Senior Check forms are generated when the student applies to graduate. The forms are then available online via each students’ Degree Works audit, and are required for all major(s) and minor(s). It is the student’s responsibility to make an appointment to review academic records with their advisor(s) to be sure graduation requirements have been met. Completed forms are required and must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office before seniors will be eligible to graduate. The deadlines for the return of the Senior Check forms are or were as follows:
- May graduation: December 1, 2024
- August graduation: April 1, 2025
It is the final responsibility of the graduate student to file an application for the advanced degree and/or certificate. Master's graduates must be sure they have applied for candidacy if your program requires it — you can check your Degree Works to see if it is required. To graduate, a student must have applied online. Students who are eligible to graduate and missed the online application should contact the Registrar’s Office in 301 Culkin Hall, or call 315-312-2235. Deadlines for your name to be printed in the commencement program are or were as follows:
- May graduation: February 15, 2025
- August graduation: February 15, 2025
Final confirmation is initiated by the filing of the degree and/or certificate application.
The 2025 Graduation Fair will be Tuesday, April 8, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the Marano Campus Center/Deborah F. Stanley Arena and Convocation Hall concourse. The College Store sponsors the Graduation Fair for all bachelor and master degree candidates to attend this one-stop graduation event to purchase or pick up preordered regalia, order announcements and class rings, meet representatives from Alumni FANs, Career Services, and the Registrar's Office, sign the Class of 2025 banner, purchase diploma frames (the only time all year a discount is offered), and win prizes. Preordering for pick up at the Graduation Fair begins March 17 through April 4, 2025. Orders placed after April 4 will be available for pickup at the College Store beginning April 21, 2025.
Academic regalia, including caps and gowns will be available for all students who have applied to and been confirmed by the Registrar's Office as eligible for graduation in May and August 2025. Six tickets for family and friends are included with the purchase of a cap and gown. Pick up and walk in purchases will be at the College Store in the Marano Campus Center from April 21 through Commencement.
Academic regalia is an integral part of the graduation ceremony. The different colors and styles denote the achievements of the wearers. Since graduation is the most important of SUNY Oswego's academic ceremonies, it is vital that all candidates for graduation are appropriately attired. Bachelor units are $95.99 for students in Liberal Arts and Sciences, School of Business and School of Education. Bachelor units are $110.00 for students in School of Communication, Media and the Arts. Master units are $116.99. Please call 315-312-5900 for additional prices. Post-Baccalaureate (graduate) certificate candidates should purchase a Bachelor's gown (only exceptions are if you are also receiving a Master's Degree) at the price listed, and will not wear a hood.
The College Store offers custom graduation announcements that can be ordered online here. Generic announcements are available at the Camps Center College Store with a full line of diploma frames.
On Commencement day, fresh flowers will be available before and after the ceremony in the Marano Campus Center. The Marano Campus Center College Store will be open on Commencement Day, offering a full line of clothing and emblematic items.