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Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities

SUNY Oswego is committed to accommodating the needs of individuals with disabilities for the purpose of providing access to its programs and services as required by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the New York State Human Rights Law (NYSHRL), and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008. This document establishes the policy and procedures for determining reasonable accommodations for students (matriculated and non-matriculated), employees, and visitors to campus events, activities, and programs.

Our Policy

SUNY Oswego provides reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities on a case-by-case basis. Accommodations are determined through an interactive process.

SUNY Oswego and its employees shall comply with all applicable federal laws and regulations regarding reasonable accommodations necessary to ensure equal opportunity to qualified individuals with disabilities. SUNY Oswego has:

  • Established procedures to respond to requests for accommodations
  • Established procedures to provide notice to interested parties of the existence of services, including the office location and information for the contact person to obtain information and services
  • Developed a process for the provision of services for students with disabilities
Accessing Accommodations
  1. Determination of accommodations are handled through the designated campus contact. Students with disabilities should contact Accessibility Resources, employees with disabilities should contact Human Resources, and all other requests should be directed to the office sponsoring the specific program or activity. (See Designated Campus Contacts section above.)
  2. Individuals with disabilities may choose to self-disclose, to the appropriate campus office, information about their disability at any time. However, in order to ensure sufficient time to coordinate auxiliary aids and services, it is the responsibility of the individual to make the request in a timely manner.
    Requests for accommodations should be made in advance, if possible, to allow for early planning and coordination. Untimely requests may result in delay of an accommodation.
  3. The responsibility for requesting or initiating a request for accommodation lies with the individual with a disability. Students must register with Accessibility Resources every semester they wish to receive accommodations. Students with off-campus program requirements such as an internship or student teaching placement are encouraged to request accommodations at least one semester prior to the semester they will be participating in the off-campus program.
  4. Verification of a disability is required. It is the responsibility of the individual with a disability to provide documentation to the designated campus office that supports the request for reasonable accommodation. Disability documentation must clearly indicate:
    • the existence of a disability (as defined by state and federal regulations);
    • that the disability substantially limits a major life activity, including a statement of the nature and extent of the limitations; and, 
    • a statement of what accommodation(s) is recommended
    Additional information regarding documentation requirements may be obtained from the designated campus office.
  5. Once a qualified individual with a disability has requested an accommodation, the designated campus office will take steps to determine an appropriate accommodation. The appropriateness of an accommodation is determined through a flexible, interactive process that involves the individual with a disability and the designated campus office. Early consultation is essential to allow adequate time to process the request.
    Final responsibility for selection of the most appropriate accommodation rests with SUNY Oswego.
Accessibility and Equal Opportunity

It is the policy of SUNY Oswego to provide reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities on an individualized and flexible basis. Although programs are not required to have all the resources individuals with disabilities may need, they are expected to have the flexibility and capacity to provide reasonable accommodations as needs arise. Final determination as to the appropriateness of an accommodation is evaluated on a case by case basis and rests with SUNY Oswego.

Individuals with documented disabilities (as defined by state and federal regulations), may be eligible for reasonable accommodations. The responsibility for initiating a request for accommodations lies with the individual with a disability. It is the responsibility of every individual making a request for accommodations to provide adequate documentation that supports their request. Submitted documentation must be from an appropriate, qualified professional. In accordance with federal and state regulations disability-related information will be treated in a confidential manner by SUNY Oswego.

Appeal and Grievance Procedures
  1. Appeal of Accommodation Determination
    Employees, students and visitors have an opportunity to appeal a decision regarding an accommodation. Appeals may be handled informally in a case review involving the person seeking accommodation(s), the designated campus office, and the appropriate faculty, administrator, or supervisor. If a mutually acceptable accommodation cannot be determined with the designated campus office and relevant SUNY Oswego personnel, an internal complaint may be filed with the Affirmative Action Officer, 707 Culkin Hall, 315-312-2213.
  2. Grievance Procedure
    SUNY Oswego has adopted an internal grievance procedure for the provision of prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging discrimination. Individuals with a disability at SUNY Oswego, who consider themselves victims of discrimination based on a disability, may file a grievance with the Affirmative Action Officer. The full procedures for students wishing to file a discrimination grievance are identified in the SUNY Oswego Non-Discrimination Policy.

    Additionally, procedures for employees and/or students wishing to file a complaint may also be obtained from the Affirmative Action Officer. The Affirmative Action Officer receives alleged discrimination complaints, assists the complainant in defining the charge, and provides the complainant with information regarding the options for filing internal complaints or external complaints through the federal Office of Civil Rights and/or the New York State Division of Human Rights.
Designated Campus Contacts


Accessibility Resources coordinates services for students with disabilities. Accessibility Resources collects student disability related documentation, evaluates requests from students for reasonable accommodations, and coordinates appropriate services. Accessibility Resources also assists faculty, staff, and students with information and resources relating to disabilities and serves as a consultant for persons needing information or referrals to outside agencies or professionals.

