We are dedicated to supporting students, families, faculty, and employers within Oswego's richly diverse population. Our commitment extends to career diversity outreach and providing valuable information to benefit the community.
Below, you will find a variety of resources organized by affinity group. The links will be updated regularly to best serve our community. Select a group to see all the associated resources and websites. Do you have a suggestion for resources or organizations to add to the Affinity Group resources? Contact [email protected].
Asian-American; East and South Asian
Job and Networking Sites
Explore the various diverse and inclusive job offerings locally and nation wide.
Organizations and Professional Associations
Explore supportive communities for connecting with others and gaining information.
- Asian Women in Business
- East-West Center: Asia Pacific Leadership Program
- National Association of Asian American Professionals
- South Asian American History
- South Asian American Policy & Research Institute South Asian American Association, Inc.
- South Asian Americans Leading Together
- South Asian Bar Association of North America
- South East Asia Leadership Academy
- Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative
Examine inclusive career news and information sources.
- ALIST Magazine
- Asia for Educators: Geography/Arts/Religions for Students
- Asian and American Leadership Styles: How are they Unique
Gain understanding of the rules and regulations incorporating equity in the workplace.
- Employment Discrimination Based on Religion, Ethnicity, or Country of Origin
- What You Should Know about the EEOC
Apply for affinity based academic scholarships for students.
- Asian Pacific Islander Scholarships
- Scholarship Guide for Asian American and Pacific Islander Students
- Scholarships offered to Asian Americans
- 45+ College Scholarships for Minority Students
Campus Resources
Access the supportive resources and groups on campus.
Black/African American
Job and Networking Sites
Explore the various diverse and inclusive job offerings locally and nation wide.
- African-American Hires
- Black Career Network
- Black Career Women’s Network
- National Urban League
- Organization of Black Designers
Organizations and Professional Associations
Explore supportive communities for connecting with others and gaining information.
- WG Foundation
- Loyola Affinity Group Resources
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
- National Association of Black Accountants, Inc. (NABA)
- National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ)
- National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters
- National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc.
- National Black Law Students Association (NBLSA)
- National Black MBA Association, Inc. (NBMBAA)
- National Black Nurses Association, Inc. (NBNA)
- National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
- The Association of Black Psychologists
Examine inclusive career news and information sources.
Gain understanding of the rules and regulations incorporating equity in the workplace.
- Affirmative Action Plans
- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Apply for affinity based academic scholarships for students.
- Black Scholarships
- Congressional Black Caucus
- Scholarships for Black and African American Students
- United Negro College Fund
- 45+ College Scholarships for Minority Students
Campus Resources & Organizations
Access the supportive resources and groups on campus.
First-Generation Students
Job and Networking Sites
Explore the various diverse and inclusive job offerings locally and nationwide.
Organizations and Professional Associations
Explore supportive communities for connecting with others and gaining information.
- Center for First Generation College Student Success
- First Generation College Student Network
- First Generation Foundation
- Rise First Nationwide Resource Directory
Examine inclusive career news and information sources.
- A Call for Career Educators to Recommit to Serving First Generation & Immigrant College Students
- Career Tips for First Generation College Students
- First-Generation Students and Job Success
- The Role of Career Services in First-Gen Student Success
Gain understanding of the rules and regulations incorporating equity in the workplace.
- First Generation Professionals Initiative
- Higher Education Act: Federal TRIO Programs
- TRIO Student Support Services
- U.S Department of Education Federal TRIO Programs
- U.S Department of Education Talent Search
- U.S Department of Education Upward Bound Program
Apply for affinity based academic scholarships for students.
- Edvisors First Generation College Student Scholarships
- First Generation Scholarships for College Students
- First in Family Scholarships
- The Scholarship System: First Generation Scholarship System
- Top First Generation Scholarships: Scholarships360
- Unigo First Generation Scholarships
Campus Resources
Access the supportive resources and groups on campus.
Individuals with Disabilities
Job and Networking Sites
Explore the various diverse and inclusive job offerings locally and nation wide.
- Careers in the Arts for People with Disabilities
- DO IT - Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking and Technology
- Getting Hired
- Lime Connect
- Skills to Pay the Bills Video Series
- The Sierra Group Recruit Disability.org
- Workforce Recruitment Program
- Access-VR
- Our Ability
- Mentra
Organizations and Professional Associations
Explore supportive communities for connecting with others and gaining information.
- AAAS Entry Point
- AHEAD: Association on Higher Education and Disability
- Job Accommodation Network
- National Business & Disability Council at The Viscardi Center
Examine inclusive career news and information sources.
