You have questions and we have answers! Here are some of the frequently asked questions we hear in the office and at the Welcome Desk. Take a look and feel free to contact us if you have a question about anything that you don't see on this list.
When is the Marano Campus Center open?
During the academic year, the Marano Campus Center is open from 7 am to 10 pm on Sundays and Mondays. During Tuesdays through Saturdays the building is open 7 am to 11 pm. During breaks, the building has limited hours for weekdays and is closed on the weekends except for special events.
Where is the Marano Campus Center auditorium (MCC 132)?
The auditorium is located in the Campus Center's outer concourse, or main hallway. It is down the hall from the Point and the Welcome Center heading towards the Poucher end of the building, in between the WTOP and the WNYO offices. If you are having trouble, stop at the Welcome Center where the Event Managers would be happy to walk you down.
Which rooms in the Marano Campus Center are air conditioned?
The "arena" and "Swetman" sections of the Marano Campus Center are air conditioned. The "Poucher" wing of the building and anything beyond the Atrium is not. On the first floor, this means that any room between the Compass and the Arena are air conditioned. On the second floor, rooms 201 through 211 are air conditioned.
I think I lost something in the Marano Campus Center, what do I do?
Visit the Welcome Center - across from the Box Office, next to the Crossroads Café - where our student staff would be happy to assist you. The Welcome Center houses the Lost and Found for the Marano Campus Center - if someone has found your lost item, it would be located in our secure location behind the desk, or it would have been turned over to University Police. The student staff will let you know if it is in our records that your item has been found and whether or not it has been turned over to University Police. If your item has not been found, you will have the option to leave your contact information so we can let you know if we do find it after you leave.
Where can I get the equipment for the pool table near the Crossroads?
The equipment for pool table is located at the Welcome Center. You must have a valid SUNY Oswego Student or Faculty/Staff ID in order to request the equipment. Simply ask the Event Manager for the equipment, the staff would be happy to get it for you in return for your ID. When you are finished playing, return the equipment to the desk and to retrieve your ID.
How can I have the blinds adjusted in the Food Court and Hearth?
Please see the Welcome Center staff. The Welcome Center is located on the main floor of MCC, across from the Marano Campus Center Store.
What if I need a special furniture set-up in the meeting room I reserved for my event?
If you need a different set-up than the standard set-up for the meeting room you have been assigned, let the staff in Campus Events and Conference Services know as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made to have it changed prior to your event. Should you require additional tables or chairs or if the set-up is not what you requested, let the student staff at the Welcome Center know so they can make the necessary changes, if possible. Set-ups can only be modified in meeting room spaces, not classrooms.
Sheldon Hall is a nationally registered historic building? What does that mean for my event?
Yes, the cornerstone for Sheldon Hall was laid in 1911, making it over 100 years old. Being nationally registered as a historic building means that the entire building must preserved in its original state. What this means for your event is that you must be respectful of the ballroom and its historic nature. This means hanging, taping or tacking anything to the walls, windows or doors is strictly prohibited. All decorations or projects of any sort must be free standing. The Event Staff would be happy to provide you with additional tables to use to display your decorations or projects. If you have any questions about what is and is not allowed in Sheldon Hall, please don't hesitate to ask your Campus Events and Conference Services staff.
How do I reserve space to have a bonfire at the lake?
You may reserve space to have a bonfire at the lake (near Mary Walker Health Center by Lot 1) the same way you would reserve space for any other student organization event. Use the following form for bonfires: Event Space Request Form. Make sure to indicate the Event Type as "bonfire" and the Requested Building as "lakeside." Take a moment to also review campus policies on bonfires to ensure your event is safe and successful: Bonfire Policy.
I'm not a student, where do I park?
Check out the Parking Office website for parking maps and instructions for parking on campus if you are not a student. Generally, you would need a Visitor Parking Permit for a minimum cost. However, oftentimes there are different guidelines for major events such as hockey games or concerts. The following website will have all the information you need: Parking Information