Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is here. You may hear this technology referenced by a number of names, based on the underlying technology or specific company names. The definition of what is AI has expanded quite a bit, and no longer are we really thinking about HAL-9000, but rather SIRI, Alexa, and Google. Within that context, the type of AI that you, as an instructor, will most likely be concerned with, is what is known as Generative AI.
Creating Syllabi
Need a copy of an accessible syllabus? Click on the link below and select "Make a Copy" to save a copy to your Google Drive.
Liquid Syllabus
There have been questions regarding what is a liquid syllabus. According to Michelle Pacansky-Brock, a liquid syllabus “is a humanizing element that ensures students start a course feeling supported by their instructor.” She shares her syllabus for a course she teaches at Mt. San Jacinto College, History of Still Photo.
To learn more about how to create a liquid syllabus, Michelle provides information and links to resources.
Jackie Schildkraut (currently on leave) in Oswego’s Criminal Justice department uses a liquid syllabus for her course, CRJ 412: Mass Shootings in Society.