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Rights and Responsibilities

Patients Rights

  •  Be treated with respect and dignity and to be provided with courteous, considerate care.
  •  Be informed about the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of the health problem in terms that can be understood, however, when it is medically inadvisable to give such information to a patient, the information is provided to a person designated by the patient or to a legally authorized person.
  •  Know the chances that treatment will be effective and to know the possible risks, side effects, and alternative methods of treatment.
  •  Receive confidential treatment of their disclosures and medical records and, except when required by law, is afforded the opportunity to approve or refuse their release.
  •  Know who is responsible for providing treatment.
  •  Have access to a second medical opinion before making any decision. The patient can decide not to be treated, but must be informed of the medical consequences of refusal.
  •  Participate in decisions involving the health problem except when such participation is contraindicated for medical reasons.
  •  Be informed of the personal responsibilities involved in seeking medical treatment and maintaining health and well-being thereafter.
  •  To change primary clinician if other qualified clinicians are available.
  •  To privacy.
  •  To refuse to participate in experimental research.
  •  To have access to resource persons and information concerning health education, self-care, and prevention of illness.

Patients Responsibilities

Be honest and direct

Give accurate and honest history of your symptoms and conditions.

Seek understanding
Make sure you understand and agree with your treatment plan including: fees, laboratory tests, medication dosage and schedule, limitations and follow-up care.

Be compliant
Compliance with your treatment plan is an integral part of reaching and maintaining optimal good health. Follow the prescribed and agreed upon plan and report any change in your condition.

Practice good health habits
Become informed about healthy and safe behaviors. Know your body and recognize warning signs before you become ill. Identify and give up harmful and unhealthy habits.

Health Services

Mary Walker Health Center 
40 Rudolph Rd. 
Oswego, NY 13126


Phone: 315.312.4100
Fax: 315.312.5409
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @ozhealthservices


Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri- 8:30am-4:30pm
Summer and Winter session: Monday-Friday: 9am - 3pm, by appointment only

Closed for lunch: 12pm-1pm