Associate Professor
Contact Information
10 Lanigan Hall
[email protected]
Office hours
MWF 10:00-11:00 am (in person) or available by appointment
Spring 2025 Schedule:
- BRC 319 810 Mass Media & The Law MWF 11:30 - 12:25pm Lanigan 107
- HON 301 800 In Search of Meaning MWF 1:50-2:45p Lanigan 102A
- BRC 319 ON1 Mass Media & the Law ONLINE
- NAS 360 ON1 Indigenous Rights & Sovereignty ONLINE
Area(s) of Specialty:
Communication Law and Policy, Media & Politics, Native American Sovereignty
Communication, Technology, and the Law; Public v. Private Speech Protections; Native Americans and Civil Liberties;
- Emerging Media: Legal Principles, Virtual Issues. San Francisco: Cognella Publishing (2020).
- "See Something, Say Something! Can A.I. have a Duty to Report Dangerous Behavior in the Home? 98 Denver Law Review 839 (2021)
- "Private Practice? Commercial Speech, Public Accommodation, and Individual Dignity." 14 Elon Law Review 89 (2022)
- "Speech, Copyrights, and Trademarks: From Blurred Lines to the Slants." In Free Speech Theory: Understanding the Controversies (2020).
- “Tribal (De)Termination? Commercial Speech, Native American Imagery and Cultural Sovereignty” 47 Southwestern Law Review 81 (2019).
- "Prejudice, Privilege and Politics: The Evolution of Religious Freedom in the United States and its Disparate Impact on Native Americans." In Religious Freedom v. Equal Protection: Clashing of American Rights. (2022).
- "Damaged Goods? Perspectives on the Dehumanization of NFL Players by Fan Typology." Journal of Sports Media, 17(1), 25-40 (Spring 2022).
- "Trigger Warning? Audience Reception of 'Pumped-up Kicks.'" Northwest Journal of Communication, 49(1), 127-156 (2021).
“Compelled Speech and Equal Protection at a Crossroads: Is there a Legal Solution to the Conflict?” Accepted to Freedom of Expression Division 2020 National Communication Conference, November 2020, Virtual Conference [Top Paper Panel]
“"Trigger Warning? Audience Reception of 'Pumped-up Kicks'" Accepted to Media Communication Division at the 2020 Conference of the Eastern Communication Association, April 2020.
“ I Won't Stand for This! The Fans’ Perspectives on NFL Player Activism.” Presented to Communication & Sport Division at the 2019 National Communication Association Conference, November, 2019, Baltimore, MD
“ From Blurred Lines to Slants: Applying Free Speech Theory to IP Law.” Presented to Freedom of Expression Division at the 2019 National Communication Association Conference, November, 2019, Baltimore, MD. [Robert O’Neill Top Paper Award]
Performances and exhibitions
Research Presentations:
- “From Blurred Lines to Slants: Applying Free Speech Theory to IP Law.” Presented to Freedom of Expression Division at the 2019 National Communication Association Conference, November, 2019, Baltimore, MD. [Robert O’Neill Top Paper Award]
- “I Won't Stand for This! The Fans’ Perspectives on the Player Activism.” Presented to Communication & Sport Division at the 2019 National Communication Association Conference, November, 2019, Baltimore, MD (Co-authored with Prof. Brian Moritz)
- "Decoding the 'Code': Reception Theory and Moral Judgment of Dexter." Presented to the Communication Theory and Methodology Division at the 201e Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, August 9th 2014, Montreal, QB.
- Jason Zenor and David Moody, "Return of the King' Audience Reception of The Boondocks in the Post-Racial World." Presented to Minorities and Communication Division at the 2014 Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, August 8th 2014, Montreal, QB
. - "(Virtual) Crime & (Real) Punishment: the PROTECT Act's Punishment of Erotic Cartoons as Child Pornography." Presented to the Law and Policy Division at the 2013 Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, August 9th 2013, Washington, DC.
- "Crime of Impossibility? A Critical Examination of Western Obscenity Laws and the Criminalizing of Fantasy." Presented to the Critical & Cultural Studies Division at the 2013 Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, August 8th 2011, Washington, DC.
- Juris Doctorate, University of South Dakota School of Law
- M.P.A (Public Administration) University of South Dakota
- M.A. Syracuse University, S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communication