Accessibility Resources
155 Marano Campus Center
[email protected]


Human Resources coordinates services for employees with disabilities requesting reasonable accommodations. Human Resources collects employee disability-related documentation, evaluates requests from employees for reasonable accommodations and coordinates appropriate services. Human Resources is available to assist faculty and staff in gaining a greater understanding of the law and to clarify institutional obligations under the law to provide reasonable accommodations.

Human Resources
201 Culkin Hall
[email protected]

SUNY Oswego Designee for Reasonable Accommodation (DRA)
Holly DeMar, Director of Human Resource Operations
7060 State Route 104, Culkin Hall 201
Oswego. NY 13126
[email protected]

SUNY Oswego Alternate Designee for Reasonable Accommodations (DRA)
Amy Plotner, Assistant Vice President of Human Resources
7060 State Route 104, Culkin Hall 201
Oswego. NY 13126
[email protected]

Visitors to the Campus

Persons with disabilities who are visiting the campus and in need of accommodations should contact the specific department coordinating the specific activities, programs or events they will be attending. Visitors in need of accommodations should provide a reasonable advance notice of their request of at least three (3) weeks, to allow time to make logistical arrangements. With the goal of providing access to and participation in all SUNY Oswego programs, services, and activities, however, every effort will be made to respond to requests for reasonable accommodations within any reasonable time frame.

Determination as to how to best meet the needs of those individuals with disabilities attending on-campus programs, services and activities shall be made on a case by case basis.

Disability Accommodations Resources

Questions or concerns regarding policy, services, or allegations of noncompliance should be directed to the appropriate campus contact:

Dr. Starr Wheeler, Coordinator of Accessibility Resources and ADA/504 Coordinator
155 Marano Campus Center, 315-312-3358, [email protected]

Amy Plotner, Assistant Vice President of Human Resources
201 Culkin Hall, 315-312-2230, [email protected]

Individuals who believe they have experienced discrimination on the basis of disability and have been unable to arrive at a mutually acceptable resolution with the designated campus contact and appropriate personnel may file a grievance with the Affirmative Action Officer. Individuals should contact:

Kendra Cadogan,  Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer
710 Culkin Hall, 315-312-4478, [email protected]

Final Examinations

In the case of final exam conflicts caused by extended time accommodations, Accessibility Resources will adjust a student's exam schedule as needed to provide required accommodations, following consultation with the faculty member(s) involved.

The adjusted exam schedule will adhere to the following principles:

  • A student who receives double time will have four hours for each final exam. A student who receives time and one-half will have three hours for each final exam.
  • During final exams, the student has the option of a one-hour break between exams, if they choose to take it.
  • The student will not have more than two final exams in one day.
  • Final exams will not begin before 8am.
  • Common finals take precedence.
Personal Care Aide Policy

The University recognizes that students with disabilities may require the use of a Personal Care Aide (PCA) in order to participate in the university experience. This policy addresses the use of PCAs by qualified students with disabilities. Students who require PCA services must comply with the policies and procedures listed. Hiring a PCA is a reasonable accommodation which must be approved by the Accessibility Resources Office, as outlined in the policy below.

Accessibility Resources will work with the student, the PCA, and any employing agency to ensure understanding of the aide's role and responsibility while on campus, and of the parameters of assistance with regard to the student's academic work. The University does not assume coordination of, financial responsibility for, or legal liability for Personal Care Aides.

Read the full Personal Care Aide policy

Reasonable Accommodations
  1. Factors to determine whether a requested accommodation is considered reasonable include:
    a. the individual is "otherwise qualified"
    b. the request does not fundamentally alter the essential elements of a program
    c. the request does not create an undue financial or administrative burden
    d. the request does not create a danger to others
    e. the request is not of a "personal" nature
  2. Students with disabilities will be expected to meet the academic and technical standards of a course or program with or without reasonable accommodations. The types of accommodations provided to students with disabilities may vary according to the nature of the disability and the physical environment or course content.
  3. An employee with a disability must be able to perform the essential functions of the job with or without reasonable accommodations.
Service and Support Animals

SUNY Oswego recognizes the importance of "Service Animals" as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the broader category of "Support Animals" under the Fair Housing Act that provides physical and/or emotional support to individuals with disabilities.

SUNY Oswego is committed to allowing individuals with disabilities the use of a Service Animal on campus to facilitate their full-participation and equal access to SUNY Oswego's programs and activities. SUNY Oswego is also committed to allowing Support Animals necessary to provide individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to use and enjoy campus housing.

Read the full Service and Support Animals policies.