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Resident Student Handbook

Learn about on-campus living, residence hall facilities and services, rules governing residential facilities, and more. This publication covers all policies, procedures, and guidelines you would need to know while living in one of our residential communities.

If you have any questions regarding information in this publication, please contact the Residence Life and Housing office by phone or email.

Download a PDF of the Residence Student Handbook 2024-25



Living on campus is an integral part of the college experience and is a unique and rich opportunity for students to live in close proximity to persons whose backgrounds, goals, values and lifestyles often differ from their own. This living and learning environment requires residents' self-exploration, openness to diversity, participation in residential community activities and respect for the rights of others. The reward is the development of skills, attitudes and experiences that will serve them throughout their lives. 

The Residence Life and Housing Department is staffed and structured to assist students in making personal adjustments and a smooth transition into the campus community. Programs and policies are designed to help students understand the responsibilities of membership in this community, build connections, engage with others, and enhance their personal development. 

The standards, policies and procedures contained in this handbook are supplemental to the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct and are designed to provide basic information about living in our residential communities. While we have attempted to make it as comprehensive as possible, inevitably some areas have not been included. Residents should contact Residence Life and Housing staff regarding any questions of interpretation or exclusion. 


Residence Life and Housing will offer students more than just a place to live. We are committed to facilitating the success of our students by creating holistic living experiences where students learn to become engaged within their communities.


Residence Life and Housing, in partnership with our residents, creates and maintains caring, inclusive communities where all Lakers know they belong and students live together, supported, and connected. 

University Housing Policy

All full-time undergraduate students are required to live on campus, as directed by the University Housing Policy. Research has shown that living in a residence hall helps students by:

  • providing them with crucial connections to campus resources,
  • supporting their successful transition to the university, and
  • offering engagement opportunities that are fun, while also adding to what they
    learn in the classroom. 


Introduction to Rights and Responsibilities of Student Residents

Students shall comply with all provisions of this Resident Student Handbook, Housing and Dining License, Student Handbook. As a member of the SUNY Oswego residential community, students living in university housing are responsible for the behavior of their guests and for ensuring that guests comply with all university regulations. The Resident Student Handbook, Housing and Dining License, Student Handbook and departmental publications are written with the intent of being clear, concise, and stated in common and everyday language. They contain the specific policies and procedures of SUNY Oswego that delineate rights and responsibilities as well as the student conduct system and administrative review and appeals process used to enforce them.

In accordance with Chapter 416 of the Laws of 1988 and the State University Board of Trustees Resolution 89-130, adopted June 21, 1989, Oswego State has adopted standards for policies on rights and responsibilities of student residents. In the development of policies, the University endorses and strives to incorporate the principles of the 1987 Association of College and University Housing Officers - International statement of student’s rights and responsibilities. 

That statement is as follows:
Residents in university housing facilities possess specific individual and group rights and responsibilities which must serve to guide housing staff in making decisions concerning student welfare and behavior. The following statements define minimal expectations regarding these rights and responsibilities. Each resident has the right to engage in activities that are a part of campus life. However, these rights carry with them reciprocal responsibilities on the part of the individual to ensure these same rights for other residents. Individuals must be educated regarding these particular rights and responsibilities that are associated with community living. 

Students have the right . . .
  • To have unrestricted access to their living accommodations.
  • To live in a clean and secure environment.
  • To expect a regionally competitive price on housing accommodations.
  • To written/electronic copies of University housing rules and regulations, or individual building policies which govern individual and community standards.
  • To the respect and safety of personal property.
  • To study without interruption or interference.
  • To be free from unreasonable noise.
  • To be free of intimidation or harassment. 
  • To express themselves creatively within established guidelines.
  • To expect enforcement of the housing license.
  • To direct access of staff who provide assistance, guidance, and support as needed.
  • To host guests, within established guidelines.
  • To equitable treatment when behavior is in question.
  • To enjoy individual freedoms without regard to race, sex, national origin, handicap, age, religion, sexual
    orientation, or political affiliation.
  • To participate in student governmental bodies and Residence Life and Housing committees.
  • To individual and group educational and developmental opportunities in their living community. 
Students have the responsibility. . .
  • To adhere to policies and procedures.
  • To comply with reasonable requests made by staff, or university officials.
  • To meet expected student account payment schedules.
  • To monitor and accept responsibility for the behavior of their guests.
  • To report violations of policies and procedures to appropriate staff. 
  • To respect the rights of others.
  • To participate actively in self-governance. 
  • To participate in Residence Life and Housing committees as requested. 
  • To express themselves individually, or by association with groups. 
  • To participate in conduct proceedings to determine appropriate standards of behavior.
  • To contribute positively to the community by participating in educational and developmental activities.
  • To keep their room, suite, lounge, townhouse and floor reasonably clean.
  • To study and academically succeed to the best of their ability


Resident Assistant Staff

Resident Assistants (RAs) are selected student leaders whose primary responsibility is to provide general support to their peers and to facilitate a safe, inclusive community in which all students can connect, learn, and thrive. 

Student Operations Services (SOS) staff

SOS Coordinators (SOSCs) are experienced upper-division students who assist the RHD and/or AHD in managing the front desk and recycling operations in each residence hall.
Desk Attendants (DAs) are student employees who staff the front desk of each residential community. Their duties typically include sorting mail, communicating information and messages, and signing out equipment.
Recycling Technicians (RTs) are students who are employed to monitor the recycling rooms, facilitate the mobile recycling cart, and ensure the separation of recyclables from trash.

Professional Staff

Residence Hall Directors (RHDs) are full-time live-in professionals who supervise the staff and manage the complete operation of each residence hall. These individuals have Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees, generally in fields such as Higher Education or Counseling, and they reside in apartments within the hall/complex.
Assistant Hall Directors (AHDs) are full-time graduate students who live in the residence halls. In most halls, the AHD assists the RHD in the overall management of a residence hall, specifically the operations of the hall.
Assistant Directors (AD) are experienced full-time professionals who supervise the RHDs/AHDs for several assigned buildings. Each AD lives in an apartment in one of their assigned residential communities. These individuals are part of the Residence Life and Housing Leadership Team and can be contacted at the main office in 303 Culkin Hall at 312-2246 (ext. 2246).
Central Office Staff provide administrative leadership and support to the department. The leadership team is composed of the Assistant Vice President, Associate and Assistant Directors that lead the residential education, staff development, facilities and operations, student advocacy, housing assignments, marketing and communications, and business operation work of the department. Administrative Assistants, graduate students, and student employees provide additional support. These individuals can be contacted at the main office in 303 Culkin Hall at 312-2246 (ext. 2246). 

In the event that residents need emergency assistance, there are a variety of resources available. A network of coverage exists for each individual residential community and on a campus-wide basis. Residence Life and Housing staff are trained on topics pertinent to their job responsibilities, including, but not limited to: Title IX, fire safety, and the administration of naloxone. In each community there is an on-call system which provides for RA staff availability during evening and night-time hours. Information regarding who is on-call for a particular community is available at the front desk. All Residence Hall Directors and Assistant Hall Directors share in on-call coverage for the campus. If a resident requires the assistance of professional staff and one is not available, University Police can assist 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at 312-5555 (ext. 5555). 



Asbestos is a collective term used to describe a group of naturally-occurring mineral fibers. Asbestos was mined and used commercially in North America beginning in the late 1800s. Its use increased greatly during World War II. Since then, it has been used in many industries. 

Exposure to asbestos may increase the risk of several serious diseases including asbestosis (scarring of the lungs), lung cancer, and mesothelioma (a rare cancer of the pleural cavity lining). Nearly everyone is exposed to asbestos at some time during their life; however most people do not become ill from their exposure. 

It is important to realize that the danger posed by exposure to asbestos occurs when asbestos-containing materials (ACM) become damaged or friable (able to be crumbled under hand pressure) and release asbestos fibers into the air. Most experts agree that asbestos poses no danger if it is in good condition and not disturbed. In fact, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends oftentimes managing asbestos in-place as more prudent than removal. The University currently follows operations and maintenance procedures for managing asbestos in buildings. These procedures include building inspections of asbestos-containing materials to monitor and assess the condition of these materials. Any asbestos-containing material which is damaged is repaired or removed by New York State certified asbestos handlers. The facilities staff are trained in techniques for routine maintenance and cleaning of potentially asbestos containing materials without disturbing the integrity of the substance to avoid the possibility of exposure. 

Asbestos is commonly used as an acoustic insulator, thermal insulation, fire proofing and in other building materials. Asbestos fibers are incredibly strong and have properties that make them resistant to heat. Many products are in use today that contain asbestos. Most of these are materials used in heat and acoustic insulation, fire proofing, and roofing and flooring. Although the EPA banned the manufacturing of asbestos in 1989, it was appealed in 1991 and some building materials still have asbestos as a constituent. Some of the more common products that may contain asbestos include: 

  • Floor Tiles 
  • Pipe Insulation
  • Mudded joints on pipe elbows or fittings 
  • Sprayed-on building insulation 
  • Wall plasters 
  • Joint Compounds 
  • Ceiling 
  • Plasters Interior of fire doors 
  • Mastic (glue) 
  • Cove base molding 

If any of the listed materials become damaged in your room, please notify your Residence Hall Director or the Residence Life and Housing Office. Environmental Health and Safety will then be notified to assess the situation. Any questions or concerns you may have regarding asbestos in University residential communities may be directed to Residence Life and Housing, extension 2246. 

Break Housing

The University recognizes that some residents must remain in Oswego during periods of recess (i.e., Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring breaks, and summer sessions) when our traditional residential communities are closed and staffing and services are limited. Residential students in need of break housing must apply at Break Housing is not a guarantee and requests are not automatically approved. In the request, students need to provide the reason they need a break housing accommodation. Approved reasons typically include students needing to remain on campus to complete an academic or athletic obligation or students experiencing home insecurity. 

