General Questions
Why did the campus migrate to Brightspace?
The SUNY Blackboard contract is expiring Dec. 2022. The selection of Brightspace was finalized by SUNY in the fall of 2021 with a system-wide implementation mandate. The campus has successfully migrated fall 2022 courses to Brightspace and is currently planning for winter and spring migrations.
Who is managing our campus migration?
Staff from Extended Learning and CTS are working on the migration. Collectively, they are the Digital Learning Environment (DLE) transition team.
What is a digital learning environment (DLE)?
A DLE includes the learning management system (Brightspace) along with third party integrations such as Zoom, Panopto, e-text/inclusive access (RedShelf), i-Clicker, and more.
How can I login to Brightspace?
Employees and students can login to Brightspace at Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is required to login. If you do not have MFA configured for your account, please refer to the MFA website.
Faculty Questions
What kind of training is available?
Currently, SUNY Oswego is holding open with office hours. Details are available on the Brightspace Trainings page.
How can I get help with using Brightspace in my course?
To get help using Brightspace in your course, attend Office Hours. If you are unable to attend Office Hours, send an email to [email protected] - include your course information and availability dates and times.
How do I grant access to another instructor to my course?
To allow another instructor access to your course or copy your course materials to their course send an email request to [email protected]. Note: only the course owner can grant access to their intellectual property.
How do I enroll TAs in my course?
To enroll teaching assistants in a course, complete the TA request form.
How do I allow access to my course for a student with an incomplete?
To allow access to your course for a student with an incomplete grade, send an email to [email protected] - include the student’s name, email address, and your course information.
Why are my past semester courses no longer available to students?
Past semester courses are no longer available to students to prevent uncompleted work notifications from interfering with the delivery of current semester notifications.
Will all Blackboard content be preserved?
SUNY Oswego archived Blackboard courses to accommodate academic retention policy. This includes student content. Additionally, all Blackboard courses were exported to an external hard drive, which is stored with Campus Technology Services (CTS).
Student Questions
How do I log into Brightspace?
In a web browser, go to the SUNY Oswego website then click on the Quick Link menu to select Brightspace. Login using your SUNY Oswego email address and password.

How can students learn about using Brightspace?
Students can become more familiar with Brightspace with the following materials:
Why aren’t my classes showing up in Brightspace?
If you are taking a class that is using Brightspace, it should show up under “My Courses.” If you do not see your class listed there it could be that the professor is not using Brightspace or they haven’t made the course available to students yet. If you recently just registered for a course, please check Brightspace again in a few hours to allow for the system to be updated.
What do I do if I do not see my course?
First speak with your instructor as not all courses use Brightspace. If Brightspace is being used, contact the CTS Help Desk.
How do I get access to a previous course(s)?
To get access to previous course(s), you need to contact the course instructor directly.
What do I do if I do not see my discussion, test, or quiz?
First speak with your instructor as there may be a settings issue. If the instructor states that other students are not experiencing the issue, contact the CTS Help Desk.
I'm not able to find my RedShelf textbook.
There should be a RedShelf module on the Content tab. Click on the RedShelf link inside the module. If the module or link is missing from the course, contact the CTS Help Desk.
How do I Opt-Out of RedShelf Inclusive Access?
The Inclusive Access Students page contains the detailed RedShelf Opt-Out information.
Why can I not access my textbook on a Mac device?
The Chrome web browser works best for both Brightspace and RedShelf textbooks. Further information is available on the Inclusive Access Support page.
Where do I complete course evaluations?
Most course evaluations are completed in HelioCampus Assessment and Credentialing. A link to the list of all of your course evaluations occurring in HelioCampus Assessment and Credentialing is provided on the Campus Home page in Brightspace.
How do I complete a course evaluation if it is listed as completed in HelioCampus Assessment and Credentialing?
You can only complete a course evaluation once for each course. If you accidentally completed an evaluation for the incorrect course, please contact the CTS Help Desk.
Help and Support
How do I get more help using Brightspace?
Please visit the Brightspace Trainings page and the Help and Support page. If you have further questions, you can contact the SUNY Oswego Help Desk and a ticket will be directed to the DLE team.