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Registered Fraternities & Sororities

Registered Fraternities

Alpha Phi Omega, ΑΦΩ

Alpha Phi Omega on Laker Life

Motto: "Be a leader, be a friend, be of service"

Philanthropy: Service to the campus, community, country/nation, and world

Colors: Royal Blue & Old Glory Gold

National Founding Date: December 16th, 1925

Organization GPA: 3.64

Organization Status: Good Standing

Delta Kappa Kappa, ΔΚΚ

Delta Kappa Kappa on Laker Life

Motto: "True leadership is possible only through honorable and upright living"

Philanthropy: For The Kids

Colors: Maroon and White

Founding Date: March 1st, 1926

Organization GPA: 2.74

Organization Status: Good Standing

Delta Sigma Phi, ΔΣΦ

Delta Sigma Phi On Laker Life

Motto: "Better Men, Better Lives"

Philanthropy: American Red Cross

Colors: Nile Green and Carnation White

National Founding Date: December 10, 1899

Organization GPA: 2.99

Organization Status: Good Standing

Kappa Sigma, KΣ-Interim Suspension

Kappa Sigma on Laker Life

Motto: "Bononia Docet"

Philanthropy: Military Heroes Campaign

Colors: Scarlet, White and Emerald Green

National Founding Date: December 10, 1869

Organization GPA: 2.77

Organization Status: Interim Suspension - all activities must cease.

Mu Beta Psi, ΜBΨ

Mu Beta Psi on Laker Life

Motto: "Music, Service, and Brotherhood"

Philanthropy: Music Organizations

Colors: Red and White

National Founding Date: November 5th, 1925

Organization GPA: 3.17

Organization Status: Good Standing

Psi Phi Gamma, ΨΦΓ-Chapter of Excellence

Psi Phi Gamma on Laker Life

Motto: "Seqvere Optima"

Colors: Red, Black and Gold

Founding Date: September, 1925

Organization GPA: 2.97

Organization Status: Good Standing

Sigma Gamma, ΣΓ-Chapter of Excellence, Fraternity of the Year

Sigma Gamma on Laker Life

Colors: Green and Gold

Founding Date: 1947

Organization GPA: 2.83

Organization Status: Good Standing

Theta Chi, ΘX-Deferred Suspension

Theta Chi on Laker Life

Motto: "An assisting hand"

Philanthropy: USO (United Service Organizations)

Colors: Military Red and White

National Founding Date: April 10th, 1856

Organization GPA: 2.85

Organization Status: Deferred suspension until July 11, 2025, then probation from July 12, 2025, to July 12, 2026. No recruitment is allowed at this time.

Registered Sororities

Alpha Delta Eta, ΑΔΗ

Alpha Delta Eta on Laker Life

Motto: “Time Shall Make Our Laurels More Green”

Philanthropy: Julia's Amazing Race & Alex's Lemonade Stand

Colors: Purple and White

Secondary Colors: Lavender and Silver

Founding Date: January 1st, 1925

-Originally affiliated with Alpha Delta Sorority

Organization GPA: 3.00

Organization Status: Good Standing

Alpha Epsilon Phi, ΑΕΦ-Chapter of Excellence

Alpha Epsilon Phi on Laker Life

Motto: "Multa Corda, Una Causa"- "Many Hearts One Purpose"

Philanthropy: Sharsheret and Elizabeth Glacier Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Colors: Kelly Green and White

National Founding Date: October 24th, 1909

Local Founding Year: 1986

Organization GPA: 3.09

Organization Status: Good Standing

Alpha Sigma Chi, ΑΣΧ

Alpha Sigma Chi on Laker Life

Motto: "Ambition, Strength, and Character"

Philanthropy: The Polar Plunge for the Special Olympics

Colors: Crimson and White

Founding Date: January 6th, 1923

-Originally affiliated with Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority

Organization GPA: 3.04

Organization Status: Good Standing

Delta Phi Epsilon, ΔΦΕ-Chapter of Excellence

Delta Phi Epsilon On Laker Life

Motto: "Esse Quam Videri" - "To be rather than to seem to be"

Philanthropy: The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, ANAD, The Delta Phi Epsilon Educational Foundation

Colors: Royal Purple and Pure Gold

National Founding Date: March 17th, 1917

Local Founding Year: 1988

Organization GPA: 2.99

Organization Status: Good Standing

Kappa Delta Phi, N.A.S, KΔΦ-Chapter of Excellence

Kappa Delta Phi N.A.S on Laker Life

Motto: "May The Spirit Never Die"

Philanthropy: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Colors: Black and Gold

National Founding Date: December 6th, 1971

Local Founding Year: 2018

Organization GPA: 3.19

Organization Status: Good Standing

Mu Sigma Upsilon, MΣΥ

Mu Sigma Upsilon on Laker Life

Motto: "Mujeres Siempre Unidas"

Colors: Baby Blue and White

National Founding Date: November 21st, 1981

Organization Status: Good Standing

Omega Phi Beta, ΩΦΒ

Omega Phi Beta on Laker Life

Motto: "Serving and Educating Through Our Diversity"

Colors: Black, Forest Green, Radiant Gold

National Founding Date: March 15, 1989

Organization GPA: 3.01

Organization Status: Good Standing

Omicron Xi, ΟΞ - Deferred Suspension

Omicron Xi on Laker Life

Motto: "Love in Eternal Sisterhood"

Philanthropy: Oswego Humane Society

Colors: Seagreen, White and Medium Blue

Founding Date: December 7th, 1982

Organization GPA: 2.98

Organization Status: Deferred suspension until April 12, 2025, no social events or recruitment allowed at this time.

Phi Lambda Phi, ΦΛΦ-Chapter of Excellence

Phi Lambda Phi on Laker Life

Philanthropy: Oswego Public Library

Colors: Canary Yellow and Black

Founding Date: April 5th, 1959

Organization GPA: 2.84

Organization Status: Good Standing

Phi Sigma Sigma, ΦΣΣ-Chapter of Excellence, Sorority of the Year

Phi Sigma Sigma on Laker Life

Motto: "Aim High"

Philanthropy: The Kids in Need Foundation and The Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation

Colors: King Blue and Gold

National Founding Date: November 26, 1913

Local Founding Year: 1989

Organization GPA: 3.01

Organization Status: Good Standing

Sigma Delta Tau, ΣΔΤ

Sigma Delta Tau on Laker Life

Motto: "Patriae Multae Spes Una" - "One Hope of Many People"

Philanthropy: Prevent Child Abuse America, Jewish Women International, The SDT Foundation

Colors: Old blue, Lemon yellow and Café au lait

National Founding Date: March 25th, 1917

Local Founding Year: 1989

Organization GPA: 2.89

Organization Status: Good Standing

Expansion Organizations

Expansion organizations are chapters that have been approved through a formal process to establish or re-establish themselves on campus.

Lambda Alpha Upsilon Fraternity, ΛΑΥ

Lambda Alpha Upsilon is a Latino-oriented fraternity founded in 1985 at the University at Buffalo. To learn more about the chapter please visit this website:

To connect with this chapter please email: [email protected]

Phi Kappa Tau, ΦKΤ

Phi Kappa Tau is focused on creating men of distinction, the chapter was founded in 1906 at Miami University (Ohio). To learn more about the chapter please visit this website:

To connect with this chapter please email: [email protected] 

Comparative Statistics

Interested in joining a Fraternity or Sorority?

Please fill out this interest form: 

Don't see the chapter you're interested in?

Please email [email protected] to ask how to bring a new fraternity or sorority to SUNY Oswego through our expansion process.