Community Council

There are two (2) governing bodies which consist of elected officers (generally a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer) and student representatives from each residence hall. The community councils are advised by a graduate assistant and facilitate regularly-scheduled meetings that are open to all residents of that residential area. Community councils provide students with opportunities for involvement and leadership and opportunities to provide input on departmental decisions. For information on how to become involved in the community council please speak with your hall director.

Closing & Opening Schedule and Procedure

All residence halls, except for The Village, are closed during the major recesses in the academic year (Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring Break) as set forth in the University Calendar. Building access is restricted during these periods; therefore, accessibility for those persons staying on campus may significantly change. Anyone failing to comply with security arrangements will be required to leave the building and may be charged accordingly through the student conduct system. 

Before residents leave for any break, they must:

  1. Pull up blinds (except 1st floor).
  2. Close windows tightly and lock.
  3. Empty wastebaskets and properly dispose of recyclables and garbage. 
  4. Turn off lights and unplug all electronics, including the refrigerator (Leave refrigerator door open).
  5. Dispose of food that may spoil.
  6. Make arrangements for care of animals and plants. Animals are not permitted to remain in the hall without their owner.
  7. Lock the door.
  8. Sign closing sheet and affix to room door.
Common Area Damages

Damages to public/common areas will be the financial responsibility of all residents of the area (wing, floor, section, or hall) unless someone accepts individual responsibility. If no responsibility is accepted, common area charges may be assessed to all students living in the affected area not to exceed current SUNY allowable limits

Computer Rooms

Computer rooms are located in Hart, Scales, and Waterbury Halls. Each is equipped with Mac and Dell PC computers connected to the campus network for email and internet access and is connected to a networked laser printer. Residents of Hart Hall, Scales Hall, and Waterbury Hall have 24-7 access to a computer room within the building. 

Decoration of Residential Areas

Alterations to the rooms and/or common areas - Students shall make no alterations to the rooms and/or common areas. This includes, but is not limited to: altering living space for recreational purposes; painting; removal, disconnection or installation of fixtures, furniture, equipment, or appliances (where applicable) situated therein without the express written consent of the Assistant Vice President for Residence Life and Housing or their designee. Furniture must be left in the rooms and/or common areas to which it has been assigned. Students who move furniture from assigned areas will be billed for the return of the furniture to its assigned area. 

Individual Rooms - Affixing items to walls using tape, staples, tacks, nails, etc. may result in damage to the walls and subsequent charges for repair. Therefore, attaching items to walls is done at the student’s own risk. Strips for hanging pictures and other decorative items are provided in some student bedrooms. Pictures and posters may be hung on the room doors; tape, paint and marking pens should not be used on doors. Residents will be charged for cleaning or repairing both sides of their room door. Any alteration to the room that causes damage to the room is the responsibility of the occupants of that room. Any decoration which adds significantly to the combustibility of the room is prohibited. Please refer to the Fire Safety policy in this section for more specific regulations related to furnishings and decorations. Nothing should be attached to or hung from fire detectors, heat sensors, or ceilings. Ceiling lights and fire safety equipment may not be covered. Students may opt to decorate with fire-rated materials.

Public Residential Areas - Decorations in the hall should not be excessive since they tend to increase the combustible load of the area in the event of a fire. Nothing should be attached to or hung from fire detectors, heat sensors, or ceilings. Ceiling lights and fire safety equipment may not be covered. Students may opt to decorate with fire-rated materials.

Decorations - Experience has shown that precautions must be taken when decorating to assure personal safety and avoid damage to facilities. Here are some general guidelines to follow:

  • Use only fire-resistant materials.
  • Use care when working with water colors and magic markers; they should not be applied to any building surface. Magic marker goes through construction paper and stains most surfaces including Formica.
  • Use masking tape sparingly to prevent paint chipping from walls and woodwork.
  • Use only Underwriters Laboratory (UL and ETL) approved equipment and materials.
  • Natural trees are prohibited in ALL residential facilities. Noncombustible artificial trees may be used in rooms and floor lounges.
  • Blocking exits or decorating corridor lights and fire detectors is prohibited.
  • Candles and other open flames are prohibited.
  • Use decorative lighting sparingly so that electrical consumption will not be increased. Decorative lighting that crosses the threshold of the room door is prohibited.
  • Please use LED lighting as other holiday lights may heat up and damage walls.

To ensure safety, all elevators are inspected weekly and tested annually. Elevators are for the sole purpose of riding from one floor to another. Misuse of elevators (holding the doors open, jumping, etc.) may cause damage to the elevator. Individuals found responsible for damage to the elevators may be held financially responsible. Items lost down the shaft of the elevator should be reported to the Residence Hall Director. Retrieval of items from the elevator shaft may be billed to your student account.

Emergency Contact Information

All residential students are required to provide the University with Emergency Contact information. Students are expected to review and update this information in their myOswego account annually or when information changes. 

Employment Opportunities

Numerous opportunities exist for student employment with the Residence Life and Housing Department. The positions, pay scale and qualifications are listed below. For further information, please refer to our website found at

Resident Assistant (RA)
  • # of positions available
    • 130
  • Remuneration
  • Residential Living Waiver - Each RA will receive a single room in their assigned community for the duration of their academic year contract. The residential fees for ResNet, Laundry, Fitness, and Break Housing will be included in this waiver. 
  • Resident Assistant (RA) Scholarship - Each RA will receive a scholarship applied to their student account to cover the cost of attendance (exclusive of tuition) as follows:
    • Year 1: $1250/semester 
    • Year 2: $1450/semester 
    • Year 3: $1650/semester 
  • Minimum Qualifications
    • Cumulative GPA of 2.4 with a minimum of a 2.0 semester GPA beginning with the semester immediately prior to, and during each semester of, employment.
    • Sophomore standing/complete 1 year out of high school
    • One semester as resident student at a college/university
    • Minimum academic load of 12 hours/semester

Student Operations Services Staff (SOS)

Desk Attendant (DA)
  • # of positions available
    • 6-8 per hall
  • Compensation:
    • Minimum Wage
  • Minimum Qualifications
    • Must reside on campus during term of employment 
    • 2.0 semester and cumulative GPA
Recycling Technician (RT)
  • # of positions available
    • 2-4 per hall
  • Compensation:
    • Minimum Wage + $.50
  • Minimum Qualifications
    • Must reside on campus during term of employment
    • 2.0 semester and cumulative GPA
Student Operations Services Coordinator (SOSC)
  • # of positions available
    • 1 per hall
  • Compensation:
    • Minimum Wage + $.50
  • Minimum Qualifications
    • Must reside on campus during term of employment
    • 2.0 semester and cumulative GPA
    • At least one semester as a Desk Attendant at Oswego
Front Desks

Each residential community has a front desk adjacent to the main lobby. The desk is a center of activity, where information and services are available on a daily basis. Desk services include loaning-out kitchen utensils, vacuum cleaners, games, recreational equipment, and more. Residents should check with the front desk staff for the specific items and loan-out procedures in their community. This is also where residents’ mailboxes are located.

Residence Hall Desk Hours

  • Monday -Thursday: 10am-10pm
  • Friday: 10am - 12am (midnight)
  • Saturday: 12pm (noon) - 12 am (midnight)
  • Sunday: 12 pm (noon) - 10 pm 

The Village Desk Hours ONLY

  • Monday -Friday: 10am - 10pm
  • Saturday-Sunday: 12pm (noon) - 10pm 
Guest Registration Procedure
On-Campus Guests

Resident guests should visit the hall front desk with their host each time they enter the building. The host and the guest will both swipe their SUNY Oswego ID cards into the Front Desk Website.

Off-Campus Guests

Daytime Guests: 7 am - 12 am
Complete the following steps to obtain a guest pass:

  1. Register your guest on your Myhousing portal
  2. Upon arrival, the visitor and the host must check in at the front desk with the approved guest pass. The host must log-in via and follow prompts for a daytime guest visitor pass.

Overnight Guests: 12 am - 7 am
Complete the following steps to obtain a guest pass:

  1. Register your guest on your Myhousing portal
  2. Upon arrival, the visitor and the host must check in at the front desk with the approved guest pass. The host must log in via and follow prompts for an overnight guest visitor pass.

All Guests must present their guest pass to campus officials if asked for it. Guests without a pass or an expired pass will be asked to leave the building. See Guests in the Rules Governing the Residence Halls section in this Handbook for further information. 


The temperature in resident rooms is set to 68 degrees. In order to maintain this temperature, it is important to keep the space near the radiators clear (at least 12") for air circulation and make sure that the windows are tightly closed.

Residents who believe their room is cold should contact the front desk. In response, a staff member will check the room temperature and see if the problem can be identified. An appropriate maintenance person  will be contacted if necessary. There is no case in which a resident should be in a room below 68 degrees for longer than one or two hours after notification of staff. If a quick solution is not possible, portable heaters will be issued by Residence Life and Housing as a temporary solution until the problem can be remedied.

Insuring Personal Property

The University does not assume any liability or responsibility for loss or damage to personal property of residents except when negligence on the part of the University is established. There are occasions when system failures result in loss or damage to a resident's personal property. Residents who find themselves in this position frequently believe that the University should be responsible for restitution; however, the University would not be responsible unless it was aware that the situation that caused the problem existed and did not resolve that situation, thereby resulting in loss or damage to personal property. To establish negligence, persons are required to file a suit against the State of New York in the Court of Claims. Persons believing their loss was the result of negligence should contact the Assistant Vice President for Residence Life and Housing for clarification.

All residents are encouraged to lock their doors and secure their belongings. All students are encouraged to obtain appropriate renter’s insurance coverage.


Kitchen facilities are available in each residential community. Generally, the number of kitchens per student is low and those facilities are primarily used for special occasions such as baking birthday cakes and cooking group dinners. Residence Hall kitchens, with the exception of The Village, are not intended for regular meal preparation in lieu of the student’s meal plan. Cooking utensils, including pots and pans, can be signed out from the residential community’s front desk. Students are responsible for the proper use and cleaning of these kitchens, utensils, and pots and pans. Each townhouse is equipped with a stove/oven, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator(s). 


