Curriculum & Instruction Field Experiences
Childhood Education, Adolescence, and TESOL field experience candidates must register for the field experience through myOswego. After registering, attend the required Sign-up Days to fill out a Tk20 application. This typically takes about 15-20 minutes to complete, and occurs at the end of the semester prior to each placement. The "Sign-Up" is posted on the Clinical Practice and Partnerships Office.
Note: For a one-credit placement, allow for about a 5-hour block of time in your schedule, which includes driving time and placement time. A one-credit placement is usually 3 hours per week, and placements may be located up to an hour away from Oswego. Sign-ups include the Prior Felony questionnaire and information about completing a required SUNY child protection training.
All C&I candidates who are registered for an EDU 303 field experience will be responsible for attending two mandatory meetings during the Block One semester: a Field Experience Orientation and Group Advisement Meeting.
Ready to Student Teach?
Print out the Student Teaching Application Academic Review Form (PDF) and return it to the C&I Advisement Office, 102 Wilber Hall.
Application Deadlines
- Spring: September 12
- Fall: February 14
Note: If you plan to student teach in NYC and/or overseas, please be sure to complete the additional applications.