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Posting Policy

Informing the University community about events, programs, and services is a necessary and important part of ensuring the success of those activities. In recognition of this need, and in support of SUNY’s print-free initiative, our commitment to sustainability, compliance with fire code, and desire to maintain our facilities, the University has designated suitable areas throughout the campus for this purpose. These locations are reserved for communication related to University events, services, and programs only, referred to as “Promotional Materials” throughout this policy. 

The intent of this policy is to set forth procedures for the orderly posting and distribution of Promotional Materials by any Internal, University, and External Users. The policy defines requirements in terms of the time, place, and manner for posting and distributing Promotional Materials on campus which the University reserves the right to determine.


  1. Promotional Materials are communications related to University events, services, and programs only.
  2. Internal User refers to any University school/college, department, office, committee (including task forces, working groups, etc. doing official University work for the University), or Registered Student Organization. Internal Users have campus privileges to reserve and use spaces and to publicize events and programs that are not available to other Users.
  3. University User refers to individual SUNY Oswego students, (see definition of student in the SUNY Oswego Student Code of Conduct) and employees; and employees of Auxiliary Services, the Oswego University Foundation, the Alumni Association, or the Student Association of SUNY Oswego, including those desiring to exercise their free speech rights. Please see Free Speech, Civil Discourse, and Peaceful Assembly Policy.
  4. External User refers to any group or organization that is not an Internal or University User. A revocable permit is required for use of all campus facilities by External Users regardless if remuneration is required.
  5. University Bulletin Boards are found in all University buildings and are spaces designated for posting by Internal Users only.
  6. General-Purpose Bulletin Boards are in the Marano Campus Center, are marked for “general use,” and are spaces designated for posting by all Users.
  7. Department Bulletin Boards are those associated with a University department or unit and for use by that department and their constituents only. Use of these Bulletin Boards and surrounding area shall be in accordance with the policies, procedures, and established practices within each department and are not designated for use by any other Users.
  8. Organization/Union Bulletin Boards are those associated with a University recognized bargaining unit or other affiliated organization and for use by that union/organization only. Use of these bulletin boards and surrounding area shall be in accordance with the policies, procedures, and and established practices of the organization/union and are not designated for use by any other Users.
  9. Classroom Bulletin Boards are those found within classrooms and are only designated for use by units within Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Enrollment Management, Administration and Finance, or the President’s Office.
  10. Classroom Chalk/White/Smart Boards are found within classrooms and are only designated for use to convey academic related messages.
  11. Residence Hall Bulletin Boards are located within residence halls. The posting of Promotional Materials within campus residences shall be in accordance with Residence Life and Housing policies and shall be approved in advance by the Assistant Vice President of Residence Life and Housing, or designee, 303 Culkin Hall.
  1. General Policy Requirements