For many residents, utilizing and caring for a kitchen will be a new experience. This includes learning kitchen safety. More specifically, cleanliness and fire safety are of prime importance. 

NEVER LEAVE COOKING UNATTENDED. NEVER leave the kitchen area when something is cooking, either in the oven or on top of the stove. Burned food smoke can and does set off smoke detectors. Follow reheating directions and food preparation recommended cooking times and stay close by. There are different types of fires that can occur in the kitchen; some are more serious than others. 

  • Grease Fires - Typically the most dangerous kitchen fire is a grease fire. A grease fire occurs when oil, butter or other greases are heated so highly that they ignite. This type of fire can cause open flames that can extend to kitchen cabinets or other items very quickly. If a grease fire is small and ONLY if you are confident you can extinguish it, turn off the burner and smother the fire with a metal pan lid. Make sure the lid will cover the whole fire. Never, ever, use water to extinguish grease, oil or fat fires because water can precipitate splattering that can cause burns or scalds and spread the fire. Fire extinguishers are not recommended for this type of fire either. Do not attempt to carry the pan from a grease fire outside. The pan will become too hot and the fire will easily spread. 

     If a grease fire should occur, do not risk getting burned, even to turn off the burner. Evacuate immediately and activate the fire alarm to notify others. 

  • Oven Fires - Oven fires occur inside the oven. What should you do? Close the oven door and turn off the heat source. The oven fire usually suffocates. Do not take a burning dish out of the oven. Keep the stovetop, oven, and microwave oven clean. Accumulated grease and food in drip pans and cooking surfaces can cause smoke the next time the appliance is used. 
  • Dry Cooking Fires -  Dry cooking fires typically occur on the stovetop if the moisture burns off the pan and the food (or empty pan) is left to scorch and burn. This type of fire will cause a lot of heat and can damage the surrounding area with smoke. This type of fire can be prevented by never leaving your cooking unattended and by turning off the burner when food is finished cooking. 
  • Microwave Fires - Microwave fires can occur when food is left to cook in the microwave for too long a period of time. NEVER use aluminum foil or put pots and pans in the microwave. Be careful of travel mugs – aluminum mugs cannot be microwaved. Aluminum will cause a microwave fire. In the event of a fire in a microwave, keep the door closed and unplug or turn off the microwave. DO NOT remove a burning object from the microwave. Keep the microwave door closed, and evacuate the building,
    pulling the alarm on the way out. 

Always follow the following guidelines to prevent fire or burn related injury:

  • Use padded oven mitts when handling hot pots, pans, and baking dishes.
  • Heat oil slowly over moderate heat.
  • Never pour butter or oil on top of something cooking in the broiler. The broiler operates at very high heat and will ignite the grease, causing a fire.
  • Unplug small appliances such as the coffee pot or toaster when they are not in use.
  • Turn off the oven or stovetop as soon as you have finished cooking.
  • Double check that the oven and stovetop are OFF before leaving the kitchen.
  • Do not store outdoor barbecue items such as grills, charcoal or lighter fluid inside buildings.

If a fire occurs that is out of your control, EVACUATE AND PULL THE ALARM

Laundry Rooms

Each residence hall is equipped with laundry machines for use by residents. Laundry rooms are located in the basement of each hall; each Village townhouse is equipped with a washer and dryer. The per semester user fee is included in the residential living charge on the student’s bill. Any needed repairs to laundry machines should be submitted to the front desk of your residence hall. Village residents please contact the 1-800 number located on your washing machine to set up service for your machine. For safety reasons ironing is permitted only in laundry rooms. Irons should not be left unattended.


Mail is delivered to the residential communities daily Monday through Friday with the exception of federal holidays and periods of academic recess.
Each resident is assigned a mailbox located near the front desk of each residence hall. Mail is received and sorted at the front desk. Mail delivery will work most efficiently if mail is addressed as indicated below. In most residential communities, each resident has their own mailbox; in these communities (Cayuga, Hart, Johnson, Riggs, Scales, Seneca, Waterbury Halls and The Village), the mailbox number is different from the room number. To send mail to students in these halls, be sure to include the student’s mailbox number in the address. Please note that the University is not responsible for cash or valuables sent through the mail.

Residential Community Street Addresses:

*In Oneida and Onondaga, roommates share a mailbox; in these halls, the mailbox numbers are the same as the room numbers. To send mail to students in these halls, please include the student’s room number in the address. 

  • Cayuga Hall: 20 Cayuga Circle
  • Funnelle Hall: 25 Union Road
  • Hart Hall: 15 Union Road
  • Johnson Hall: 20 Rudolph Road
  • Oneida Hall: 10 Onondaga Circle
  • Onondaga Hall: 20 Onondaga Circle
  • Riggs Hall: 28 Rudolph Road
  • Scales Hall: 34 Rudolph Road
  • Seneca Hall: 47 Cayuga Circle
  • Waterbury Hall: 30 Rudolph Road
  • The Village Buildings A thru F: 90 Iroquois Trail
  • The Village Buildings G thru L: 80 Iroquois Trail

Students who are leaving campus for the summer or are separating from the University, graduating, or withdrawing should update their forwarding address at myOswego.  

Mail Parcel Lockers

All buildings use parcel lockers for packages. Parcel lockers allow students to pick up packages anytime of day. Most packages are logged at the parcel locker and signed for by the receiver. Students will receive an email with the combination pin, only available for a specific amount of time to access their package from the locker. Any packages too large for the parcel locker will be logged at the front desk and students will receive an email indicating they may pick up their package at the front desk. 

Mail Forwarding

First Class mail will be forwarded for one year. If no forwarding address is on file, the mail will be returned to the sender. Second Class and Third Class mail will not be forwarded and will be returned to sender or discarded. Residents are asked to update their address at myOswego as part of the check-out process. Any mail not collected at the end of the license time period will be considered abandoned property.

Maintenance Concerns

The standards for custodial and maintenance work are contained in this handbook in the "Minimum Living Condition Standards for University Residence Halls" section. Students should request repairs and/or report maintenance and custodial concerns by submitting an online ready request on the Facilities Maintenance & Operations web page. Residents may need to schedule an appointment, as maintenance staff will be unable to enter the room without the resident present or without prior consent from the resident and any roommate(s). Although we strive to deal with each report effectively, errors do occur. Residents should persist in reporting problems until they are resolved and maintenance emergencies should be reported to the front desk. If the desk is closed, contact the RA on call or University Police (5555).

Medical Accommodation Housing Requests

Students with specific housing needs due to a medical necessity can request accommodations by following the Housing Accommodations Process.
Properly submitted requests are reviewed on a regular basis by Accessibility Resources. Approved requests are honored on a space available basis. Approval is valid for the balance of the current academic year; requests must be re-submitted for each subsequent academic year for any needed medical accommodations.

Plus Occupancy

When overcrowding (or Plus Occupancy) exists in a room (standard occupancy plus one) , the process of reducing the number of residents in the breaking down these over-occupied rooms begins as soon as vacancies are identified. Under most circumstances, residents in Plus Occupancy are given first priority for available space before residents from other halls who would like to change buildings. The decision as to which roommate will leave the plus-occupancy space over-occupied room is typically left to the roommates otherwise Residence Life and Housing  will make the determination.

Posting and Distributing Promotional Material in Residential Communities

Each residential community has posting space on resident floors and in the main lobby area. Typically, floor bulletin boards are used to advertise in-hall/floor activities (community council, programs, etc.), registered student organizations’ activities and official announcements from University departments. 

Procedure to Post

Posting must conform with the campus posting policy. Organizations from outside Residence Life and Housing may request approval for posting promotional materials in residential facilities by emailing [email protected].

In addition to the campus posting policy, postings in the residence halls must adhere to the following:

  • Postings/Flyers must be separated and labeled per hall and delivered to the Residence Life and Housing office in 303 Culkin Hall. 
  • Postings should be no larger than 11" x 17".
  • All information on postings must conform with University policies and Residence Life and Housing policies.
  • Posting will be done by building staff assigned that responsibility, not the representatives of the posting organization.
  • Posting of the material is the sole responsibility of the Hall Director and RA staff, not the representatives of the posting organization. Postings will be displayed as soon as reasonable, and removed after the date of the event. 
  • The door-to-door distribution of promotional materials in residence halls is not permitted.

Note: For the purposes of the posting policy, any area outside of an individual student room, including the side of the door facing the corridor, is considered public space.

The following is the number of postings each building requires for the floor bulletin boards: 

  • Cayuga Hall..........................18
  • Funnelle Hall........................9
  • Hart Hall..............................17
  • Johnson Hall........................9
  • Oneida Hall..........................18
  • Onondaga Hall......................21
  • Riggs Hall............................8
  • Scales Hall...........................8
  • Seneca Hall..........................21
  • Waterbury Hall......................9
  • The Village...........................2

Procedure for Mailbox Distribution of Promotional Materials

Mailbox distribution of material will occur only under the following guidelines:

  • All materials with proper U.S. postage will be distributed.
  • Distribution of materials without U.S. postage will be limited to:
    • University offices and departments
    • Building purposes
    • Registered student organizations with approval of the Residence Life and Housing Marketing and Communications Coordinator. 
Recovered Property Policy

Periodically, lost personal property is found in residential communities. Such items usually fall into two categories: owner-identified and owner-unidentified. During periods when residential communities are occupied and during periods of recess, found items should be turned in at the front desk. If no owner is identified during a reasonable 2 week period, the item will be transferred to University Police.
Items that are found for which ownership can be determined (such as labeled personal property) should be given to the appropriate building director or University Police. The owner will be notified that the property has been found and asked to advise regarding disposition.
Property that is not identified must be disposed of in compliance with Article 7B of the New York State Property Law. Under this law as applied to the SUNY campus, persons are required to surrender found items to University Police. University Police are then required to log, store, and dispose of the property. Failure to follow the steps indicated above is a misdemeanor.