- Ability Magazine
- EARN (Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion)
- Interviewing Tips for Applicants With Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Maximizing Productivity: Accommodations for Employees with Psychiatric Disabilities
- What Job Interviews Can Be Like With People With Autism
- Working With a Mental Health Condition
- How To Disclose a Disability to An Employer — A Simple Approach
Gain understanding of the rules and regulations incorporating equity in the workplace.
- Federal Government’s Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Disability Employment
- Leadership for the Employment of Americans with Disabilities (LEAD)
- The Center for Universal Design in Education
- American's With Disabilities Act
Apply for affinity based academic scholarships for students.
- Disability Scholarships
- Niche Scholarships for Students With Disabilities
- Scholarship Institute: Scholarships for Disabled Students
Campus Resources
Access the supportive resources and groups on campus.
Job and Networking Sites
Explore the various diverse and inclusive job offerings locally and nation wide.
- APSIA Jobs and Internships Board
- Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE)
- Cultural Vistas
- Entrepreneurship Guide for Immigrants and Refugees
- Grad Siren
- H1B Visa Sponsors Database
- International Student
- Interstride
- My Visa Jobs
- OPT Nation
- VisaDoor
- Y-Axis
Organizations and Professional Associations
Explore supportive communities for connecting with others and gaining information.
- Counsel on International Education Exchange
- Engaging the World: U.S. Global Competence
- Immihelp
- The Institute for International Education
Examine inclusive career news and information sources.
- Helping International Students Navigate Career Options
- IIE Publications
- Journal of International Students
- Journal of Studies in International Education
- Working With International Students in the U.S. and Beyond
Gain understanding of the rules and regulations incorporating equity in the workplace.
- U.S Employment Rules for F1 Students
- U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
- U.S. Dept. Bureau of Consular Affairs: Visa
- What Employers Should Know About Hiring International Students
Apply for affinity based academic scholarships for students.
- eduPASS Scholarships for International Students
- International Student Scholarship Search
- International Student Scholarships
- Searchable APSIA Fellowship/Scholarship Directory
- Study USA Scholarships for International Students
- 45+ College Scholarships for Minority Students
Campus Resources
Access the supportive resources and groups on campus.
Job and Networking Sites
Explore the various diverse and inclusive job offerings locally and nation wide.
- All Hispanic Jobs
- Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement
- iHispano
- Saludos: Hispanic Employment Website
Organizations and Professional Associations
Explore supportive communities for connecting with others and gaining information.
- Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies | Culture Marketing Council (AHAA)
- Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting
- Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute
- Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility (HACR)
- Hispanic National Bar Association
- Hispanic/Latino Professionals Association
- Latin Business Association
- Latinos in Science and Engineering
- Latinx Alliances | Teach for Americas
- National Association of Hispanic Federal Executives
- National Association of Hispanic Journalists
- National Association of Hispanic Nurses
- National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals
- National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO)
- National Association of Puerto Rican and Hispanic Social Workers
- National Hispanic Council on Aging
- National Hispanic Medical Association
- National Society of Hispanic MBAs
- Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanic & Native Americans in Science
Examine inclusive career news and information sources.
Gain understanding of the rules and regulations incorporating equity in the workplace.
- Facts About Race/Color Discrimination
- Federal Protections Against National Origin Discrimination
- Hispanics in the American Workforce
- Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
- National Council of La Raza
- United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
- University of Southern California | Tomás Rivera Policy Institute
Apply for affinity based academic scholarships for students.
- GE/LNESC Scholarship
- Hispanic Scholarship Fund
- La Unidad Latina Foundation
- McDonald’s HACER National Scholarship
- Scholarships for Hispanic and Latino/a Students
- 45+ College Scholarships for Minority Students
Campus Resources
Access the supportive resources and groups on campus.
Job and Networking Sites
Explore the various diverse and inclusive job offerings locally and nation wide.
- Center Link
- LGBT Connect
- National Consortium of Directors of LBGT Resources in Higher Education
- Out Professionals
- ProGayJobs
- Tgender.net
- Zippia LGBTQ Workplace Resource Guide
Organizations and Professional Associations
Explore supportive communities for connecting with others and gaining information.
- Campus Pride Index
- Career and Employment Resources for LGBT Students
- Career Resources for LGBTQ+
- Gay and Lesbian Medical Association
- Global Resource Guide
- Human Rights Campaign Workplace Resources
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Career Resources
- LGBT Career Resources
- LGBT Resources in Higher Education
- National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce
- National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals Inc. (NOGLSTP)
- Out & Equal Workplace Advocates
- Reaching out MBA
- The Metro Atlanta Association of Professionals
Examine inclusive career news and information sources.
