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The instructional design team develops short and multi-session workshops encompassing a variety of topics to be offered during the academic year, and during Spring and Winter Breakouts offered by the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT). Several facilitated online workshops are in development.

By request, we are updating the popular Flexible Teaching Workshop. Updates will be posted soon!

Current Workshops

The Instructional Design team offered workshops during CELT's 2025 Winter Breakouts:

Our sessions are listed below along with the recording link.

Innovation & IDeas: The Key to Effective Interaction with Students

Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI), a Department of Education requirement for online courses, is key to creating engaging and effective learning experiences. In this session, we will consider strategies that promote ongoing interaction, connection, and engagement between instructors and students. While there will be valuable insights for all participants, this session was developed for faculty teaching or planning to teach in various online modalities. Recording

Evaluation of Online Teaching

Recently, the Criteria for Personnel Decisions language was updated to offer guidance on procedures for review of online courses for faculty on tenure track and/or those those going up for promotion or needing their online course reviewed for other reasons such as recognition award for teaching excellence. It is important to have some training on looking for the key features of a course. Instructor Presence, for example, is an important factor that impacts student learning; what is the evidence that supports Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI), which is a requirement for online courses? Those who attend the workshop will have support on what they should be looking for and how to evaluate an online course. Anyone, especially academic department chairs and peer review committee members would benefit from attending this session.  Recording

Innovation & IDeas: Exploring the New Course Structure

Are you currently teaching online or are you interested in teaching online? Would you like some guidance as to how to set up a course to effectively teach online? Seasoned online faculty, have you been looking for an updated Course Information Folder? In this session, we’ll walk you through the new course structure developed by the ID team in Fall 2024 and explain the rationale behind its design. We’ll share how flexible it can be to best work for your course. This course structure aligns with the Online Learning Compliance and Basic Expectations at SUNY Oswego document.  Recording

A Walk Through Brightspace

Are you new to Brightspace? Have you been using Brightspace but would like a better understanding of the tool? Do you just want a refresher? This session will provide an overview of the Brightspace Learning Management System, highlighting components that instructors may find most helpful. Attendees will learn how to navigate the platform, utilize essential tools, and offer some tips and tricks for effective course management and student engagement. This session will be geared towards those teaching online but should be useful to anyone who wants to use the system.

Facilitated Workshops - Coming Soon

Asynchronous Online Course Development Best Practices

Based on our highly successful course development process, this workshop will provide weekly interactions and activities that lead to completing several course modules. This will be a facilitated workshop that will run 4 to 6 weeks.

Supporting Students in Online Courses

Research has shown that reducing barriers in online courses can help students feel a sense of belonging, ensure they can access course materials, and support them in achieving learning goals. In this facilitated workshop, faculty will have the opportunity to learn about ways to help all students feel supported in their learning. The workshop will run 4 weeks.

Brightspace Training/Workshops

These sessions focus on a particular tool or skill set within Brightspace, and how to best use it. While these are technical “how to” sessions, we also look at the reasons why we use tools in certain ways to create a positive experience for our learners.

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