Oswego County has a mandatory program that requires recycling of metals, glass, container plastics and most paper, pizza boxes, newspapers and magazines. Residents must bring their trash and recyclables to the designated location(s) in each building (typically the residence hall's Recycling Room). Residents can learn of procedures in each building from the residential community staff. Specific hours of operation for the Recycling Room are posted in your residential community. 


Compact refrigerators that clearly conform to proper electrical and chemical standards, operate on no more than 2.0 amps, have a capacity not exceeding 6 cubic feet and have outside dimensions that do not exceed 48 inches, are permitted. Two refrigerators are allowed per resident room; each must be UL/ETL-approved. Microfridges may also be rented through Campus Specialities at Campus Specialities will deliver the Microfridge to your room prior to move in and pick it up at the end of the academic year.

Removal of Personal Belongings

Students are required to vacate, return all keys to a Residence Life and Housing in-hall staff member, remove all personal belongings from residence hall space and complete move-out obligations, including the collection of mail and packages addressed to the student, in accordance with the Housing and Dining License. Until that has occurred, the room is considered occupied and the student will continue to be billed a per diem room rate.

The University assumes no liability for the loss or damage of students’ personal property that is left behind by the student. This includes all property left in the resident’s assigned space, as well as any unclaimed mail or packages. Personal belongings not removed from the premises at the end of the license period or effective release date will be considered abandoned property and will be discarded as outlined below. 
Residence Life and Housing staff will inventory the student’s possessions, dispose of all perishable food and garbage, and pack up the remaining property, retaining the property for 10 business days. Students will be communicated via email that their property was left behind with a deadline of 10 business days to retrieve property. After 10 business days, Residence Life and Housing will consider the property to be abandoned and may choose to donate the property to local charitable organizations or discard the property. At the point that a student retrieves their belongings, or ten business days have passed, whichever comes first, the per diem billing will conclude.
Any unclaimed mail or packages that are unable to be forwarded or returned to sender will be considered abandoned property and subject to the same procedure as items left in a room or townhouse. Students leaving behind property or garbage may be billed for an improper checkout and the labor/materials to pack, inventory, store, and/or dispose of the property.

Residential Network (Internet)

Wireless: All residential communities are part of the SUNY Oswego Wireless Network. When attempting to connect a device to our wireless network, residents have two options:

  • Oswego-Secure-RES 
  • Oswego-Gaming-RES. 

Oswego-Secure-RES allows for the connection of tablets, smart phones, laptops, and desktop computers. Oswego-Gaming-RES allows for the connection of gaming consoles, streaming devices, and Smart TVs.

Wired: The majority of our resident rooms are equipped with a wired network port for each
Resident. Students must provide their own ethernet cable.

Gaming Network:  In order to connect gaming or streaming devices in the resident rooms, residents must first register their device at Once the device is registered, residents can connect to either the wireless, Oswego-Gaming-RES, or to the wired network via an ethernet cable.

The per semester connection fee is included on your residential living charge on your student
bill. If residents experience problems with their connection, please reach out to the Campus Technology Services Help Desk at [email protected] or 315-312-3456. 

Room Changes and Waiting Lists

Students who wish to move to a different room and/or residence hall can request a room change; returning students can do so by adding their names to waiting lists for specific residence halls. This is accomplished online at Please note that adding oneself to a waiting list does not guarantee that the student will have the opportunity to change rooms.

New students are to contact their Residence Hall Director to discuss the reasons they would like to move. If deemed necessary, the Residence Hall Director will add the student to the appropriate waiting list(s).

When a vacancy arises in a room/suite/townhouse with more than one occupant, the manner in which the vacancy will be filled is largely dependent upon the timing of the vacancy. When possible, while classes are in session during a regular academic semester, residents remaining in partially-filled living units will be given the opportunity to either request a specific new room/suite/housemate(s) or agree to consolidate with other students in under-occupied living units. 

Residential Communities Entrance Security Protocols

All residence hall exterior doors are locked 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Only students assigned to a specific residence hall and their registered guests will have access to the residence hall community.

  • Each building’s residents will be able to enter their residence hall by use of their I.D. card 24 hours per day when classes are in session.
  • Non-residents of the building are considered guests and must register and be accompanied by a resident in order to be in the building.

United States Postal Service (USPS), UPS, FedEx ground/air, and Campus Mail will be given access to the front doors of the residence halls. Other deliveries such as food, flowers, etc., will require the person placing the order to be available to meet them at the main entrance of the building by giving the delivery person a phone number at which you can be reached. If the previous method will not work, alternate arrangements must be made by the order.
Faculty and staff are given appropriate access to designated residential communities. Requests for access may be made in writing to the Assistant Vice President for Residence Life and Housing. 


Residents who have locked themselves out of their room and/or townhouse should first contact a room/housemate to let them into the room/townhouse; otherwise, contact Residence Life and Housing staff for assistance. Residents who have a malfunctioning ID or have lost their ID will be able to borrow a temporary access fob at the Front Desk. If locked out of their assigned bedroom, residents can sign out a lock-out key at the Desk. Lock-out fobs and keys can be signed out for a limited time period, not to exceed 24 hours or until the end of business hours on Monday if the problem occurs during the weekend. A resident who keeps a lock-out fob or key past this time may face disciplinary charges and/or replacement charges. 

Respect for Residence Life Staff

Members of the Residence Life staff are to be able to perform their assigned duties free of harassment, intimidation or menacing behavior from those with whom they work. When a staff member is engaged in the performance of authorized duties, the following behavior by residents or their guests is strictly prohibited. The following violations may result in disciplinary action including arrest, removal from residence and suspension:

  1. Verbal abuse (including, but not limited to ethnic, sexist or racial slurs).
  2. Physical intimidations or menacing behavior directed at the staff member.
  3. Display of visual materials that demean or humiliate a staff member.
  4. Interference with a staff member engaged in the performance of assigned duties.
  5. Failure to comply with a reasonable request from a staff member.
  6. Failure to respond to the questions or instructions (including opening of a room door) of a staff member in the performance of their assigned duties.
  7. Failure to acknowledge and comply with a staff member's request to enter a resident's room when that staff announces that they are acting in the performance of their assigned duties. 
Room Damages

The baseline condition of the room at the time of occupancy is established by completing a Room Inventory and Condition Record (RCR) form. This process is done with an RA and is a shared responsibility. Residents are financially responsible for any damages to facilities and furnishings that exceed normal wear and tear. Upon release from the Housing and Dining License (which for most persons occurs at the end of an academic year) or at any time that a resident changes from one room to another, an inspection must occur.
At the time of inspection, an RA will identify any damages and discuss with the residents of the living unit the assignment of responsibility. The resident(s) will be advised of charges at the time of checkout. If the responsible party can not be determined, the cost of the damages will be split equally among occupants of the room. The resident(s) will receive a bill of damage(s) and an explanation of their right of appeal electronically to their email address.
Residents have the option to do an express check-out by completing an express check-out form at any time and turning in their keys in the envelope provided to the front desk of their residential community. Any damages that are found upon inspection will be assessed after the resident has vacated. However, if this option is chosen, the resident will waive their right to appeal any damage charges that have been assessed.
Payment of damage charges is due within 30 days of billing. Once damage charges have been collected, every effort is made to repair the damage as quickly as possible. Exceptions to this would be due to shortages of personnel or instances when only partial payments were assessed and collected. 

Room Entry

Requests for entry into resident rooms/suites/townhouses by University staff may occur only under the following circumstances:

  • When residents are present, staff members will knock on the door, announce themselves and request entry just to visit or perhaps to accomplish some administrative task such as a repair, survey, etc.
  • Periodically to inspect rooms (not personal possessions, desk drawers, etc.) to determine their condition for health and safety purposes. Typically, in this situation rooms will be entered whether or not the occupants are present. As part of the break closing procedure, staff do check closets to be sure the room is empty. For further information regarding student privacy, please refer to the Student Handbook.
  • The University reserves the right to enter, repair, inventory, inspect, or search, and students expressly consent to such entry or entries into any student space at any time, including, but not limited to health and safety inspections of residence hall rooms. This includes Residence Life and Housing staff, University Police Department officers, Facilities staff, and any other University employees or contractors who have a legitimate need to enter the space.
  • To halt the continuation of an activity where imminent danger to life, safety, health, or property is reasonably feared and/or appears to be in violation of federal, state or local laws or University policy. University staff members will knock, announce themselves and request entry. If there is no response or the request for entry is denied, University staff members will obtain entry to the room to resolve the situation. University Police may be asked to participate in this response.
  • To affect emergency repairs or deal with an emergency situation and maintain building security during break periods, University staff may enter a room without the occupants’ knowledge. In these instances, a notice will be posted on the inside of the door identifying to the residents the person who entered and the purpose for that entry.
  • In no instance are University personnel authorized to search a room by looking through closed drawers, etc. without a court-issued search warrant. 
Room Inventory and Condition Records

Whenever a resident moves into a room, the condition of that room is determined by the resident and RA. The information is recorded on the Room Inventory & Condition Record (RCR). It is the responsibility of the resident to thoroughly examine and note the condition of all listed items. The resident's signature on the inventory form indicates agreement with the stated condition of each item and any deterioration in the condition of the room, beyond normal wear and tear, is the financial responsibility of the resident.
Inspection for residential community damages which will be assessed to resident students are conducted, when possible, before residents vacate the residential community. At the time of check-out, student residents are informed of the damages which have been identified as assessable to them. Resident students who vacate residential communities without formal notification to campus officials will forfeit appeal rights. 


