On-campus housing accommodations for your conference are available June 1 – August 1. Each residence hall room is typically designed for two guests, however single rooms are also available. Grouped in three areas—west campus, central campus and lakeside—all thirteen of our residence halls are within a short walking distance to dining facilities, meeting spaces and recreational facilities. A member of Residence Life and Housing will work with your conference coordinator to find a facility that best meets your needs.
External Guest Rates
Rates apply to groups not affiliated with SUNY Oswego.
Room Type
Single Room (2 twin beds) – NO A/C
Single Room (2 twin beds) – A/C
Linen Package (one-time fee/package) - Guests are responsible for making their own beds.
Daily Rate
$90/person per night
$95/person per night
Internal Guest Rates
Groups affiliated with the University - matriculated SUNY Oswego students participating in these programs receive the student rate.
Room Type
Single Room (2 twin beds) - NO A/C
Single Room (2 twin beds) - A/C
Linen Package (one-time fee/package) - Guests are responsible for making their own beds.
Daily Rate
Summer School Student Rate
Rates apply to matriculated students attending class or conducting research for their academic progress. Students living on campus will be required to purchase a meal plan. Visit our Break Housing page for more information.
Daily Rate
Students living on campus are required to purchase a meal plan.
Weekly Rate
Students living on campus are required to purchase a meal plan.
Monthly Rate
Rates for Additional Services
- Linen Package (Guests are responsible for making their own beds): $25/person
- Lock Change and Key Replacement (Missing keys will have a grace period of 2 days before fees are charged): $85/lock & key
- Fob Replacement (Missing fob’s will have a grace period of 2 days before fees are charged): $60/fob
- Refrigerator Rental: $30 one-time fee/room or person
- Additional Front Desk Coverage/Service: Charged per hour/staff. Rate TBD (based on minimum wage)
Other Considerations
Housing Reservations Conditions
- Each conference group must provide Campus Events and Conference Services a guaranteed minimum number of guests at least 15 business days prior to arrival.
- Each conference group must provide a final guest count to Campus Events and Conference Services at least 5 business days prior to arrival.
- Should the guest number increase after the final guest count due date (5 days prior to arrival), the university will make every effort to accommodate the request, however, we cannot guarantee the additional guests will be housed in the same building as those guests submitted on the final guest count.
- Should the guest number decrease below the number guaranteed for the conference, the group will be invoiced for the guaranteed minimum number of guests.
- A summer conference coordinator will be on-call each night of a group's stay. Designated emergency contact information will be disseminated at the orientation meeting and will be available at the main desk.
- Key and fob distribution will be scheduled in advance. All guests must complete the check-in process and are required to return keys/fobs issued prior to departure. Conference groups will be charged for all lost keys/fobs. A grace period of two days after departure will be given for missing keys and/or fob. Keys and/or fobs not returned at that time will be billed to the conference group of guest.
- Conference groups are expected to coordinate arrival and departure plans with Campus Events and Conference Services 5 business days in advance.
- SUNY Oswego is an inclusive community where acts of harassment, bias, sexual harassment and intimidation are not acceptable. Violations of university policy, local, state or federal laws could result in guests being asked to leave campus. Furthermore, violations could result in guests visiting privileges being revoked indefinitely.
- There may be up to 2 guests per room. Housing will not be able to accommodate more than 2 guests staying in a room.
Conference Groups with Guests Who are Minors (under the age of 17)
A minor is anyone under the age of 17.
- Any children under the age of 12 staying overnight on campus must be preapproved by Residence Life and Housing and the Child Protection Compliance Administrator prior to arrival.
- All conferences with guests who are minors are required to have adult group leaders responsible for minor guests.
- The university will provide an overnight building staff member who will be available to assist with group needs or emergencies.
- High School programs will be assigned to a different building from our university programs.
Residence Life and Housing Summer Conference Guidelines
- Each summer conference group must provide an electronic alpha roster of guests at least 15 business days prior to the conference arrival date with or without room assignments. The roster must include the following information: last name, first name, gender, DOB, age, emergency contact information (phone number and address), and the SUNY Oswego ID number (if issued).
- The group will provide a list of group leaders and their contact information to Campus Events and Conference Services 15 business days prior to the conference.
- The conference will identify a group leader to be available during the evening and night hours.
- Laundry rooms are available for use at no charge.
- For conference groups of 50 guests or more, the standard room rate will include 3 hours of desk coverage per day. Desk coverage must be requested 15 business days in advance, and the group may request additional coverage hours which will be invoiced to the group at SUNY minimum wage per hour.
- Basic game equipment (pool cues and balls, table tennis paddles and balls, air hockey paddles and puck, etc.) can be made available upon request, but availability varies based on building.
- Use of common areas and lounges must be requested at least 15 business days in advance of the event. This request must be made to Campus Events and Conference Services.
- Any damage or theft to rooms or facilities will be billed to the conference group.
Linen Package and Exchange
- Linen package includes a fitted bed sheet, a flat sheet, a pillow with case, bath towel, and a hand towel.
- A linen exchange is required once a week for long-term guests (stay more than 7 nights). Additional linen fees will apply.
- Damage or theft of provided linens amounting to 1% or more of the total bill will be charged back to the conference