- College Resources for LGBT Students
- Coming Out at Work
- Corporate Equality Index 2016
- Helping LGBTQ Leaders Be More Effective
- Creating Inclusive Workplaces
- LGBTQ+ in the Workplace
Gain understanding of the rules and regulations incorporating equity in the workplace.
- Know Your Rights
- Lambda Legal
- LGBTQ+ Pride in Foreign Affairs Agencies
- National Center for Lesbian Rights
- Pride at Work
Apply for affinity based academic scholarships for students.
- BGLTQ Student Life Programming Grant
- Out for Undergrad (O4U) Conferences
- Point Foundation Scholarships
- The Open Gate Foundation
Campus Resources
Access the supportive resources and groups on campus.
Middle Eastern
Job and Networking Sites
Explore the various diverse and inclusive job offerings locally and nation wide.
Organizations and Professional Associations
Explore supportive communities for connecting with others and gaining information.
- Arab-American Business & Professional Association
- Middle East Studies Association
- National Iranian American Council
- Network of Arab-American Professionals
- Orange County Islamic Foundation
- The Arab American Association of New York
Examine inclusive career news and information sources.
- Accommodating Islam in the Workplace
- Arab and Other Middle Eastern Americans Minority Rights
- Middle Eastern American Professionals Association
- The Jerusalem Post | Diversity in the Workplace
- Workforce Diversity: Islam (Muslims) in the American Workplace
- Workplace Discrimination Against Muslims: OnLabor
Gain understanding of the rules and regulations incorporating equity in the workplace.
- Employment Discrimination Based on Religion, Ethnicity, or Country of Origin
- Responsibilities Concerning the Employment of Individuals Who Are, or Are Perceived to Be, Muslim or Middle Eastern
Apply for affinity based academic scholarships for students.
- 10 Scholarships for Arab Students Who Want to Study Abroad
- Fadel Educational Foundation Scholarships
- Islamic Scholarship Fund
- Islamic Society of North America Scholarships
- Scholarships for Muslim Women
- 45+ College Scholarships for Minority Students
Campus Resources
Access the supportive resources and groups on campus.
Native American/Indigenous
Job and Networking Sites
Explore the various diverse and inclusive job offerings locally and nation wide.
- Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
- Inroads Internships
- National Congress of American Indians | Job Listings
- Native American Jobs and Career Resources
- Native Hire
- USA Jobs Native American Resources
Organizations and Professional Associations
Explore supportive communities for connecting with others and gaining information.
- Bureau of Indian Education
- Division of Indian and Native American Programs (DINAP)
- Indian & Native American Workforce Development Professionals|Training and Resources
- National Council of American Indians
- Native American Disability Law Center
- Native American Journalists Association
- Native American SUNY: Western Consortium
- Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanic and Native Americans in Science
Examine inclusive career news and information sources.
Gain understanding of the rules and regulations incorporating equity in the workplace.
- Division of Indian and Native American Programs (DINAP) Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Section 166
- Federally Recognized Indian Tribes and Resources for Native Americans
- U.S. Department of the Interior: Indian Affairs
Apply for affinity based academic scholarships for students.
- American Indian Education Fund
- American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
- Continental Society Daughters of Indian Wars, Inc.
- Daughters of the American Revolution
- Grants to Native Americans and Alaskan Natives
- Health Professions Pre-Graduate Scholarship Program for Indians
- Indian Health Service
- Indian Higher Education Grant Program
- NYS HESC Aid to Native Americans
- Smithsonian Native American Awards Program
- 45+ College Scholarships for Minority Students
Campus Resources
Access the supportive resources and groups on campus.
Non-Traditional Students
Job and Networking Sites
Explore the various diverse and inclusive job offerings locally and nation wide.
Organizations and Professional Associations
Explore supportive communities for connecting with others and gaining information.
Examine inclusive career news and information sources.
Gain understanding of the rules and regulations incorporating equity in the workplace.
- Age Discrimination Act of 1975
- The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
- U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Comission: Age Discrimination
Apply for affinity based academic scholarships for students.
- Grants to Go Back to College
- Not Currently Enrolled/Non-Traditional Student Scholarships
- Scholarships for Your Non-Traditional Situation
- Top Scholarships for Non-Traditional Students
- Unigo Scholarships for Non-Traditional Students
Campus Resources
Access the supportive resources and groups on campus.
Previously Incarcerated Individuals
Job and Networking Sites
Explore the various diverse and inclusive job offerings locally and nation wide.
- America Works Job Seekers
- CareerOneStop’s Job Search Help for Ex-Offenders
- Federal Bonding Program
- Felon Friendly Employment
- Felony Record Hub
Organizations and Professional Associations
Explore supportive communities for connecting with others and gaining information.
