Faculty and Staff Services
Professional staff at OLS partner with faculty to recruit a highly-talented and diverse tutoring staff.
Request forms for classroom visits and embedded tutors can be found below as well as recruitment and recommendation forms.
Classroom Visit
OLS professional staff offer classroom visits for all disciplines of study and levels of instruction. Common visit presentations include:
- OLS Services and How to Use Them
- OLS Writing Services and How to Use Them
- Effective Study Strategies
- Exam Preparation Strategies
- How to Read a Syllabus
- How to Take Notes
- How to Read a Textbook
If there is a particular topic that you would like OLS staff to present to your class, complete the Google form to submit a request.
Class Tour of OLS
OLS professional staff are happy to provide tours of the suite for your class or organization.
OLS tours highlight:
- physical spaces (big room, private offices, writing center, conference room, living room, kitchen and beverage bar)
- services (technology help, tutoring session, study skills, writing assistance)
- staff
- technology reserves
- textbook reserves
- learning manipulatives
- academic supplies (graph paper, glue sticks, highlighters, index cards, post-it notes etc.)
To request a tour of OLS for your class or organization, please complete the Visit/Tour OLS form.
Embedded Tutor
Embedded tutoring (ET) is the process of placing a tutor directly within a classroom. In the ET model, tutors provide assistance to students during class time, hold weekly drop-in sessions at OLS and are available for one-on-one tutoring appointments at OLS. By attending class, embedded tutors are familiarized with the course syllabus, learning outcomes, assignment due dates, grading structures and class policies. Placing tutors directly within a class increases the visibility of OLS services, eases students into the tutoring process and strengthens relationships between faculty and OLS staff.
Embedded Tutoring Goals
- Increase awareness of OLS' services for faculty, students and staff
- Increase rates of course success, student retention and degree completion
- Improve student perceptions of both tutors and tutoring
Characteristics of an Ideal Embedded Course
- Major gateway course
- High DEW rate
- Multiple sections offered
- Average/small class size
- In-person instruction
- Student-engaging, practice-based instruction
Tutor Responsibilities
Embedded tutor responsibilities DO include:
- attending all class sessions
- assisting students during the class session in the manner that best suits the faculty member
- demonstrating model student behavior
- reporting ET attendance to their direct supervisor (OLS)
- holding weekly drop-in sessions
- holding exam review sessions as needed
- being available for one-on-one appointments
- reporting errors and misconceptions common to the entire class to the faculty member
Embedded tutor responsibilities DON'T include:
- grading assignments, entering grades or teaching classes
- reporting errors and misconceptions unique to individual students to the faculty member
Faculty Responsibilities
The ET program places very little responsibility on the instructor by design. The program has been created to support faculty both in and out of the classroom without adding to their already long list of responsibilities.
Faculty responsibilities DO include:
- Introducing the ET to the class, explaining their purpose and how to use their services
- Communicating your expectations to the ET about their role within your class
- Adding the ET to Brightspace course
- Meeting with the ET bi-weekly
- Contacting [email protected] for any concerns with the ET or the program
Faculty responsibilities DON'T include:
- Grading, supervising or discipling the ET in any way
Request an Embedded Tutor
To request an embedded tutor for the upcoming semester, please complete the Google form here. If you have additional questions about the ET program, contact [email protected].
Recruitment & Recommendations
To recruit a diverse and talented pool of peer tutors from across all disciplines, OLS depends on faculty and staff for recommendations. Whether in arts, business, humanities, media, modern languages, STEM or writing, OLS is always seeking recommendations for promising candidates.
Due to the requirements of the peer tutor position, OLS does not interview or hire students mid-semester. All recommendations received for peer tutors will be considered for the upcoming academic term.
If you know an exceptional student who should consider applying to become a peer tutor, complete the tutor recruitment form.
If you have received a recommendation request from a student who has already applied to become a peer tutor, complete the tutor recommendation form.
Syllabus Statement
Optional Syllabus Statement
For additional help beyond class time and your instructor’s office hours please visit the Office of Learning Services (OLS). OLS provides no-cost peer-tutoring, study skills, writing assistance and technology help for all SUNY Oswego students.
For more information or to schedule an appointment with a tutor please visit oswego.edu/ols, call 315.312.2571 or visit the office in Penfield 112-114.