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Civic Engagement and Community Services


civic engagement

SUNY Oswego is committed to serving our community and engaging students in meaningful civic experiences in the Oswego community and at home. 

Civic Engagement and Community Services works to provide experiences and opportunities of growth for SUNY Oswego students through an asset-based approach.

Volunteering with us is a great way to learn about yourself and make a difference in your community.

What is an asset-based model?

An asset-based approach focuses on strengths. It views difference in thought, culture, and traits as positive assets. Teachers and students alike are valued for what they bring to the table and experience rather than being characterized by what they may need to work on or lack.

What does being a Civic Laker look like?

A Civic Laker can look like: 

  • casting your vote in a political election
  • staying informed on current issues in your community
  • advocating for social issues you are passionate about on campus
  • serving your community through volunteerism or activism

With Desen's House, we completed a wide range of tasks. In order to get everything ready for the ladies Desen's House works with to stay, we helped with cleaning, painting the walls, and painting the doors.

I can't wait to work with them again!

psi phi

Psi Phi Gamma had a great time giving back to the community with its fraternity brothers in partnership with the other student organizations. The hard work that Psi Phi Gamma and the rest of the SUNY Oswego community put into helping others gives me great satisfaction and hope for the future of Oswego’s student body and the overall community.


It was an eye-opener for us just because we were once in the shoes of all the students who came for that program. All of us being Latino students, it must have felt good, listening to someone who is just like us.



Two female students smiling, sitting on a bale of hay at Pumpkinfest

"Community service is an important aspect of our sorority! We had the opportunity of volunteering at the Pumpkin Festival hosted by the YMCA. Seeing how much the community enjoyed the event was such a fulfilling experience."

A group of students holding power drills

"Students from the Hall Newman Center have been fortunate enough to work with ARISE in Oswego, helping to build and install ramps for people in the community. Students get to use power tools, learn more about their community, and put their skills to use!"

Members of Kappa Delta Phi posing next to a car decorated for Trunk or Treat

"The sisters of Kappa Delta Phi National Affiliated Sorority had the pleasure of participating in Trunk or Treat. This was an excellent opportunity for the sisters to get to go out and get involved in the local community." 

vote oswego

It is because of the hands-on experience from Vote Oswego that has led to me becoming a more intellectually engaged member of society, thus leading me to become a more responsible citizen as a result -Austin Davis

Sisters of Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority

"We volunteered at Christ the Good Shepherd Church to decorate for an upcoming Christmas party. This event was for Oswego community members with disabilities. We had a wonderful time working with community members and helping them prepare."

apo blood drive

Alpha Phi Omega thought that assisting the Red Cross in their goal to save human lives was a great way to kick off the New Year for service projects in the community and nation as a whole. All of our members had a great time working together with the Red Cross throughout the day and are excited to work with them again in the future!