Living with a new roommate can be an excellent experience; but, as in any relationship, conflict is a possibility. Two important things each roommate can do to establish respect and a positive relationship are:

  1. Get to know each other; and
  2. Communicate.

It is important for all residents to understand that the residence hall room is shared space between each roommate. Each roommate should be comfortable living in the room. If one or both residents feel that they are communicating, but still have not resolved any issues, they are to contact their Resident Assistant (RA). RAs are trained in mediation and conflict resolution techniques. Most often, residents will find that there is a simple solution and a trained, neutral party can help roommates resolve issues. If additional mediation or intervention is needed, the Hall Director or Assistant Director will work with the students to find resolution.

A room change may seem like an easy way out, but will not solve the issues each roommate may face in sharing living space, thus resulting in recurring problems with future roommates. Through education and encouragement, solutions to these conflicts can often be found and the need for a room change eliminated. However, if a sincere effort has been made and a resolution has not been obtained, a room change may be possible upon availability and professional staff approval. 

Room Rates, Billing, & Adjustment

Our Commitment to Excellence and Educational Value

Through its Oswego Guarantee, the University shows its commitment to students’ ability to complete their academic program in four years if they meet certain requirements.*
*This is a summary of the Oswego Guarantee; for more information read the full text

Room Rates

As defined in the Oswego Guarantee, a student’s room rate is based on their year of first matriculation at SUNY Oswego. Each student’s room rate is further broken down by occupancy type. The specific residential facility assignment (specific residence hall or The Village) does not influence room rates. The Oswego Guarantee does not apply to summer housing rates.
Rates, Billing, and adjustments are determined by the Housing and Dining License.

Residential Living Charge

The Residential Living charge on a student’s account is inclusive of the student's established room rate, laundry fee, Residential Network fee, break housing charges, and fitness center charges.
The all-inclusive charge will support residential students in planning their semester finances. Break housing applications are still required, and must be approved by Residence Life and Housing, but there will be no additional costs associated with academic-year break housing (Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring breaks).
Students requesting a release from the Housing and Dining License should refer to the license for reasons for release and the fee and liability schedule. Releasing the license may impact a student’s financial aid package.

Room Selection and Assignments

New Student assignments are randomly generated in the housing system. Students who have completed the housing application at the time assignments are generated will be randomly placed.
The returning student room selection process allows students to select their room assignment in upper-division designated communities for the upcoming academic year. Student participation in the returning student room selection process guarantees the student on-campus housing for the entire academic year. Students wishing to live on campus for the upcoming year must complete all steps of the room selection process in order to guarantee the largest number of options from which to choose. 

Service and Support Animals (SA) in University Housing

SUNY Oswego recognizes the importance of “Service Animals” as defined by the Americans with 
Disabilities Act (ADA) and “Support Animals” under the Fair Housing Act (FHA) that provide physical and/or emotional support to individuals with disabilities. There are two types of assistance animals:

  1. service animals, and
  2. other trained or untrained animals that do work, perform tasks, provide assistance, and/or provide therapeutic emotional support for individuals with disabilities (referred to in this policy as a “support animal”)*

SUNY Oswego is committed to allowing an individual with a disability the use of a service animal on campus to facilitate full-participation and equal access to the University’s programs and activities. SUNY Oswego is also committed to allowing support animals necessary to provide individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to use and enjoy campus housing. These policies explain the specific requirements applicable to an individual’s use of a service animal on campus, as well as requirements applicable to an individual's use of a support animal in campus housing.

* HUD FHEO Notice: FHEO-2020-01 Issued: January 28, 2020

Residence Life and Housing will allow a support animal if the animal is necessary for a resident with a disability to have equal access to housing and the accommodation must also be reasonable. Support animals are not pets. An accommodation is unreasonable if it presents an undue financial or administrative burden on the University, poses a direct threat to individual or public safety that cannot be eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level, or constitutes a fundamental alteration of the nature of the service or program.
With prior approval, a person with a disability may have a support animal in their residence hall room as a reasonable accommodation. 

Requests for a support animal in a residence hall

Students requesting a support animal in University Housing must complete a two-step interactive process:

  1. Seek approval for a support animal by submitting documentation of a disability to the Office of Accessibility Resources and discuss with Accessibility Resources staff prior to the start of the academic year or term.
  2. Complete the Service and Support Animal Housing Agreement in your Myhousing portal. The agreement requires you to submit a picture of the animal and animal health records (with up-to-date vaccinations and veterinary contact information). Once the agreement is complete, you will receive confirmation within 48 hours. Once confirmation is received you can bring your approved animal to campus. 

Documentation guidelines for support animals in Residence Halls

  1. Documentation from a licensed healthcare provider must be submitted to Accessibility Resources (students) or Human Resources (staff) and
  2. Must include:
    • The student’s name
    • The nature of the relationship between the healthcare professional and the student
    • The type of animal for which reasonable accommodation is sought (ex. dog, cat, rabbit, etc.)
    • Whether the student has a physical or mental impairment
    • Whether the student’s impairment substantially limits at least one major life activity or major bodily function and
    • Whether the student needs the animal because it does work, provides assistance, or performs at least one task that benefits the patient because of their disability, or because it provides therapeutic emotional support to alleviate a symptom or effect of the disability of the student, and not merely a pet.
    • Additional documentation may be required if the animal is not an animal that is commonly kept in the household. Examples of common household animals are dogs, cats, small birds, hamsters, gerbil, other rodents, fish or turtles. 

Timing of Request

  1. In order to adequately process a request for a support animal, students and staff are encouraged to begin the process at least 60 days prior to the start of the semester. 

Conflicting disabilities

  1. Some people may have allergic reactions to animals that are substantial enough to qualify as disabilities. SUNY Oswego will consider the needs of both persons in meeting its obligations to reasonably accommodate all disabilities and to resolve the problem as efficiently and expeditiously as possible. Students and staff requesting allergy accommodations should contact Accessibility Resources or Human Resources.

Compliance with state and local animal laws

  1. Animals that are not allowed as pets in New York State, or in the Town of Oswego are not allowed as support animals. 

Process once approved by Accessibility Resources and Residence Life and Housing

  1. Residence Life and Housing will notify roommate(s), and other residents as appropriate.
  2. Residence Life and Housing will address residents’ concerns related to the support animal.
  3. Support animals may not enter the residence hall until the Animal Registration & Agreement form is approved by the Assistant Vice President for Residence Life and Housing or their designee.

Expectations for animal care and control

  1. Owner is expected to provide daily and necessary care of the support animal to include bathing, feeding and managing waste.
  2. Owner is expected to minimize any disruption to the living/learning environment caused by animal odors or noises. 
  3. If the owner needs to take the animal outside for waste elimination, the owner is expected to keep the animal on a leash and in control at all times.
  4. Owner is expected to clean up after the animal. If the owner is unable to, it is then the responsibility of the owner to hire someone capable of cleaning up after the animal. If necessary, contact staff if arrangements are needed to assist with cleanup. Any cost incurred for doing so is the sole responsibility of the owner.
  5. If the owner leaves campus for an extended period of time (that would impact the care of the animal), they are expected to take the animal with them.
  6. If the owner experiences an emergency (e.g. hospitalization) and is unable to care for the animal, staff will contact the emergency contact (or facility) indicated on the Animal Registration & Agreement form, to remove the animal from the residence hall until the owner is able to provide care of the animal. 

Removing a Support Animal

  1. If concerns regarding the animal are reported to Residence Life and Housing, the owner will be contacted within 24 hours and given the opportunity to address the concerns and or situation.
  2. If SUNY Oswego determines the animal to be a substantial and direct threat to the health and safety of others, the Agreement may be revoked and the owner ordered to remove the animal from campus. This may occur as a result of a very ill animal or a substantial lack of cleanliness of the animal.
  3. In addition, failure to comply with expectations for direct care of the animal may also result in the Agreement being revoked. If this occurs, the owner will be given written notice to remove the animal within 10 days.
  4. Appeal of a decision to remove a support animal from campus should be directed to the Assistant Vice President for Residence Life and Housing, 303 Culkin Hall, 315-312-2246. 
Sick Tray Policy

Dining Services at SUNY Oswego cares about its customers when they are sick or injured. If a resident is unable to attend a meal in a dining center due to illness or mobility issues (i.e. required use of crutches), a sick tray is available. A Sick Tray Request Form may be requested from the Residence Hall Director, Assistant Hall Director, RA, by the resident, the resident's roommate, or a friend by reaching out to the Dining Services Manager. The completed form must be approved by an appropriate professional staff member (Residence Hall Director, Assistant Hall Director, Assistant Director, Dining Center Manager or Mary Walker Health Professional) and submitted to the dining center manager or cashier in the resident dining center along with the ill/injured student’s I.D. card. For further information, please contact your Residence Hall Director, Assistant Hall Director, RA or Dining Manager. 

Snow Removal in Resident Student Parking Lots

There are times where students may be asked to move their vehicle from parking lots where snow has accumulated and needs to be plowed. Notices will go out to students via email and posted signage providing an alternate lot that their vehicle must be moved to and the time frame in which the vehicle must be moved. Students who may be unavailable to move their car during the announced time should make arrangements for a friend to move the car. Students going away for the weekend or several days should make similar arrangements to avoid possible towing costs. 

Student Records

Residence Life and Housing maintains a variety of records pertaining to residents. Included in this category are license administration documents (such as the Housing and Dining License, Request for Exemption from the University Housing Policy, Request for Release from Housing and Dining License, and occupancy records). These records are for University use and are available only to appropriate University offices, except as in compliance with a proper court order. These documents may be reviewed only by the student referenced and only after the student confirms their identity via University identification card or photo DMV license. Copies may be made and given to the student upon request. Requests can be made in writing to Residence Life and Housing at [email protected]. Telephone requests will not be honored. 


Students are able to use their own streaming devices and subscriptions as needed. Cable is not provided on campus. 

