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Woman in yellow sweater writing in a journal.

Drop-in Writing Assistance

let your voice be heard

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Drop-in Writing Assistance

Drop-in writing assistance is available without an appointment. Tutees are seen one-on-one in a first-come, first-served basis. A tutee's drop-in writing assistance is limited to 20 minutes when other tutees are waiting for assistance.

The following forms of assistance are provided by drop-in writing tutors:

Essay/Research Paper 
Get guidance on any stage of your essay or research paper, from brainstorming  and thesis development to organization, citation and revision.

Creative Writing 
Work on your poetry, fiction, scripts, nonfiction or other creative projects! Receive feedback on structure, voice, originality and audience.

Other Writing
For any writing assignment at the college level (including reflection, reading responses, personal statements or scholarship essays, cover letters, workshop critiques, etc.) we’ll help you communicate effectively.

How to search for Drop-In Writing Assistance on TracCloud 

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Supplemental Resources

Oswego Writing Fellows

Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) 

Penfield Library Citation Sources


Please note that writing assistance sessions are focused on writing skills. A writing tutor will not necessarily be familiar with the content of your course. For help with course content, schedule a tutoring session via TracCloud