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Housing Accommodations

Accessibility Resources refers to the ADA and the Fair Housing Act to comply with federal mandates to provide reasonable housing accommodations. The following interactive process has been developed to insure equitable and individualized review of a student’s needs and requested accommodations. The Director of Accessibility Resources reviews the information that students provide and once approved communicates the need to Residence Life and Housing.

Below are the action steps required to initiate this process:

Application Process

Students may begin submitting completed requests based on the following schedule. This schedule is a guide and submissions after these dates documentation will still be reviewed:

Returning Students

  • April 1: Academic Year (fall/spring)
  • November 1: Returning and New Student spring semester

New Students

  • May 1: New Student Academic Year (fall/spring)
  • November 1: Returning and New Student spring semester


Step 1. Apply for Campus Housing and Complete a Student Information Form

All students who wish to receive on-campus housing must submit a Housing application with Residence Life and Housing. Incoming students who will be starting at SUNY Oswego (as first-years and transfers) must complete the New Student Housing Application. New students will receive information about their housing process with their enrollment information. To apply for housing see

All students wanting housing accommodations need to download and complete a Accessibility Resources Student Information Form, which needs to be submitted along with supporting documentation.  Download the Accessibility Resources Registration form using the button above.

Step 2. Contact Provider(s)

Students lead this process. Students need to reach out to one or multiple of the licensed physicians/clinicians or healthcare providers that they are working with to request documentation of the disability and the specific accommodation need. Documentation is both a requirement to begin the process and objective justification for the Director in considering the nature of your request.

Review for accuracy

It is up to the student to ensure that the documentation contains all of their information in its entirety. Documentation that is incomplete or difficult to read may require that it be submitted again, which may delay the process. Documentation needs to be on the provider’s letterhead and be signed by the licensed provider.

Note to student(s): Students should work with their medical providers at least six weeks before the deadlines. In our experience, medical providers are busy and for students who are working to secure documentation from multiple medical providers, they will have to be diligent to ensure that they have all of their documentation submitted to our office for the Director to review. 

Step 3. Complete and Submit the Student Information Form and Documentation

Completed documentation and Student Information Forms should be submitted as an attachment to [email protected] to ensure your confidential information is not compromised. Download the Student Information form using the button above. Complete and submit all required forms and requested documentation at least 30 days prior to need (unless sudden emergency or injury). All documentation must be submitted electronically through the [email protected].

Submitting a request

Upon receipt of the request, you will be notified about the next steps with Residence Life and Housing, if any, or any decisions made, as soon as administratively possible.

Incomplete forms/request

If your request is incomplete or the required documentation is missing, it will likely result in a delay for your accommodation approval.

Disclaimer: Your request must be submitted annually. For example, if you received medical housing accommodations for 2021-2022, you must reapply and may need to submit updated documentation for 2022-2023. Once you submit a new Student Information Form, you will be notified if you need updated documentation. Download the Student Information form using the button above.

Returning Students for 2025-2026 Year

All housing accommodations need to be renewed annually with The Office of Accessibility Resources. These registration forms for the 2025-2026 academic year are due by February 24, 2025 to the OAR office. You can submit it in person at 155 MCC or via email [email protected]. Any student with intent to reapply for a housing accommodation will then receive a communication from the OAR office regarding next steps in requesting a housing accommodation.

Additionally, as part of this process, you must complete a Residence Hall Housing application (clickable link), which is available through your MyHousing Portal (clickable link). The application period is open now and runs until February 21, 2025. To access the application, simply open your portal (clickable link) and select the application section on the left side of your dashboard.

Await Notification

Applicants will receive a written determination of their request from the Director of Accessibility Resources. If approved the Director will contact the student with next steps. The Director will consider each request on a case-by-case basis, but it is possible that a request will not be considered reasonable. Please note, in some instances, a consideration request will be approved but a student may need to be on the waitlist for the Coordinator to be able to place them in a reasonably determined space or for Facilities to process a request.

Appeal Process

When a request has been denied, a student may appeal the decision made within thirty (30) business days. Appeals must be submitted to Christy Huynh, Dean of Students, at [email protected] and Accessibility Resources at [email protected]