Vending Machines

Each year, Auxiliary Services enters into a contract with a private vendor to provide vending machines for the campus, including the residential communities. Each residential community is equipped with a variety of vending machines, typically including a soda machine(s) and snack vending machine(s). These machines are usually located on the main floor or in the basement of each building. Any problems, including refund requests, should be reported to the residential community front desk



The residential alcohol policy is governed by the Alcohol policy as stated in the Code of Conduct. 


The department’s policy on appliances reflects an effort to find a balance between the typical resident’s use of their assigned room and the need for health and safety standards. Residence hall rooms are more than bedrooms; however, they are not appropriate for meal preparation. The appliances appropriate for use in resident rooms are those such as lamps, computers, hair dryers, compact refrigerators, televisions, etc. Appliances used for meal preparation (such as microwave or toaster ovens) which operate at cooking temperatures are prohibited because they compromise the health and safety of the residents of the building. However students may choose to rent a microfridge (refrigerator microwave combination) as they are equipped with safety features adhering to campus fire and safety codes. Residence hall residents may not possess any food preparation appliances as indicated on the prohibited items list.
All Village townhouses have full kitchens; therefore, Village residents are allowed to possess other food preparation appliances, provided they are UL/ETL-approved. All electrical appliances must be UL/ETL-approved and must be in good working order.
Air conditioners, space heaters and baseboard units of any type, except as may be provided by the University, are prohibited.

Care of Facilities

It is the residents’ responsibility to care for the condition of their assigned living units as well as other public areas including, but not limited to, bathrooms, elevators, corridors, laundry rooms, lounges, and their furnishings and equipment. Residents are responsible for abiding by the property policy stated in the Code of Conduct. Students in violation of university policies may be subject to University disciplinary action and/or arrest and will be held financially and legally responsible. Residents will be held financially and legally responsible for the condition of their assigned living units and assigned contents. Structural modifications to the residential facilities, including the installation of wires or cords outside resident living units, are prohibited without prior written authorization
from the Assistant Vice President for Residence Life and Housing. As part of their responsibility, residents of a facility are responsible for the actions of their guests whether or not those guests are students of SUNY Oswego.

Residents are expected to maintain a level of cleanliness in their living unit compatible with reasonable health and safety and University standards; including a clear path of egress. The University reserves the right to establish and enforce those expectations for individuals in order to insure reasonable compatibility with roommate(s) as well as health and safety. All residents are required to participate in the residential community recycling program.

Alterations to the rooms and/or common areas - Students shall make no alterations to the rooms and/or common areas. This includes, but is not limited to: altering living space for recreational purposes; painting; removal, disassembly or installation of fixtures, furniture, equipment, or appliances (where applicable) situated therein without the express written consent of the Assistant Vice President for Residence Life and Housing. Furniture must be left in the rooms and/or common areas to which it has been assigned. The removal, alteration, or disassembly of University-owned furniture from a resident’s living unit or from a public area without staff authorization may result in a replacement charge and/or other disciplinary action. Students who move furniture from assigned areas will be billed for the return of the furniture to its assigned area.

Reserving common areas - Residential common areas are for the use of residential students to gather for social and educational purposes. Residents that would like to reserve a common space to host an event or meeting may make a request in writing to the Hall Director of the residence hall. Students, faculty and staff not assigned to the residence hall may make a request in writing to the Assistant Vice President for Residence Life and Housing. All students, internal and external users are to abide by the policies and procedures as stated in the University’s Facilities Use Policy.

Disruptive Behavior

Behavior that interferes or disrupts the residential community, university process or activities, and/or educational interests and mission of the university is prohibited in the residence halls. Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to: 

  1. harassment or creating a hostile environment through discrimination, intimidation, ridicule, or insult toward any person;
  2. acts of bias targeted toward a person or group;
  3. physical abuse, assault and/or battery;
  4. threats toward or intimidation of any person, or intentionally or recklessly causing harm or reasonable apprehension of harm;
  5. creation of a condition or situation that endangers mental or physical health;
  6. conduct which inhibits the peace or safety of members of the University community*;
  7. conduct related to the use, possession, or distribution of alcohol or other drugs are unacceptable and subject to disciplinary action;
  8. playing sports or rough-housing in the halls. Hall sports include, but are not limited to, tossing, bouncing, or kicking a ball or frisbee, roller blading, biking, using a scooter, using nerf guns, water guns or water balloons.

The residential drug policy is governed by the Drug policy as stated in the Code of Conduct. If, at any time, drugs are found in a residence hall, room, suite or apartment, all individuals in the presence of drugs (i.e., guests, visitors, residents, etc.) will be found in violation of this policy. Students in possession of prohibited drugs or drug-related paraphernalia will be documented and may be used as evidence in campus conduct and/or criminal proceedings. 

Fire Safety

Residential Fire Safety is a serious issue due to the population density and the potential for injury and loss that could occur as a result of a fire. In order to reduce fire hazards and comply with state fire codes, the University has established the following policies and procedures. Residents are expected to know and follow the policies in the Code of Conduct and the policies and procedures listed below. Violators will face disciplinary action and/or arrest.

Fire Drills and Evacuation

Each residential community will conduct periodic fire drills to familiarize students and staff with the proper evacuation procedures and escape routes. Evacuation procedures and routes are posted on the inside of each door in residential rooms and throughout the buildings. All students should familiarize themselves with the evacuation procedures, know the location of all the exits in their living area and how to reach them in case they need to evacuate in total darkness. When the alarm sounds, all persons in the building are required to exit the building immediately, follow instructions given by University staff (Residence Life and Housing, University Police, Environmental Health and Safety), and remain outside until informed by University staff that it is permissible to return.
Students unable to evacuate should call University Police with their name and location for
assistance during a fire evacuation.
There is a designated alternative shelter location for each residential community; in instances of inclement weather and/or prolonged evacuation, residents will be directed to the appropriate shelter facility. Failure to evacuate a building during a fire alarm is a violation of residential community rules and will result in disciplinary action.

Alternative Shelter locations

Cayuga Back quad(paved area near Glimmerglass FC)Seneca Hall 
FunnelleNortheast corner of parking lot R-9Hart Hall 
HartNorthwest corner of parking lot R-9Funnelle Hall 
Johnsonthe diagonal brick walkway on "Johnson Island"Riggs Hall 
Oneida Onondaga Field Onondaga Hall 
Onondaga Back quad(paved area near Glimmerglass FC)Oneida Hall 
Riggs Parking lot R-4Johnson Hall 
ScalesParking lot R-4Waterbury Hall 
SenecaBack walkway parallel to Seneca Hall Cayuga Hall 
The VillageOneida basketball court Oneida Hall 
Waterbury Parking lot R-4Scales Hall 

Fire Detection/Fighting Equipment

Each residential facility is equipped with heat, smoke, and particle sensors, fire extinguishers and fire alarm pull boxes. Residents should familiarize themselves with the location of this equipment upon moving into a residential community. Covering, disassembling, or tampering with any fire protection equipment is prohibited. Intentional activation of alarm systems for any reason other than reporting a fire is strictly prohibited. 

Furnishings, Decorations, and Other Prohibited Items

Furniture, decorations and other items which increase the flammability of residents’ rooms or public areas may be prohibited at the discretion of Residence Life and Housing staff. Excessive amounts of combustible decorations are particularly dangerous because they can promote rapid spread of flames in the event of a fire; therefore, 

  • no more than 10% of a room is permitted to be covered by decorations,
  • suspending combustible materials, such as tapestries, curtains, flags, fishnets, etc., is strictly prohibited. Nothing should be attached to or hung from fire detectors, heat sensors, or ceilings. Ceiling lights and fire safety equipment may not be covered. Students may opt to decorate with fire-rated materials. It is the resident's responsibility to ensure all personal furniture meets NFPA 701 standard. In common areas (i.e. bathrooms, hallways, and lounges) similar fire code regulations exist.
  • Furniture, decorations, appliances, and other items which increase the flammability of residents’ rooms or public areas are prohibited. The list of prohibited items includes but is not limited to:  
    • Air Conditioners
    • Air Fryers
    • Bed Risers/Cinder blocks
    • Candles                                     
    • Crockpots/Instapots
    • Curtains
    • Extension Cords
    • Explosives
    • Flags/Tapestries
    • Flammable Liquids
    • Firearms & Weapons
    • Firecrackers & Flares
    • Grilling Machines
    • Halogen Lamps
    • Harmful Chemicals
    • Headboards
    • Hot Plate/Pot
    • Hoverboards/E-Scooters/E-Bikes 
    • Incense
    • Internal Combustion Engines
    • Lava Lamps
    • Microwaves
    • Multiple Outlet Adapters 
    • Oil-Burning Lamps
    • Rice Cookers
    • Sandwich Makers
    • Space Heaters
    • Sterno
    • Toaster/Toaster Oven
    • Torchiere/”tree-style” lamps
    • Wall Paper
    • Wax Burners
    • All electrical appliances that are not UL/ETL approved

Possession and/or ignition of combustible materials is prohibited. Examples include, but are not limited to, candles, wax burners, incense, sterno, microwave ovens, rice cookers, air fryers, hoverboards, electric scooters/bikes and certain types of lamps (including oil-burning, halogen, torchiere and tree-style, as well as multi-head or “octopus-style”, lava lamps, and lamps with outlets). 

The illustrations below show examples of some prohibited lamps. The list of prohibited lamps (above) and examples below are for reference only and are not intended to show every possible lamp that is prohibited in the residence halls. 

Electric Scooters, E-Bikes, and Hoverboards

Any motorized vehicle (including but not limited to, electric scooters and e-bikes, motorcycles, mopeds, hoverboards, self-balancing scooter boards, Segway's, drones, etc.) are prohibited in the residence halls (which includes for charging purposes). If you have questions about prohibited items or are considering bringing an item that might be considered a prohibited item, please contact Residence Life and Housing prior to bringing it to the residence hall to determine whether it can be allowed.

