The Greek community is a self-governing community providing a multitude of opportunities for both personal and professional development. Greek chapters at SUNY Oswego require membership in one of four governing councils, which operate much like a city council. The governing councils are responsible for the community budget, activity calendar, programming, and policies. All members are represented in our larger community council, Greek Council, which provides education, guidance, and programming for all chapters in the Greek community. Each council has elected Executive Board members and representatives from each chapter that are either elected or slated into positions by their chapters.

Representing a governing body for all registered fraternities and sororities on campus. It is representative of local, multicultural, national chapters along with the service & music honorary chapters with new member programs. Greek Council chapters participate in the Fraternity and Sorority Standards of Excellence which promote Pride, Academics, Leadership, Civic Engagement and Positive Relationships. The council is made up of presidents from each chapter.

The Inter-fraternity Council is the governing body of the all recognized fraternities. Every fraternity has a representative or chapter delegate that attends the IFC meetings. These individuals are the communication link between IFC and their chapters. IFC interacts with the whole greek community by planning fundraising events, various social programs, educational speakers, workshops, and much more.

Greek Local Women's Association represents our four local sororities: Alpha Delta Eta, Alpha Sigma Chi, Phi Lambda Phi and Omicron Xi. GLWA promotes the growth and togetherness of local sororities as well as other greek organizations and the community we live in. Each meeting has active members of each chapter who act as the liaison between the council and the chapters. GLWA is active in the community whether it is fundraising, doing community service or attending workshops to better themselves and the community around them.

The Panhellenic Council represents our National Panhellenic Council (NPC) organizations: Alpha Epsilon Phi, Delta Phi Epsilon, Kappa Delta Phi N.A.S., Phi Sigma Sigma, and Sigma Delta Tau. National Panhellenic Conference will be the premier advocacy and support organization for its members, member groups, college and alumnae panhellenics and a proponent of women’s fraternity membership. NPC women can learn to network and collectively work together to fulfill a greater purpose than themselves. NPC strives to create educational, philanthropic, and service oriented events with all NPC organizations, as well as encouraging collaborations with other organizations at SUNY Oswego. Panhellenic Council values empowerment, positive attitude, academic success, generosity, and the growth of our local, national, and international community.

The Cultural Greek Council represents our NALFO (National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations) Sororities and Fraternities. This council works to meet the standards and guidlines of the NMGC (National Multicultural Greek Council). The purpose of this Cultural Greek Council shall be to establish unity amongst all the members of the nationally recognized multicultural fraternities and sororities on the campus of SUNY Oswego. The general body shall consist of members from all regonized multicultural fraternities and sororities.