Group Services
Drop-in Tutoring Session
Practice problems, ask questions and meet other students in your course at drop-in tutoring sessions. At these informal "drop-ins" a group of students share the services of one tutor. Students may opt to work together or individually over the two hour session. Likewise, student may attend the entire session, or just a portion. No appointment necessary.
Drop-in Writing Assistance
Drop-in writing assistance is available without an appointment. Tutees are seen one-on-one in a first-come, first-served basis. A tutee's writing assistance is limited to 20 minutes when other tutees are waiting for assistance.
Group Tutoring Appointment
A dedicated appointment with the tutor of your choice for a group of students of your choosing. Group tutoring appointments are an excellent way to attend tutoring with friends when you are taking the same course.
Review Session
All review sessions are tutor-led and provide prepared review materials for participants. Review sessions cover specific topics, often dictated by the faculty member giving the upcoming exam. No appointment necessary.
Topics of special interest are presented in a workshop form. OLS workshops are typically STEM, student success or writing focused. OLS workshops are advertised as they are scheduled. No appointment necessary.