Electrical Load 

The following guidelines have been developed to prevent the overloading of electrical circuits which can create a life-threatening hazard.

  1. The use of electrical extension cords is strictly PROHIBITED.
  2. Circuit-breaker-protected multi-outlet power strips that are Underwriter’s Laboratory (UL/ETL-approved) can be used. These must be plugged directly into a wall receptacle and may not be joined together to extend their reach. All cords must be UL/ETL-approved and recommended for intended use, in perfect condition, and either 12 or 14 gauge.
    1. If the appliance using the power strip requires grounding (three-pronged plug), only grounded power strips shall be used. 
    2. Cords may not pass through wall openings, doorways, partitions, or under rugs
    3. Cords may not be spliced, tied in knots, wrapped around metal fixtures, or draped over pipes.
    4. "Daisy chaining" (connecting one or more of these power strips to each other) is not permitted.
  3. Heavy load appliances, such as refrigerators and blow dryers, must be plugged directly into permanent outlets by the cord attached to the appliance.
  4. Multiple outlet adapters (exclusive of power strips permitted in 2. above) are not permitted.

Fire Safety Inspections

Residence Life and Housing staff inspect all residential living units (including bedrooms) at least once each semester. Residents are advised of any fire safety and health problems and the required remedy. 

Fire Safety Information and Education

The University offers a variety of opportunities and resources for students to learn about the various aspects of fire prevention. Students are encouraged to educate themselves about their personal fire safety needs. In addition to the information contained in this Handbook, additional information can be found online and in the Student Handbook.
All residential students are required to complete the residential fire safety module in their Brightspace portal. Failure to complete the module will result in a referral to the Office of Student Conduct. 

Fire safety discussions are a part of meetings conducted by Residence Life and Housing staff. Residence Life and Housing staff can also be considered as resources for such information and any fire concerns should immediately be brought to their attention so proper preventative action can be taken. 

In Case of Fire

Should a fire occur, notify the Fire Department by using the pull boxes. This notifies all residents of the need to evacuate the building.

Fire Extinguisher Use. The following information clarifies extinguisher type and use should it be necessary to put out a fire:

  1. Pressurized water extinguisher: Wood, paper, textiles, and other ordinary combustible materials.
  2. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) extinguisher: Flammable liquids such as oils, solvents, grease, paint, etc. Live or energized electrical or electronic equipment.
  3. ABC (All-Purpose) Dry Chemical extinguishers: Wood, paper, plastic, combustible and flammable liquids, grease, paint and energized electrical. 

Intentionally setting fires, for example, building bonfires or campfires, on campus property without prior approval from the University Fire Marshal is prohibited.

Additional information and university policies regarding fire safety are outlined in the Student Handbook

Setting Fires is Prohibited.


Resident Students may host guests in their residential community according to the policy and procedure outlined below. The policy is in place to aid in protecting personal safety, personal property and the right to privacy.

  • Resident Student – A currently enrolled SUNY Oswego student who is officially assigned to a specific residential community.
  • Host – Resident Student receiving a guest in their residential community.
  • Guest – Any person entering the premises of a residential community to which they are not assigned.
  • SUNY Oswego Student Guest – a currently enrolled SUNY Oswego student visiting a Resident Student in the Resident Student’s assigned residential community.
  • Non-SUNY Oswego Guest – a person who is not affiliated with SUNY Oswego in any way who is visiting a Resident Student in their assigned residential community.
  • Overnight Guest – Any guest who is hosted by a Resident Student after 12 midnight. 

Guest Access

Resident Students may host Guests from 7 am to 12 am, Monday through Sunday. Guests hosted by Resident Students between the hours of 12 am and 7 am are considered Overnight Guests. 

Overnight Guests are:
  1. permitted for up to 72 consecutive hours and a maximum of two such visits per month.
  2. required to sleep in the Host’s assigned bedroom, suite or townhouse; sleeping in common areas of residential communities, such as lounges, is prohibited.
    The maximum number of Overnight Guests allowed at one time is:
    1. 2 Overnight Guests in a double room.
    2. 4 Overnight Guests in a suite.
    3. 6 Overnight Guests in a townhouse.
Hours/Times of Visitation

Guests are not permitted during reading days, early arrival, final exam periods, or break periods. 

Approval and Registration

All Guests must be registered according to the established Guest Registration Process outlined in this Handbook. Resident Student Hosts must obtain the written permission of all room/suite/housemates prior to the arrival of any Guest. Overnight Guests will receive a Guest Pass that must be presented to University officials upon request.

Host Responsibilities
  • The Host is responsible for assuring that all Guests know and adhere to University and residential community rules and regulations.
  • Hosts and Guests are subject to disciplinary action for failure to comply with University policies.
  • The Host may be held responsible for the actions of their Guest which may include receiving disciplinary charges when their Guest violates University policy and/or residential community rules and regulations. Further, the Residence Life staff may ask the Guest to leave the building whenever that Guest’s presence is determined by the staff member to be disruptive to the residential community.
  • It is the University’s position that Resident Students have the right to use their assigned room for the purposes of studying and sleeping. If a conflict arises between room/suite/housemates regarding the use of the residence hall room, this established priority should be recognized by all mates. Resident Students should attempt to resolve room/suite/housemate conflicts stemming from Guests on a personal basis; however, mediation support will be provided by the Residence Life staff as needed. 
Guest Responsibilities
  • Guests are to be with their host at all times.
  • Guests are to use residential community restroom facilities as designated for the gender with which they identify.
  • Guests are to abide by all University policies. Failure to do so may result in the revocation of their guest pass.

Guest(s) will not be permitted if staff determine that their presence prohibits reasonable access to and use of the room/suite/townhouse by roommates/suitemates/town housemates. Also, if the guest’s presence is determined to be disruptive to other members of the community.

Guns, Explosives, Flammables

Firearms, illegal weapons, firecrackers, explosives, harmful chemicals, and flammable liquids (i.e., oil-based paints, turpentine, lighter fluid and gasoline) are not to be stored or used in or around residential facilities. Internal combustion engines are prohibited within the buildings. Refer to the "Weapons and Dangerous Materials" section of the Student Handbook for the complete policy description. 


Each resident is assigned keys, lock combinations and/or access codes when checking into residential facilities and is responsible for the return of assigned keys upon termination of residence. Loss of keys will result in charges for replacement. Unauthorized duplication of keys is prohibited. Residents are prohibited from using, or having unauthorized possession of keys or identification/access codes which have not been assigned to them by the University.
Lost keys are to be reported to the hall director by the residents of the room as soon as possible after the loss is detected. Lost keys are replaced by re-keying the lock and making new keys for all residents affected. A charge for the costs involved is assessed to the individual who lost the key(s).
Lock-out fobs and keys can be signed out for a limited time period, not to exceed 24 hours or until the end of business hours on Monday if the problem occurs during the weekend. A resident who keeps a lock-out fob or key past this time may be referred through the office of student conduct and/or be financially responsible for replacement charges. 

Lock Change Requests

Lock changes will be completed if a key is lost. A new core will be put in all applicable doors and new keys will be made. SUNY Oswego cares about the safety of our students. Cost should never be a reason to not get a lock change. If a student is concerned about their ability to pay for a lock change, they may send an email request to the Associate Director for Residence Life and Housing responsible for hall operations at [email protected] asking to waive the fee. Requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis. 

  • Room Key (requires locksmith) $75
  • Code Change $15
  • Mailbox Key (requires locksmith) $10
  • Room & Suite Key (Onondaga) $85
  • PIN Change (Village) $15

Sunday through Thursday nights, quiet hours begin at 10:00 p.m. and end at 10:00 a.m. the following morning. Friday and Saturday nights, quiet hours begin at 12:00 a.m. (midnight) and continue until 10:00 a.m. the following morning. Courtesy hours are observed 24 hours per day. Individual halls and living units may extend quiet hours or establish specific additional quiet hours at their discretion and/or through the Community Living Agreement. Quiet hours are observed 24 hours per day during the week before and the week of final examinations. Residents are expected to defer to approved activity at all times.


Residence Life and Housing prohibits residents and their guests from bringing pets into
residential communities. Fish in aquariums up to 20 gallons are permitted.


Security is a community issue which depends upon the complete cooperation of all residents and their guest(s). Residents are responsible for the general security of their residential community. Acts which compromise building security are prohibited (i.e., propping open exterior doors or opening the entrance door for others to enter the building). Entering rooms assigned to other students or non-public areas such as mechanical rooms or desk areas without appropriate authorization is prohibited.
Access to residential facilities is limited to residents, residents' registered guests and authorized University staff. When moving from a residential community, students must present their student I.D. card and keys to that community must also be surrendered at sign-out.
All exterior doors are locked 24 hours a day/7 days a week. Persons who leave a locked exterior door open are endangering the security of residents and their property. Anyone observed or proven to have done so is subject to disciplinary action.
It is the obligation of every resident to immediately report to the Residence Life and Housing staff or University Police the presence of any nonresident not hosted by a resident and not complying with these regulations. 


SUNY Oswego is a tobacco-free and smoke-free campus. Residents should refer to the Smoking of any kind and other uses of tobacco products on campus, at extensions campuses, at all indoor and outdoor events, University-sponsored programs and activities off campus, in personally-owned vehicles parked on campus, and all vehicles and equipment owned, leased or operated by the University and its affiliate organizations is strictly prohibited. Use of tobacco products other than smoking products and other smoking apparatus such as pipes, hookahs, and e-cigarettes, etc. is also prohibited. 

Solicitation and Sales in Residential Facilities

Sales and solicitation by students or private commercial enterprises in residential facilities are prohibited without the prior approval of the Assistant Vice President for Residence Life and Housing. Exceptions to this ban are limited to activities conducted by the residential community governments and charitable sales or collections approved by the Assistant Vice President for Residence Life and Housing.
Neither residents nor non-residents are allowed to advertise, solicit, or sell in campus residential facilities except by direct mail to residents. Unauthorized solicitors will be confronted by the Residence Life and Housing staff and asked to leave the premises immediately. 


