Associate Professor
Contact Information
205 Mahar Hall
[email protected]
Rebecca Warne Peters website
Political Anthropology; Medical Anthropology; Southern and Lusophone Africa; International Development and Humanitarianism; Global Public Health; Anthropology of Policy, Bureaucracy, Work and the Workplace; Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs); Transportation Infrastructure
Implementing Inequality: The Invisible Labor of International Development. Rutgers University Press, 2020
Edited Collections:
A Symposium on Development Implementation: Discipline, Deception, and the Relational Work of Development. (2019). Critical Policy Studies 13(4). Co-edited with Jessica Mulligan, contributions by Summer Wood and Rachael Goodman.
Studying Up in Africa. (2016). Critical African Studies 8(3). Co-edited with Claire Wendland, contributions by Derick Fay, Adia Benton, Ramah McKay, Crystal Biruk, Denielle Elliott, Sharon Abramowitz, and Kenneth Maes.
Peters, Rebecca Warne. 2019. Front-line Work and Interpretive Labor in an Angolan Development Program. Critical Policy Studies 13(4): 414-431.
Peters, Rebecca Warne. 2019. Refusing the Development NGO? Departure, Dismissal, and Misrecognition in Angolan Development Interventions. Anthropological Quarterly 92(1): 203-229.
Peters, Rebecca Warne. 2016. Local in Practice: Professional Distinctions in Angolan Development Work. American Anthropologist 118(3):495-507.
Peters, Rebecca Warne. 2016. Participation Denied: The Professional Boundaries of Monitoring and Evaluation in International Development. Human Organization 75(4):315-325.
Peters, Rebecca Warne and Claire Wendland. 2016. Up the Africanist: The Possibilities and Problems of “Studying Up” in Africa. Critical African Studies 8(3): 239-254.
Peters, Rebecca Warne. 2014. Parteiras and the State in Post-War Angola. In Kathryn Rhine, John Janzen, Glenn Adams and Heather Aldersey, eds. Medical Anthropology in Global Africa. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas/Sage Press, Pages 55-61.
Peters, Rebecca Warne. 2013. Development Mobilities: Identity and Authority in an Angolan Development Programme. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 39(2):277-293.
Reprinted in Nina Glick Schiller and Noel Salazar, eds. 2014. Regimes of Mobility: Imaginaries and Relationalities of Power. New York, New York: Routledge
Ph.D. Anthropology, Brown University (2011)
MPH International Health, Emory University (2004)
BA Anthropology and Biology, Grinnell College (2000)
Classes taught
- ANT 112: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
- ANT 210: Anthropological Theory I
- ANT 301: Peoples and Cultures of Africa
- ANT 355: Medical Anthropology