    1. Posting Promotional Materials, stickers, or any other postings on any surface or location other than those designated above, is prohibited. The only exceptions to this section of the policy are:
      • An Internal User may reasonably distribute, hand-to-hand, Promotional Material on campus, in accordance with the other limitations and restrictions set forth in this policy, without prior approval, providing such distribution does not disrupt or interfere with the educational, administrative, or operational activities of the University, the maintenance of University property, the terms of this Code, or the free flow of traffic and persons. All such written material shall clearly identify the User. The Internal User, shall be required, however, to prevent litter as a result of distribution of such materials, including picking up all discarded materials not left in trash receptacles, and ensuring no copies are left on campus following the distribution
      • Sidewalk Chalking, see section 6.
      • Banners, see section 7.
    2. The use of tape, paint, or other substances, or techniques used to convey a message, including symbols and images, on sidewalks, roadways, buildings, grounds (including within snow and ice), or any other campus property is prohibited.
    3. Access to posting space on University Bulletin Boards, and General-Purpose Bulletin Boards is available on a first come first served basis.
    4. Promotional Materials shall not include references to the sale or consumption of alcohol or other drugs.
    5. Promotional Materials shall not promote or condone behavior that violates University policies or local, state, or federal law.
    6. Promotional Materials that infringe on the copyrighted or trademarked works of others are prohibited. Copyrighted and trademarked works may include, but are not limited to logos, digital images, photographs, paintings, movies, videos, and written works.
    7. Promotional Materials (other than banners) shall be made of paper or a similar medium as appropriate for posting on a bulletin board. The preferred size is 8.5" by 11" or smaller. Promotional Materials shall not exceed 17" by 22".
    8. Each piece of promotional material is limited to one per bulletin board.
    9. The advertisement or processing of applications for credit cards is prohibited.
    10. All Promotional Materials must clearly indicate the name of the User sponsoring the program, event, or service and contact information of a designated representative.
    11. The posting of Promotional Materials shall be performed by the User. Likewise, the User shall also be responsible for the prompt removal (within 24 hours) and proper disposal of all Promotional Materials upon the conclusion of an event, program, or service.
    12. Users are responsible for the cleanliness of the University facilities because of posting or hand-to-hand distribution.
    13. The door-to-door distribution of Promotional Materials in residence halls is not permitted.
    14. The use of table tents in campus Dining Centers shall be approved by the Executive Director of Auxiliary Services, or designee, 507 Culkin Hall.
    15. Promotional Materials for events, programs, or services open to the general public shall include the following ADA Accommodations Statement: “Persons with disabilities seeking accommodations to attend this event should contact [Name of event designated representative] at [Telephone Number of representative] in advance.” Assistance in arranging reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities is available from the University’s ADA Coordinator. The cost of providing reasonable accommodations will be paid by the University in accordance with policies and procedures for such arrangements.
  2. Internal Users

    Internal Users are encouraged to primarily utilize social media and digital signage but may place Promotional Materials (e.g., posters, notices, flyers, announcements) on University Bulletin Boards, Laker Life, and on General-Purpose Bulletin Boards.

  3. External and University Users

    External and University Users are encouraged to primarily utilize social media and are permitted to place Promotional Materials (e.g., posters, notices, flyers, announcements) on General-Purpose Bulletin Boards only.

  4. Digital Signage

    Digital Signage is a visual communications medium that informs students, faculty, staff and visitors about the happenings at SUNY Oswego. Several large LCD screens are placed in strategic locations in campus buildings that display digital slides and digital video. The Digital Signage system also provides up-to-date weather information, television feeds, and serves as a means of emergency communication.

    1. Only Internal Users are permitted to display content (digital slides and digital video) on the Digital Signage system.
    2. The creation of content for display on the Digital Signage system is the responsibility of the User presenting the information to the campus community.
    3. Content must be submitted electronically to [email protected] a minimum of five (5) business days prior to the first date the content is to be displayed on the Digital Signage system. Content submissions must include the first name, last name, and phone number of the submitter, the date the content should start running on the Digital Signage system, and the digital slide or digital video file as an attachment to the e-mail.
    4. The University reserves the right to address concerns or make suggestions related to Digital Signage in an effort to reinforce best practices in communication and the educational mission of the University.
    5. Digital Signage content that promotes or advertises the occurrence of a series of regularly scheduled meetings, activities or events will not be approved for display.
    6. Digital Signage content that promotes or condones behavior that violates University policies, or local, state or federal law will not be approved for display.
    7. Advertisement of commercial products or services on the Digital Signage system is prohibited.
    8. The use of solid red backgrounds in digital slides and digital video is reserved for Emergency Communications only. Digital Signage content submitted with a solid red background will not be scheduled for display.
    9. To optimize the management of Digital Signage content, the University reserves the right to determine what content is displayed at which Digital Signage location(s) and determine the duration, dates, and times content is displayed.
    10. Content that violates this policy or does not meet the minimum digital signage content requirements will not be approved for display.
    11. The most current version of this policy and the content and format requirements can be found on the University’s website at Digital Signage | SUNY Oswego.
  5. Laker Life

    Laker Life is the University’s online system for centralizing, organizing, and increasing student involvement opportunities and communication among and between registered student organizations, campus governance units, academic units, campus departments/offices, and University committees.

