Cap and Gown Price
Academic regalia is an integral part of the graduation ceremony. The different colors and styles denote the achievements of the wearers. Since graduation is the most important of SUNY Oswego’s academic ceremonies, it is vital that all candidates for graduation are appropriately attired.
The cost of regalia is as follows:
- Bachelor units are $95.99 for students in Liberal Arts and Sciences, School of Business and School of Education.
- Bachelor units are $110.99 for School of Communication, Media and the Arts students.
- Master units are $116.99.
Please call 315-312-5900 for additional prices. Post-Baccalaurate (graduate) certificate candidates should purchase a Bachelor’s gown (only exceptions are if you are ALSO receiving a Master’s Degree) at the price listed, and will not wear a hood.
SUNY Oswego does not charge a mandatory graduation fee. In many schools, this would be added to each student’s last tuition bill regardless of whether the student attended the ceremony. Instead, the cost of certain items that are critical to staging the ceremonies is included in the price of your cap and gown. Some examples of these expenses include the reception after the ceremony, programs, diploma covers, and flowers. SUNY Oswego takes pride in providing a pleasant opportunity for graduates and their families to celebrate graduates’ achievements with faculty members and university staff.