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Services for Employers

The Career Services team is here to help you build your brand across campus and connect with our talented students! 

Our career coaches are specialized in four different career industry areas to better serve you and our students. Find the career coach who specializes in your industry. Or select an option below to learn more about connecting with our students.

Recruit Students

We have unlimited opportunities for you to connect with our students, build your brand on campus, and attract top talent to your organization.

Post a Job Opportunity

Connect with a Career Coach and register your Handshake account to promote your positions on campus.

DEI Initiatives

Recruiting a diverse workforce increases a companies innovation and global awareness, check out these resources for supporting a diverse workspace

Get Started with Handshake 

HireOz by Handshake is your one-stop shop to recruit SUNY Oswego students through hosting virtual events, interviewing, and posting internships and jobs. If you do not already have an account, you can register today.

Employer Policies

SUNY Oswego is a member of the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) and adheres to guidelines set forth in their Principles for Professional Practice. We expect employers that recruit through SUNY Oswego Career Services to adhere to the Principles for Employment Professionals.

Standards for Employers


Contact Us

145 Marano Campus Center
Phone: 315-312-2255 
Email: [email protected]

Connect with a Career Coach
Meet with a Career Peer Intern
Meet Our Promotions interns

Career Tools

Discover the best online tools available to help you explore majors and careers, find internships and jobs, develop amazing documents, and connect with others!

Online Career Tools

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