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Career Services

Starting your first day as a Laker and continuing for the rest of your life, Career Services is here to provide resources and support! 

It's never too early or too late to focus on your career planning and development. Whether you are just getting started, looking for a new job, or completely changing careers, our coaches can help. Career Services works with students, alumni, families, employers, and recruiters. We provide personalized services, based on your needs and wants.  


An overview of our various services and resources available to undergraduate and graduate students. 


From career development resources to identifying ways to connect with current students, we are here for you!


Build your brand across campus and connect with our talented students! Learn about all the opportunities we offer.

Career Services staff

Faculty & Staff

Discover the variety of ways you can partner with career services to bring career education to your students.

Four people standing in front of a Career Services display


Families are critical contributors to students' career development. We provide resources, tips, and information to help your students.

Exterior of Marano Campus Center atrium entrance

Contact Us

Our team is our greatest resource, let's work together to achieve your goals!


Oswego's Career Services office offers more events than most other SUNY institutions. We host career fairs, company site visits, networking events, and more. 

Career Services Events

Contact Us

145 Marano Campus Center
Phone: 315-312-2255 
Email: [email protected]

Connect with a Career Coach
Meet with a Career Peer Intern
Meet Our Promotions interns

Career Tools

Discover the best online tools available to help you explore majors and careers, find internships and jobs, develop amazing documents, and connect with others!

Online Career Tools

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