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Reporting an incident

In accordance with the Students’ Bill of Rights, reporting individuals shall have the right to pursue more than one of the options below at the same time, or to choose not to participate in any of the options below:     


1) To disclose confidentially the incident to one of the following college officials, who by law may maintain confidentiality, and can assist in obtaining services (more information on confidential report is available in the Options for Confidentially Disclosing Sexual Violence Policy):

2) Additional disclosure and assistance options are catalogued by the Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and presented in several languages, you may also call 1-800-942-6906, and assistance can also be obtained through:

These hotlines are for crisis intervention, resources, and referrals, and are not reporting mechanisms, meaning that disclosure on a call to a hotline does not provide any information to the campus. Reporting individuals are encouraged to additionally contact a campus confidential or private resource so that the campus can take appropriate action in these cases. 

3) To disclose the incident to the following college officials who can offer privacy and can provide information about remedies, accommodations, evidence preservation, and how to obtain resources. These officials will also provide the information contained in the Students’ Bill of Rights, including the right to choose when and where to report, to be protected by the institution from retaliation, and to receive assistance and resources from the institution. These college officials will disclose that they are private and not confidential resources, and they may still be required by law and college policy to inform one or more college officials about the incident, including but not limited to the Title IX Coordinator. They will notify reporting individuals that the criminal justice process uses different standards of proof and evidence than internal procedures, and questions about the penal law or the criminal process should be directed to law enforcement or district attorney:
Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Report

Lisa Evaneski, Title IX Coordinator*

   Culkin 407
   315.312.5604 (private voicemail)
   [email protected]

Julie Bezek, Deputy Title IX Coordinator

   Culkin 405
   315.312.5605 (private voicemail)
   [email protected]

*Generally all sexual and interpersonal violence reports, investigations and interim remedies begin with the Title IX Coordinator who then assigns cases to the Title IX Investigators.

   University Police Pathfinder Hall (24 hours)

4) To file a criminal complaint with University Police and/or with local law enforcement and/or state police: 

    University Police
    Pathfinder Hall

    Oswego City Police
    169 West Second St.

    State police
    24-hour hotline to report sexual assault on a NY college campus: 1.844.845.7269

5) To receive assistance from Lisa Evaneski, Title IX Coordinator, 315.312.5604, Culkin 407 in initiating legal proceedings in family court or civil court. 

6) To file a report of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking, and/or talk to the Title IX Coordinator for information and assistance. Reports will be investigated in accordance with SUNY Oswego policy and the reporting individual’s identity shall remain private at all times if said reporting individual wishes to maintain privacy. If a reporting individual wishes to keep his/her identity anonymous, he or she may call SUNY Oswego’s Title IX Coordinator anonymously to discuss the situation and available options. Contact: Lisa Evaneski, Title IX Coordinator Culkin 407   315.312.5604 or [email protected]

7) When the accused is an employee, a reporting individual may also report the incident to the SUNY Oswego Office of Human Resources or may request that one of the above referenced confidential or private employees assist in reporting to Employee Relations or Human Resources. Disciplinary proceedings will be conducted in accordance with applicable collective bargaining agreements. When the accused is an employee of an affiliated entity or vendor of the college, college officials will, at the request of the reporting individual, assist in reporting to the appropriate office of the vendor or affiliated entity and, if the response of the vendor or affiliated entity is not sufficient, assist in obtaining a persona non grata letter, subject to legal requirements and college policy. Contact: Human Resources, 315.312.2230, 201 Culkin Hall.

8) You may withdraw your complaint or involvement from the SUNY Oswego process at any time.

9) The college shall ensure that, at a minimum, at the first instance of disclosure by a reporting individual to a college representative, the following information shall be presented to the reporting individual: “You have the right to make a report to University Police or Campus Security, local law enforcement, and/or State Police or choose not to report; to report the incident to your institution; to be protected by the institution from retaliation for reporting an incident; and to receive assistance and resources from your institution.”

10) The College will conduct a timely review of all complaints of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking. Absent extenuating circumstances, review and resolution is expected to take place within 120 business days from receipt of the formal complaint. The preliminary review of all complaints, including any necessary interviews to be conducted and any necessary interim measures to be put in place, will usually be completed within twenty (20) days of receipt of the initial complaint. The subsequent, comprehensive review and investigation of the formal complaint, including interviews with all involved parties and gathering of evidence, is usually completed within sixty (60) days of receipt of the formal complaint. Results of the complaint, via either a formal hearing or waiver of hearing are typically issued within one hundred (100) days of receipt of the formal complaint. An appeal of the results must be submitted within (five) 5 days after days of receipt of the written result.