    1. Only Internal Users are permitted to post content (news, photos, events, flyers, etc.) on Laker Life.
    2. The creation of content for display on Laker Life is the responsibility of the Users presenting the information to the campus community.
    3. The University reserves the right to address concerns or make suggestions related to Laker Life content in an effort to reinforce best communication practices and the educational mission of the University.
    4. Laker Life Bulletin Board content that promotes or advertises the occurrence of a series of regularly scheduled meetings, activities or events will be removed.
    5. Laker Life content that promotes or condones behavior that violates University policies, or local, state, or federal law will be removed.
    6. Solicitation for monetary donations and the advertisement of commercial products or services on Laker Life are prohibited.
    7. Content that violates the University’s Posting Policy will be removed.
  6. Sidewalk Chalking

    Informing the University community about events and programs is a necessary and important part of ensuring the success of those activities. In recognition of this need, the University has designated suitable areas specified below for the purpose of displaying chalked messages. Chalked messages may be created by Internal Users for creating short-lived promotional messages on approved exterior horizontal surfaces of the campus in compliance with the following requirements:

    1. All chalked messages created by Internal Users shall only be for events or programs which occur on the campus.
    2. Chalked messages shall be written using commercially manufactured water soluble “sidewalk chalk” in stick form only.
    3. Chalked messages shall only be written on flat horizontal surfaces of sidewalks.
    4. Chalked messages are not permitted on any other surfaces (interior or exterior) including, but not limited to, trash receptacles, light poles, telephone poles, posts, pillars, trees, building signs, buildings, doors, retaining walls, fountains, or any object on the campus.
    5. Chalked messages shall not deface decorative symbols or sculptures located on walkways.
    6. Chalked messages shall not include references to the sale or consumption of alcohol or other drugs and shall not constitute solicitation for products or services by external or University Users or their agents.
    7. Chalked messages shall not promote or condone behavior that violates policies of the University or local, state, or federal law.
  7. Banners

    Banners are long strips of material bearing a slogan or design, with the intent of representing a company, organization, government, or other entity and sometimes displaying a slogan or catchphrase associated with that entity or its mission or activities. They are not rigid, unlike traditional signs. A banner can consist of several different materials including fabric, mesh, or vinyl, all with varying degrees of thickness, pliability, and durability. Banners are differentiated from flags by how they are displayed, rather than by color, shape, or designs. A banner will be attached at both ends, whereas a flag tends to be attached on a single side to a post or pole. Styles include pull-up and retractable banners, backwall displays and pop displays, step and repeat banners, pole banners, framed banners, feather banners (aka, Feather Flags), suspended banners and hanging banners.

    1. Banners may only be utilized by Internal Users after approval as described below.
    2. Banners must prominently indicate the Internal User.
    3. Student Organization banners must be approved by the Director of Student Engagement and Leadership for compliance with this and other applicable University policies.
    4. Placement of banners in a University Facility must be approved by the Facility’s responsible unit (see Facilities Use Policy) for compliance with this policy, the Facility Use Policy and other applicable University policies.
    5. The design of banners used to promote official University events, programs, departments, or services must be approved by SUNY Oswego Communications and Marketing prior to printing, to ensure brand compliance.
    6. Any banner for outdoor use must be approved by SUNY Oswego Communications and Marketing for compliance with this and other applicable University policies.
    7. Banners may not obstruct ingress/egress or evacuation pathways.
    8. Banners requiring hanging may only be hung by SUNY Oswego Facilities staff utilizing the Oswego Service Request Portal.
    9. All Banners must be made of flame-retardant material or treated to be flame retardant prior to use. Verification of this must be provided to the SUNY Oswego Office of Environmental Health and Safety upon request.
    10. Hand-held banners carried by a University User during an event do not require pre-approval but must be compliant with other applicable University policies.
  8. Content

    The University reserves the right to address concerns or make suggestions related to the content of Promotional Materials in an effort to reinforce the educational mission of the University.

  9. Violations

    Any individual or group acting in violation of this policy, may be subject to disciplinary or legal action.

Revised July 2024