The removal, loss of, or damage to a window, screen or window stop from student rooms or public areas in a residential facility is prohibited and may result in an installation and/or replacement charge and disciplinary action. The placing of any objects outside the window, including aerials and similar equipment, is prohibited. Residents are prohibited from being on building ledges or roofs. Throwing objects from windows is prohibited. Opening of security screens except in emergency situations is prohibited. 



In accordance with Chapter 416 of the Laws of 1988 and the State University Board of Trustees’ resolution 89-130 adopted June 21, 1989, Oswego State has developed procedures to assure compliance with the standards and guidelines prescribed by the trustees. Listed in order below are the five standards, followed by the implementation guidelines developed by the SUNY Committee on Minimum Living Condition Standards. The Oswego procedures established to meet those standards and guidelines are in bold print.

Standard I

The residential communities shall be constructed and maintained to conform to all applicable safety codes and health standards.

  1. All furnishings and equipment supplied by the University meet applicable fire and safety code standards promulgated by the State of New York.

    SUNY Oswego follows the NYS Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. Questions and concerns are forwarded to the campus Fire Marshal. All buildings are inspected at least once each year by local maintenance personnel and New York State fire inspectors. Minor deficiencies are repaired by maintenance personnel; major problems are prioritized on the capital budget request for life safety. All University-supplied furnishings meet the applicable fire and safety standard extant at time of purchase.

  2. Each resident’s sleeping room will have an operational smoke detector. 

    Each student bedroom is equipped with a smoke detector that is tested annually.

  3. Student residents are required to adhere to all applicable safety codes and health standards in the use of private equipment and appliances (where permitted). 

    SUNY Oswego students assigned on-campus housing are required to sign a Housing and Dining License which includes information about University safety regulations regarding the use of individual appliances and equipment. Residence Life and Housing staff members are instructed to enforce those conditions. (See SUNY Oswego Housing and Dining License.)

  4. Access to residence hall living on each campus that operates residence halls will be provided for the differently- abled in accordance with applicable codes and standards (e.g., section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973).

    Many campus residential communities are accessible to differently-abled individuals. Most
    residential communities have grade-level entrances, are equipped with elevator service
    and feature modified toilet stalls with grab bars. 

  5.  Inspection and assessment of the physical facility and its components (e.g., water, electricity, and heating systems), will be conducted annually by appropriate campus personnel. The report of this inspection should be distributed to appropriate campus personnel. A priority list (as viewed by appropriate campus personnel) of repairs/refurbishment should be part of this report, with recommended timetables for completion. Backlogs from earlier reports should be noted.

    SUNY Oswego completes a thorough inspection of each residential community at least once each year. Facilities needs are prioritized for repair, rehabilitation and/or refurbishing, as appropriate. Rehabilitation and/ or refurbishment lists are reviewed by Residence Life and Housing and prioritized project lists become part of the budget request. Project Lists are available for review by students upon request to Residence Life and Housing. Other inspections are performed annually by the Dormitory Authority and SUNY Systems Administration. 

Standard II

The campus maintenance plan shall provide for a regular schedule of cleaning and repair for all
common areas in residence halls.

  1. A regular schedule for cleaning of common areas including lounges, hallways, bathrooms and areas used by all residents should be established. Copies of the schedule should be posted.
    Under normal circumstances, common area bathrooms, lounges, hallways, stairwells, laundry rooms and other public areas are cleaned on a daily basis between 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. A daily custodial cleaning documentation sheet is posted in each residential and public bathroom. Employees performing this bathroom cleaning are required to sign, date and initial this sheet upon completion of the cleaning. Cleaning routines for all other areas of the residential community are available via request to facilities services.
  2. Every reasonable effort by the campus administration and resident students should be made to keep residential communities sanitary and vermin free, and all appliances provided by the University in working order or removed from service.
    SUNY Oswego maintains a relationship with a licensed pest control company to provide treatment when necessary. University-supplied appliances such as microwaves, stoves, televisions, etc. are serviced as soon as possible and labeled “out of order” or “removed until repairs are accomplished”.
  3. Campuses should have an established procedure, developed in conjunction with the Central Administration Offices of Finance and Business, Capital Facilities, and Student Affairs for declaring student rooms unlivable and for removing them from service until conditions are corrected.
    The Assistant Vice President for Residence Life and Housing or designee, in consultation with the maintenance supervisor, custodial supervisor, Residence Hall Director/Village Community Director and residents of the room determine whether or not a student room is unlivable due to substandard conditions including health and safety concerns that cannot be corrected in a reasonable period of time. If the room is determined to be unlivable, students are reassigned until the conditions are corrected.
Standard III

The campus shall provide each student resident with adequate living space, furniture, and appropriate and sufficient heat, light, and hot water.

  1. The campus will provide each resident student with adequate living and lounge furniture. As a minimum, except in the case of tripling, each student resident will be provided with: a bed, adequate area illumination, chair, dresser/ chest, desk/carrel unit, closet or wardrobe. All such equipment should be clean, sturdy, free from major scarring and of acceptable appearance.
    Resident bedrooms are furnished with closets/armoires, beds, mattresses, desks, desk chairs, dressers, floor lamps, mirrors, and wastebaskets. Each item is inventoried and assigned to the room. On an annual basis all rooms are inspected to determine the condition of each piece of furniture/equipment. Pieces identified as unacceptable are removed from service.
  2. Campuses should provide for a planned replacement or rehabilitation of residence hall furnishings.
    An equipment replacement list is updated yearly, reviewed by Residence Life and Housing and becomes part of the budget request.
Standard IV

The campus shall establish procedures for routine and emergency repairs to residence hall facilities.

  1. Protocols will be established to address promptly inquiries, requests and complaints regarding routine repairs and maintenance for the provision of heat, lights and hot water. The student resident should also be apprised periodically of the status of their request. These protocols, along with appropriate telephone numbers should be provided in writing to each student resident. All repairs, especially those involving he at, light and hot water, should be accomplished within a reasonable amount of time.

    Routine maintenance and custodial concerns should be reported through the Facilities
    Maintenance and Operations electronic work order link Service Requests | Facilities.

    Oswego Service Request Portal will provide:

    • Immediate email confirmation of your request
    • E-mail confirmation once the request is reviewed and converted to a work order
    • An automatic email notification when your work order status changes
      Residents may need to make an appointment, as maintenance staff will be unable to enter the room without the resident present or without prior consent from the resident and any roommate(s). Although we strive to deal with each report effectively, errors do occur. Residents should persist in reporting problems until they are resolved and maintenance emergencies should be reported to the front desk. If the desk is closed, contact the RA on duty or University Police 315-312-5555). 

      Routine work orders generated for student rooms generally will be completed within 72 hours of the request. Loss of heat or electric service is considered an urgent situation and is addressed as soon as staff and materials are available, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If a repair of this type cannot be completed in a reasonable and safe period of time, the resident(s) are temporarily reassigned until the problem is corrected.
      In order to determine the sufficiency of repairs, a Facilities, Maintenance and Operations representative follows up on all resident-initiated repairs, including timeliness and quality by contacting the resident(s). Complaints may be addressed to the Residence Life and Housing Office.

      Note: Residential community temperatures should not drop below 68 degrees. If the room seems cold, residents are to check to be certain that windows are tightly closed and that there is one to two feet clearance between the baseboard heating unit and furniture and bedding. If neither of these two items seem to be causing the problem, the RHD/VCD is contacted so that they can take a temperature reading. If the temperature is below 68 degrees, maintenance personnel are contacted. If the problem cannot be quickly resolved, Residence Life and Housing provides a special heater for the room until 68 degrees can be maintained.

  2. To the extent possible, major rehabilitation or other capital projects should take place at times when students are not in occupancy of the residence halls. Major construction projects which are disruptive to ongoing programming should not continue during scheduled examination periods. If this is impossible, arrangements should be made to house residents elsewhere.
    All major rehabilitation projects, whenever possible, are scheduled and completed during times of recess or in a manner that results in the least disruption to the residents of the building. 
Standard V

The campus shall establish procedures for redress for student residents in the event of the loss of services such as heat, light, and hot water in residence halls for extended periods that are within the control of the campus.

  1. These procedures will include a plan for reassignment on campus if conditions continue for an unreasonable time, which involve the loss of heat, light, or hot water or the creation of any other condition which is detrimental to the life, health or safety of the student residents.
    In the event of the complete loss of heat, light, or electricity, the situation is considered urgent. Facilities personnel are dispatched as soon as possible. If the problem cannot be resolved within a reasonable amount of time, the student(s) are temporarily reassigned until the problem is corrected. Such reassignments may be to another resident bedroom, a lounge, or other space not designated as a resident bedroom depending upon levels of occupancy at the time of the incident.
    In the event of a minor loss of heat, light or electricity or other deteriorated physical condition (i.e. leaks), facilities personnel are dispatched to repair the problem in a reasonable amount of time. If the University cannot complete the repair in a reasonable amount of time, the resident(s) is/are offered reassignment. If the resident(s) choose(s) to remain in the room, they must sign a waiver absolving the University from any liability. 
  2. If reassignment on campus is not possible, the procedures should also include a plan for the provision of alternate housing at no additional charge to student residents and/or refund of a portion of room rental charges where applicable. Every effort is made to reassign students to rooms or other temporary housing accommodations in the event of loss of utilities. If it is impossible to reassign the
    resident(s) due to loss of heat, light, or electricity, the resident(s) may request a refund of room rent in writing to the Assistant Vice President for Residence Life and Housing.
    Refunds are based on the University’s per diem rate for on-campus facilities for each day that the University was unable to reassign the resident(s). The Assistant Vice President for Residence Life and Housing in consultation with the maintenance supervisor, custodial supervisor and the Associate Director of Residence Life and Housing for the area will determine a refund (if any).