credentialed CiTi instructors. Starting this year New Vision students are eligible for reduced lunches.   

*partial payment has to be received by Dec. 1st, full payment is due by April 14th

high school students in class

All Students Start Here


All students must fill out the Application/Registration.

  • Start your Application. Please remember to write down your SUNY Oswego information.
  • Returning students also fill out the same application but they may have to reset their password to gain access.
  • Detailed application instructions.
  • Fill out all required Student & High School Information and pick your classes. They are listed by teacher and subject. You may pick Fall and Spring classes.
  • To Finish your application/registration you must hit the submit button and it will inform you what the next steps will be.
  • If you want us to share your educational record and financial information please fill out this FERPA Release Form.
  • For late registration, please fill out this form.

Communication will be sent from [email protected]. For any questions please email the High School Programs Coordinator at this address.

high school students in class

Completed Your Course(s)

Transcripts & Transferring Credit

A transcript is a student’s official record of all course work at SUNY Oswego. You can order your transcript in on the Registrar’s website: Transcript Request. You will need your SUNY Oswego ID number to order your transcript.  

For any questions please email the High School Programs Coordinator at [email protected]

Transferring Credit
Students may use their credits earned at SUNY Oswego or submit for transfer to the college or university of their choice. It is at the discretion of each institution to approve the transfer of SUNY Oswego credits.


 3 Credit Course4 Credit CourseNew Vision Program
Program Fee$175$235$700
Reduced Fee*$85$115$85 per class taken

*A reduced program fee is available for students participating in the National Free and Reduced School Lunch program. Must submit official proof to [email protected].


 Complete Course RegistrationPayment Due*
Fall & Full Year CoursesSeptember 6 - October 7, 2024Due December 1st, 2024. Deregistration for non-payment in early January 2025.
Spring CoursesFebruary 3 - February 17, 2025Due April 15th, 2025. Deregistration for non-payment at the end of April 2025.

*Payment deadlines must be met to receive college credit.

*If your school decides to pay for your program fee, you will not receive a bill. 
We send bills to the address used in your application after registration.

Earning college credit in high school is smart!

  • Earn college credit at a reduced cost.
  • Experience the rigor of college level course work.
  • Get a head start so you can finish college on-time or even early.
  • Explore if a college major is right for you.


High school students that take courses through the SUNY Oswego in the High Schools program are able to access many campus resources that enhance their experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

If I earn college credit through the SUNY Oswego in the High School Program and would like to attend SUNY Oswego after I graduate, do I still need to go through the application process?

Yes, earning credit through the SUNY Oswego in the High School Program does not mean you will automatically be admitted as a full-time, undergraduate student. For more information about applying to SUNY Oswego please visit our Admissions page.

How do I know if my high school offers a SUNY Oswego in the High Schools Course?

SUNY Oswego has established many partnerships with high schools across New York State. You can ask your guidance counselor if your high school offers SUNY Oswego Courses. It is important to note that not all high schools partner with us. 

What happens if I don't pay for the course on time?

SUNY Oswego expects payment to be made by the program deadlines. Students  with unpaid accounts will be deregistered and will not receive SUNY Oswego credit, only high school credit.

How do I drop a course?

You will need to complete the SUNY Oswego in the High School Course Drop Form and return it to the High School Programs Coordinator.

high school student on computer

How To Help


Taking a course through the SUNY Oswego High School Programs helps students understand and execute the expectations required of college. You can support your student by discussing key information, deadline reminders, and program expectations while allowing them to complete all of the necessary requirements. Find additional information here!

high school teacher in front of class


Student Code of Conduct

While taking a SUNY Oswego course, high school students must abide by SUNY Oswego’s Student Code of Conduct as it applies to their course enrollment. 

high school teacher

Partnering With Oswego

Teachers & High School Administrators

High school teachers interested in teaching courses through SUNY Oswego's concurrent enrollment program should have an advanced academic degree, significant teaching experience in their respective field, and must meet the requirements to teach as an adjunct at SUNY Oswego. Additional qualifications may be required by the SUNY Oswego academic departments. High school teachers must be approved by SUNY Oswego to teach each course, regardless of a previous role as an adjunct instructor or experience teaching in another concurrent enrollment program. Please contact the High School Programs Coordinator directly or submit the interest form for more information.  


Division of Extended Learning

337 Sheldon Hall
Oswego, NY 13126


Phone: 315-312-2270
Email: [email protected]


8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.