Instructor Bootcamp Cohort Five Schedule1
Instructor Bootcamp Kick-Off
In-person @ SUNY Oswego's Syracuse Campus
Tues. 3/25/25 | 5 – 7 p.m.
Module 1: Curriculum and Lab Management
Taught via Zoom, Mon. 3/31/25 and Tues. 4/1/25 | 5 – 7 p.m.
+ Weekly online coursework (at own pace)
Module 4: Integration of Technology in Curriculum Design and Implementation
Taught via Zoom, Mon. 4/7/25 and Tues. 4/8/25 | 5 – 7 p.m.
+ Weekly online coursework (at own pace)
Module 3: Serving Diverse Learners in CTE
Taught via Zoom, Mon. 4/14/25 and Tues. 4/15/25 | 5 – 7 p.m.
+ Weekly online coursework (at own pace)
Module 2: Instructional Delivery and Assessment in Skills Training
Taught via Zoom, Mon. 4/21/25 and Tues. 4/22/25 | 5 – 7 p.m.
+ Weekly online coursework (at own pace)
Module 5: Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Career Counseling
Part 1: Taught via Zoom, Mon. 4/28/25 and Tues. 4/29/25 | 5 – 7 p.m.
+ Weekly online coursework (at own pace)
Part 2: Taught via Zoom, Mon. 5/5/25 and Tues. 5/6/25 | 5 – 7 p.m.
+ Weekly online coursework (at own pace)
Micro Teaching
Taught via Zoom, scheduled between faculty and participants during the week of 5/12/2025
Building Trades MC3 Train-the-Trainer (optional)2
Held in-person, Mon. 5/19/25 and Tues. 5/20/25 @ SUNY Oswego SYR Campus | 5 – 8 p.m. each night
Bootcamp Closing Ceremony
In-person @ SUNY Oswego's Syracuse Campus, Wed. 5/28/25 | 5 – 6 p.m.
1All 5 modules will be taught via Zoom.
2MC3 Training is only applicable to participants who require this training.