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Ozfest outside of Marano Campus Center

Campus Events

Located in 135 Marano Campus Center we work directly with event sponsors to schedule, plan and coordinate events on campus.

We work collaboratively with campus partners to coordinate services to support and ensure successful events such as:

  • Family & Friends Weekend
  • Alumni Reunion Weekend
  • Admissions Recruitment Events
  • OzFest
  • MLK Annual Celebration
  • I Am Oz Speaker Series
  • Opening Week
  • Quest
  • Laker Launch
  • Student Organization Programming
  • Commencement
  • Honors Convocation

Important before proceeding, please review the Facilities Use Policy and if you are planning a Free Speech or Assembly Activity, these policies as well. 

Important definitions relevant for SUNY Oswego Facilities use and reservations:

Internal User:

  •  Any University school/college, department, office, committee (including task forces, working groups, etc. doing official University work for the University), or Registered Student Organization.
  • Internal Users have campus privileges to reserve and use spaces and to publicize Sponsored Events on behalf of their University entity or Registered Student Organization. They may also have access to the Event Management System to facilitate the scheduling of Official University and Annual Events.

University User 

  • SUNY Oswego students (see definition of student in the SUNY Oswego Student Code of Conduct) and employees of the University, Auxiliary Services, the Oswego University Foundation, the Alumni Association, or the Student Association of SUNY Oswego.
  • University Users may not reserve or utilize University Facilities for activities other than Free Speech and Assembly Activities which are governed by the SUNY Oswego Free Speech, Civil Discourse and Peaceful Assembly Policy and may require submission of advance notification and requests for services with the appropriate University office, as specified in that policy.

External User 

  • Any person, entity, group or organization that is not an Internal or University User and is not otherwise legally affiliated with the University including, but not limited to the general public, contractors, vendors, guests and visitors to the University, those using University Facilities or property under a University revocable permit, and volunteers not enrolled as such in University systems.
  • Revocable Permits are required for External Users representing Non-Commercial Organizations requesting to use any University Facilities.
  • External Users wishing to use University Facilities for an External Event should contact Campus Events and Conference Services at 315-312-2301 or by emailing [email protected] to register an event.

University Users and External Users should contact Campus Events and Conference Services at 315-312-2301 or by emailing [email protected], as you are not permitted to reserve University Facilities via the SUNY Oswego Event Management System (EMS)

Planning a conference or an event such as a camp involving participants under the age of 17 ? please contact:
Melissa Paestella,
Interim Director, Campus Events and Conference Services
[email protected]

For assistance with event planning and reservations please contact:
Campus Events and Conference Services (CECS)
135 Marano Campus Center
[email protected]
Office Hours Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
Resources and Links
Box Office
Campus Catering
Event and Program Accessibility
Facility Use Policy
Posting Promotional Materials on Campus - SUNY Oswego
Presidential Appearance Request
Room Technology Descriptions

Reserve Space