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Majors and Careers

The foundation of making good decisions about your future is exploration. It's never too early to start thinking about your career. The less rushed you are, the more likely you are to make the right decision. The time to explore is now.

It's also never too late to consider a career change! Seasoned professionals can sometimes feel stuck or pigeon-holed in your current occupation. Our dedicated staff can help you determine the transferrable skills that will allow you to shift to a different field or a different career entirely. 

Explore Your Interests

We offer multiple self-assessments that provide you valuable information regarding your strengths, interests, skills, values, and personality.

Explore Majors

Determine what majors align with your goals and aspirations. Our four distinct colleges offer more than 110 major and minor programs. We can help you identify the program that fits you best.

Explore Careers

With countless career fields and new industries developing every day, the possibilities are endless. Our specialized coaches and resources support you in finding a meaningful career path.

Career Communities

The SUNY Oswego Career Services office has five career communities to support the wide range of career interests of our students and alumni. A career community is a grouping of career options based on common features. Each area will provide you with specialized career coaching staff, services, and resources to support you on your journey. Familiarize yourself with each career community and take note of career paths that are especially interesting to you—there may be more than one, and that is ok!

A student with a book, studying (Adobestock)


Our Undeclared/Exploratory Career Coach, Jackie Wallace can help you discover how your skills, interests, strengths, and values fit with potential career options.

A group of people with laptops looking at papers (Adobestock)


Business careers touch virtually every aspect of society. Use your analysis, critical thinking, and leadership skills to maximize efficiency and profitability.

A student looking at a graphic design program on a computer (Adobestock)

Communication, Media, & Arts

Use creative expression, verbal and written communication, and innovation to convey meaning or provide entertainment to various audiences.

A teacher with young children

Education, Public & Human Services

There are so many paths you can take that will offer you the opportunity to use advocacy, leadership and service to help people and improve the overall social good.

A student holding a vial of blood

STEM & Healthcare

With this community you'll have the opportunity to use research, scientific inquiry, and data analysis to inform decisions and solve world problems.

A laptop and a sign on a desk that says "You got this." (Pexels, Prateek Katyal)

Contact Us

Our team of specialized career coaches is our greatest resource. Get in touch with us and let's work together to achieve your goals!


Self-assessment is the process of knowing yourself. We offer multiple inventories and assessments that provide you valuable information regarding your strengths, interests, and personality. Below are just a few choices that are offered. 

Email [email protected] for more information and to get started. 


Focus2 helps you identify your work interests, personality, skills, values, and leisure interests, and explore related careers. Login or create an account using your Oswego email address and the access code laker.

CliftonStrengths for Students

CliftonStrengths for Students allows you to explore your talents, use your strengths to improve your academics, and discover a major and career path that builds off of your strengths.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®

There are 16 personality types, and the MBTI helps you identify yours. It gives you information about how you orient in the world, take in information, make decisions, and structure your life.

Strong Interest Inventory®

This tool matches your interests with majors and career fields and provides information you need to select a major and career you can be passionate about. 

Explore Majors

SUNY Oswego offers major and minor program options from Accounting to Zoology. Students can combine majors, add up to two minors, or concentrate your study in specific areas through your choice of electives. View our complete program list, or explore the different career possibilities based on your major.

Find a ProgramWhat Can I Do With a Major In...

Degree Audit

Use the "What If" function in DegreeWorks in myOswego to see how your degree audit would look if you changed majors or minors. Watch this video to learn how to navigate DegreeWorks. Details about the "What If" function may be found at 5:45.

Get Credit for Your Experience

Gaining real-world experience through internships and co-ops while in college will provide you with an enhanced understanding of what you learn inside the classroom. Internships help make you a more marketable, competitive candidate to employers. The Office of Experiential Courses and Engaged Learning (EXCEL) verifies that work sites are legal and credible and assists students with the registration process to earn academic credit for internship/co-op experiences. 

Internships and Co-ops

Explore Careers

There are many strategies for exploring careers and identifying occupations that fit your career preferences. It is never too early to begin exploring! One of the best ways to discover what career path would suit you is by experiencing different options first-hand and talking with people in that career. Throughout the semester we host a variety of events that give you exposure to different career paths and professionals in various industries to aid in your exploration.

View Events Calendar

Test Drive Your Career

Join us for a visit to a company or organization to explore the industry, learn how to enter the field, and determine if it's the right career for you. Contact us for more information.

Pizza with Professionals

Have pizza with professionals from a variety of careers and industries, who share insights about their careers, challenges, and paths to success. Contact us to learn more. 

Alumni Sharing Knowledge (ASK)

ASK is a mentoring program allowing students to explore career fields by matching them with alumni from a variety of professions.

Informational Interview

Learn about career fields and industries by shadowing a professional or conducting an informational interview.

Dream Big Events

Connect with hundreds of professionals and learn about their career paths - what they do, what they love about it!

LinkedIn Research

Search alumni profiles to learn about positions and responsibilities they have held with a variety of organizations.


Tools to Help You Get Started

Exploring Majors and Careers

  • Focus2: A career, major, and education planning system. To activate your account, use your Oswego email and access code laker.
  • CandidCareer: Explore careers through videos. Search by career title, college major, industry information and more.
  • O*NET: Explore occupations in-depth, including salary, education required, projected growth and much more. Get started with this O*Net tutorial.
  • What Can I Do With A Major In: Career information connected to every single major and minor at SUNY Oswego.

Contact Us

145 Marano Campus Center
Phone: 315-312-2255 
Email: [email protected]

Connect with a Career Coach
Meet with a Career Peer Intern
Meet Our Promotions interns

Career Tools

Discover the best online tools available to help you explore majors and careers, find internships and jobs, develop amazing documents, and connect with others!

Online Career Tools

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