What courses do I need for Initial CTE Certification?
The NYS Education Department (NYSED) requires 3 courses for Initial Certification, called the Pedagogical Core. Search Certification Requirements from NYSED Office of Teaching Initiatives.
Pedagogical Core - 9 S.H.
- College Coursework - Human Development and Learning
- College Coursework - Teaching Students with Disabilities & Special Health-Care Needs
- College Coursework - Curriculum and Instruction (From TEACH website)
SUNY Oswego is a registered program with NYS for CTE education. We offer these courses as part of our registered program, and students have been taking them as part of their Individual Pathway:
- HDV 323 – Human Development and Learning; Adolescent Development
- CTE 444 – Serving Special Needs Learners in CTE
- CTE 309 – CTE Curriculum Development
We cannot guarantee that NYSED will accept our courses on an Individual Pathway basis; only SED can do that. Please note that we have not had any issues to date with NYSED accepting them.
Notes on these courses:
- HDV 323 is typically offered online ONLY in the summer or winter sessions.
- When you register for HDV, the system may indicate that you do not have the required prerequisite. Contact the course professor, Mr. Gilkey, at [email protected] and he can assist you:
- Send your ID number
- Send a couple of sentences about why you need the course
- Understand that taking the course without the prerequisite can be risky.
- After you send the email, check your MyOswego account to see if you have been added to the course. Do not continue to email the professor. The HDV department has been very accommodating about registering our students.
- CTE 309 is a prerequisite for CTE 444, so it MUST be taken first.
- CTE 309 is offered in all semesters (Spring, Summer, and Fall).
- CTE 444 is offered each Fall and Spring Semester.
- Registration is done well in advance for each semester, so courses may fill up if you wait!
- Spring semester - registration begins in late October, and classes start in late January.
- Summer semester - registration begins in late March, and classes start in mid-May.
- Fall semester - registration begins in April, and classes start in late August.
See Student Accounts for current costs. Contact Financial Aid for more information at 315-312-2248.
Note: These are the COURSES you need for Individual Pathway certification – see TEACH for additional SED requirements (tests, etc).
What courses do I need for Professional CTE Certification?
The NYS Education Department (NYSED) requires 3 additional courses for Professional Certification, referred to as Additional Pedagogy. Search Certification Requirements from NYSED Office of Teaching Initiatives.
Additional Pedagogy - 9 S.H.
- College Coursework - Instruction and/or Assessment
- College Coursework - Teaching Literacy Skills Methods - 3 S.H.
- College Coursework - Classroom Management (From TEACH website)
SUNY Oswego is a registered program with NYS for CTE education. We offer these courses as part of our registered program, and students have been taking them as part of their Individual Pathway:
- CTE 313 – Instructional Assessment in CTE
- CTE 445 – Language Arts in the CTE Classroom
- CTE 314 – Classroom and Laboratory Organization and Management
We cannot guarantee that NYSED will accept our courses on an Individual Pathway basis; only SED can do that. Please note that we have not had any issues to date with them accepting them.
Notes on these courses:
- CTE 309 is a prerequisite for ALL other CTE courses. If you have taken a curriculum course elsewhere, you will need permission to take CTE courses with us. Contact Dr. Matteson at [email protected].
- CTE 313 is offered each Spring and Fall Semesters.
- CTE 445 is offered each Spring and Fall Semesters.
- CTE 314 is offered each Spring and Fall Semesters.
- Please be aware that each semester's registration is done well in advance, so courses may fill up if you wait!
- Spring semester - registration begins in late October, and classes start in late January.
- Summer semester – registration begins in late March, and classes start in mid-May.
- Fall semester - registration begins in April, and classes start in late August.
See Student Accounts for current costs. Contact Financial Aid for more information at 315-312-2248.
Note: These are the COURSES you need for Individual Pathway certification – see TEACH for additional SED requirements (tests, etc).
How do I verify my certification courses in TEACH?
To verify your courses through the TEACH system you will need to:
- Contact the Registrar's Office to request your transcripts.
- Submit your transcripts to The Office of Teaching Initiatives.
See Submitting Documents from the Office of Teaching Initiatives for additional information.
How many years of occupational experience do I need to be eligible for certification in my area of specialization?
Requirements for New York State teacher certification
To teach an occupational subject in New York State secondary schools, you must obtain New York State teacher certification in the specific subject area. NYS requires recent, relevant occupational experience in your area of specialization for certification. The minimum required years of experience depends on your level of educational preparation, as outlined below.