- Help for Felons: Breaking Through the Past
- Incarcerated and Ex-Offenders
- Jails to Jobs
- Prison Fellowship
- Reentry Employment Opportunities
Examine inclusive career news and information sources.
- Kansas Reentry Guide
- National Institute of Corrections Library Resources
- Skills to Pay the Bills: Mastering Soft Skills for Workplace Success
- Successful Job Placement for Ex-Offenders
- The Prime Objective
Gain understanding of the rules and regulations incorporating equity in the workplace.
- EEOC Pre-Employment Inquiries and Arrest & Conviction
- Felony Employment Laws
- New York Correction Law Article 23-A
- Restoration Rights Project
- Work Opportunity Tax Credit
Apply for affinity based academic scholarships for students.
- Free Grants for Felons
- Grants and Scholarship Options for Felons
- Scholarships for Felons
- Scholarships for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated People
Campus Resources
Access the supportive resources and groups on campus.
Job and Networking Sites
Explore the various diverse and inclusive job offerings locally and nation wide.
- Immigrants Rising Resources
- Minnesota State CAREERwise Education
- My Undocumented Life
- My Visa Job
- QuadJobs for College Students
Organizations and Professional Associations
Explore supportive communities for connecting with others and gaining information.
- ABA Foundation (travel & tourism)
- DREAM Bar Association
- Pre-Health Dreamers
- United We Dream: Dream Educational Empowerment Program (DEEP)
Examine inclusive career news and information sources.
- Career Resources For Undocumented Students
- College Protections
- Support, Advocacy and Resources for Undocumented Students
Gain understanding of the rules and regulations incorporating equity in the workplace.
Apply for affinity based academic scholarships for students.
- Financial Aid Guide
- My Undocumented Life Blog: College Scholarships
- Resources for Undocumented Students, Scholarships, Grants & Internship
- Scholarship Directory for Undocumented Students
- Scholarships for DACA/Undocumented Students
- Undocumented/TPS/DACA Scholarships
Campus Resources
Access the supportive resources and groups on campus.
Job and Networking Sites
Explore the various diverse and inclusive job offerings locally and nation wide.
- 50 Strong
- Air Force Officer Training School
- American Corporate Partners
- Army Officer Candidate School
- Coast Guard Officer Candidate School
- Four Block
- Genius
- Hire Heroes USA
- Hire our Heroes fellowship
- Marine Corps Officer Candidate School
- My Next Move for Veterans
- My Perfect Resume
- Naval Officer Candidate School
- O*Net Military Crosswalk
- Skill Bridge
- VA Careers
- Veteran’s Guide to a Career in Technology
- VetJobs.com
Organizations and Professional Associations
Explore supportive communities for connecting with others and gaining information.
- Air Force ROTC
- Army ROTC
- Combined Arms Career Services
- Heroes Linked: A Veteran's Network for Success
- National Association of American Veterans
- Navy ROTC
- Student Veterans of America
- Syracuse University Institute for Veterans and Military Families
Examine inclusive career news and information sources.
Gain understanding of the rules and regulations incorporating equity in the workplace.
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- U.S. EEOP: A Guide for Veterans
- Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)
- United States Department of Labor VETS
Apply for affinity based academic scholarships for students.
- College Scholarships for Veterans
- HESC Veterans Tuition Awards
- Scholarships for Veterans
- Scholarships for Veterans and Disabled Veterans
- U.S. Veterans Magazine Scholarships
- Veteran Scholarships
Campus Resources
Access the supportive resources and groups on campus.
Job and Networking Sites
Explore the various diverse and inclusive job offerings locally and nation wide.
Organizations and Professional Associations
Explore supportive communities for connecting with others and gaining information.
- Alliance for Women in Media
- American Association of University Women
- American Women's Business Association
- Asian Women in Business
- Code Like a Girl (CLAG)
- Federally Employed Women
- Financial Women's Association
- Institute for Women in the Trades, Technology and Science
- International Association of Women
- National Girls Collaborative Project
Examine inclusive career news and information sources.
- ACLU Women's Rights
- McKinsey and Company: Women in the Workplace
- Professional Women's Magazine
- Stem Women
- Women's Workplace Equality Index
Gain understanding of the rules and regulations incorporating equity in the workplace.
Apply for affinity based academic scholarships for students.
- College Success for Women in STEM
- Scholarships for Women
- The Ultimate List of Scholarships for Women and Girls
- Unigo Scholarships for Women
Campus Resources
Access the supportive resources and groups on campus.