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Connect With Students

Career Services is committed to connecting students with our alumni and employer partners. We love collaborating, supporting, and sharing various opportunities that could benefit everyone involved. 

See some of the different ways we can collaborate and assist you in connecting with and recruiting students. Please reach out to one of our Career Coaches for more information!

On-Campus Opportunities

Pizza with Professionals

Meet with students on campus over lunch. We provide the “pizza” and you share your career story, advice, and insights about working in your industry.

Tabling On Campus

Staff a table in our campus center or one of our academic buildings to share resources and information about your company or organization.

Class Presentations

Present to a class about industry trends, opportunities at your company, or other career topics.

On-Campus Interviews

Visit our campus to conduct interviews directly with our students and alumni. For more details, contact Christine Doyle at [email protected] or 315-312-2255.

Career and Internship Fairs

Represent your company, talk directly with students who are interested in your field, and collect potential candidate names to interview for your next open position. 

Contact Us

Our team is our greatest resource, let's work together to achieve your goals!

Off-Campus and Online Opportunities

Career Test Drive

Host students at your company for a site visit and provide them an opportunity to experience “a day in the life of your company” to see how your company and industry “work.”

Workshops and Webinars

Host a workshop or webinar on a range of topics, including Mock Interviewing, Resume Dos & Don'ts, or general opportunities available within your organization.

Virtual Interviews

Virtually interview our students and alumni. For more details, contact Christine Doyle at [email protected] or 315-312-2255.

an international student at a desk, reading a textbook

Working With International Students 

Onboarding international students is easier than you may think! The process often takes no more effort than hiring U.S. citizens. Benefits of hiring international students include:

  • strengthening your team's cultural competency, 
  • filling roles from shortages of highly-skilled U.S. workers, 
  • and gaining knowledge of foreign global markets. 

Hiring International Students

Contact Us

145 Marano Campus Center
Phone: 315-312-2255 
Email: [email protected]

Connect with a Career Coach
Meet with a Career Peer Intern
Meet Our Promotions interns

Career Tools

Discover the best online tools available to help you explore majors and careers, find internships and jobs, develop amazing documents, and connect with others!

Online Career Tools

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