- High school diploma or its equivalent: 4 years
- Appropriate associate degree: 2 years
- Appropriate baccalaureate degree: 1 year
What are some examples of acceptable coursework for certification in Business and Marketing?
Business Courses
- ACC 201 – Principles of Accounting I
- ACC 202 – Principles of Accounting II
- BLW 355 – Legal & Regulatory Environment of Business
- ECO 101 – Principles of Microeconomics
- ECO 200 – Principles of Macroeconomics
- FIN 325 – Corporate Finance
- MGT 261 – Business Organization
- MGT 395 – International Business
- MKT 250 – Marketing Principles
Nine hours of Upper Division Business courses
- MGT 310 – Operations Management
- Still Needed: 6 Credits in ACC, BLW, BUS, FIN, HRM, MGT, MKT at the 300 or 400 level
What are some examples of acceptable coursework for certification in Family and Consumer Science?
Oswego Courses for FACS Requirements (30 Hours)
(No more than 9 hours in any one Discipline – there are 4 Disciplines)
Human Service and Family Studies
- CPS 391: Introduction to Family Systems
- HDV 120: Fundamentals of Gerontology
- HDV 322: Child Development
- HDV 323: Adolescent Development
- HDV 324- Adult Development
- HDV 370- Evolution and Human Behavior
- HSC 353: Wellness and Aging
- PSY 200: Lifespan Development Psychology
- PSY 426: Development and Interpersonal Relationships
- SOC 351: The Changing Modern Family
Food and Nutrition Studies
- CHE 209- Chemistry and Public Concern
- HSC 315: Nutrition Concepts
- HSC 425: Sports Nutrition
- HSC 395: Wellness Coaching
- Foods Courses (not available at Oswego)
Textiles and Design
- ART 387- Modern Art and Mass Culture
- CMA 201- Graphic Design Essentials
- THT 150: Basic Costuming (sewing skills – patterns, etc)
- THT 251: Costume History (development of clothing)
- THT 370: Independent Study- Theater Dept.
Consumer Skills, Resource Management and Career Studies
- CPS 308: Issues and Careers in Human Services
- CTE 465: Developing Work-Based Learning Programs
- CTE 466: Implementing and Evaluating Work-Based Learning
- ECO 101: Principles of Microeconomics
- MGT 350: Entrepreneurship
- MKT 370: Consumer Behavior
Please note: Courses and course numbers may have changed. Alternatives may be available, so please discuss with your Advisor before selecting courses to fulfill this requirement (updated Spring 2025).
How do I navigate the TEACH website?
Learn more about navigating the TEACH website on the NYSED Office of Teaching Initiatives.
What are the courses required for the Work Based Coordinator certification extension?
Work Based Learning (WBL) Courses Information
Courses offered:
- Undergraduate Level (VTP 465/466)
- Graduate Level (VTP 565/566)
It is your choice whether to take Undergraduate or Graduate Level. You can only take Graduate level if you have a Bachelor’s degree already.
- Courses can be taken in any order.
- Courses are only offered online.
- Both courses (465/565 and 466/566) are offered in the summer, consecutively. Each course lasts approximately 6 weeks, moving more quickly than the regular 12-week semester as the content is the same.
- VTP 465/565 is also offered in the Fall semester.
- VTP 466/566 is also offered in the Spring semester.
- Cost of courses varies depending on the level. Please see Student Accounts - Course Costs and select undergraduate or graduate costs.
- For specific information about the course itself or to check if you qualify, please contact the instructor at [email protected].
To Register:
- For Undergraduate: Go to MyOswego. At the bottom of the page, in the Registration Column, click on "Undergraduate New Student Non-Degree".
- For Graduate: Go to Graduate Course Registration, click "Apply" and follow the directions.
- You will receive an ID # within 24 hours and can then register for the course(s) you need on the Registrar's website.
Where can I find more information about certification pathways?
See the NYS Certification in Career and Technical Education Fact Sheet, provided by NYSUT.
Where can I find the SUNY Oswego Teacher Certification Authorization Form
The Teacher Certification Authorization Form is available for download. Email or mail this completed form to:
SUNY Oswego
Dept of Career & Technical Education
307 Park Hall, Oswego, NY 13126
Email address: [email protected]