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Message from the CTO

The CTS team is made up of close to 50 professional staff who are dedicated to providing the College with excellence in the delivery of our services. 

We recognize technology is a vital component to the support of learning, teaching, scholarly activities and administration at SUNY Oswego. A balance of innovative and transformative technology along with effective and efficient implementation, support and use of technology are key enablers to assisting the College use technology to achieve its mission and strategic goals.

The campus’s IT Steering Committee unveiled our latest IT Strategic plan in December 2015. The plan guides and prioritizes the College’s implementation of technology. Titled The Digital Campus - Technology for an Enhanced Tomorrow, the plan is intended to tightly align with the strategic priorities outlined in the College’s Tomorrow - Greater Impact and Success plan.

To achieve our vision, CTS embraces the following values:

Client Centered

CTS strives to offer the services and support that are required to make our students and the College successful.

Collaborate & Cooperate

We work with our clients to ensure technology projects lead to the business outcomes that we have outlined and deliver the impact we are aiming for.

Effective Communicators

CTS works to ensure that our stakeholders have the information and knowledge they require to work efficiently and effectively.

Effective Security and Risk Mitigation

CTS works to ensure the proper security around our systems to protect our data and information.

Results Driven

CTS recognizes the need for shared responsibility for results to ensure that we receive the proper value from our investments. We work to ensure we deliver the outcomes on time and on budget.


To ensure that the campus has a clear roadmap for our initiatives and effective priority setting and decision making, CTS works with our IT Governance committees. These committees coordinate their activities to ensure our IT investments align with the strategic directions and priorities of the College. These investments are intended to benefit the entire campus and are balanced between academic, scholarly and creative activities and administrative computing services.

Sean Moriarty

As with any organization, the people are what make the difference. CTS is blessed to have a large contingent of dedicated and talented staff. Our employees have a record of service excellence and are always working to develop and enhance their skills recognizing that as technology and higher education evolve we need to adapt.

Sean Moriarty
Chief Technology Officer
State University of New York at Oswego

Contact Us

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 315-312-3456
In Person: 26 Lanigan Hall

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Technology Status

Connect With Us

Self-Service Portal: Service Catalog


E-mail: [email protected]
In Person: 102 Culkin Hall