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Report an Incident

Any member (faculty, staff, or student) or recognized group or organization of the University community may report and/or file a report to an administrator, campus office, University Police or local law authorities alleging a violation of University policy or when behavior warrants attention. There is no time limit on filing reports. If you are a community member and do not have access to our authenticated reports, please email your concerns to the Office of Dean of Students at [email protected].

General Community Concern or Incident Report

All members of the community—students, faculty and staff—with information about an incident or concern that impacts the SUNY Oswego campus community can submit a report to the Office of the Dean of Students. 

Report a Community Concern

Student of Concern Referral Form

This form is for faculty, staff, and students to voluntary report students who are experiencing crisis, displaying odd or unusual behaviors, or engaging in other behaviors that may be perceived as being harmful to themselves and/or others.

Report Concerning Behavior

Bias-Related Incident Report

If you know of, have witnessed or was the target of an incident motivated by bias, please fill out a Bias-Related Incident Report. Learn more about the Bias Prevention and Response Team.

Report Bias

Hazing Incident Report

While being part of a campus group can be one of the most meaningful aspects of student life, hazing is often a hidden, but serious problem that undermines the value of these experiences and poses risk of physical and mental harm for many individuals. If you know of, have witnessed, or was the target of hazing, please fill out the Hazing Incident Report.

Report Hazing

Title IX Incident Report

Use this report to inform the University about incidents of sex-based harassment, sex discrimination, including but not limited to dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual violence, stalking, as well as discrimination based on sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, familial status, and pregnancy-related conditions.

These reports are submitted directly to the University's Title IX Coordinator.

Report Sex-based harassment

What happens after I submit a report?

When there is the potential of a conduct violation, the Office of Student Conduct will facilitate a preliminary investigation, and determine the severity of the case, and the extent of threat to health or welfare. When the incident does not rise to the level of a conduct violation, outreach is made to all known parties to provide resources, support, and education.

In certain circumstances, once a report has been filed, the College may proceed with an initial inquiry and pre-investigation, even if a Reporting Party or Complainant later chooses to retract, rescind, or recant any or all of the report or chooses not to cooperate. Action will only be taken without the consent of a Reporting Party or Complainant if, in the College’s judgment, such action is necessary to protect the safety, security, or integrity of the College or any of its members.