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Hire a Student Employee

Supervising Student Workers

Posting Jobs and Recruiting Students

Handshake is your friend. 

Every SUNY Oswego student has a Handshake account... which means every student has access to YOUR postings!

We created some step by step guides to help you get started:

    Create Your User Account

    Post a Work-Study Job

    Post a Student Assistant Job

Hiring Paperwork

You've selected your candidate: What's next?

ALL Student Employees need to complete the following before they begin:

  • I-9 - This form verifies your identity and employment authorization when you are hired for employment in the United States.
  • W-4 - This form is completed before you start and is your "Employee Withholding Certificate." It is required by the IRS to instruct the employer how much to withhold from your paycheck in order to pay income tax. 
  • IT 2104 - This form instructs employers how much New York State tax they will withhold from your pay and send to the New York State Tax Department on your behalf.

Note: Some students may also be eligible to complete the below form:

  • IT-2104-E - This form allows some employees to claim an exemption from withholding for New York State personal income tax or New York City or Yonkers (only certain situations apply).

Payroll Information

  • 2022-2023 Payroll Calendar - Includes the dates of each pay period at SUNY Oswego and when your supervisor has to approve your online timesheet by.
  • Payroll Direct Deposit Form - This is filled out to instruct the SUNY Oswego payroll office to send your pay directly to your bank account each pay period.

Additional Information Based on Job Type:


  • Verify your student's Federal Work-Study Authorization has been approved.
  • Assist the student in completing the required employee paperwork.

Questions? Contact Anne Benjamin, Financial Aid Advisor, at [email protected].

Student Assistants:

  • Proceed with the necessary Payroll paperwork and Student Employee hiring paperwork.

Questions? Contact Jennifer Everett in the Payroll Office at 315.312.2227 or by email at [email protected].

Paid Internships:

  • Ensure your student meets the eligibility requirements for an internship (see the "Preparing to Work On Campus" Page, under "Paid Internships").
  • Visit EXCEL's Site Supervisor page and complete the Site Verification Form before the listed deadline.
  • Proceed with the necessary Payroll paperwork and Student Employee hiring paperwork.

Questions? Contact Tina Cooper, Internship & Student Employment Coordinator at [email protected].

Graduate Assistantships: 

Tips & Best Practices

Achieve Supervisor Superstar Status: The Do's and Dont's


  • Plan ahead.
  • Have your job descriptions reviewed.
  • Be clear about start and end dates of Work-Study and Paid Internship roles.
  • Select the right "job type" when posting in Handshake.
  • Help Work-Study students to understand how quickly they will go through their award.
  • Encourage juniors and seniors to see if they can earn internship credit for their new jobs.
  • Remind students that they can have their resume checked with Career Services.


  • Forget that students experience things like "Imposter Syndrome."
  • Shrink your candidate pool by listing specific majors as a requirement.
  • Share information about a job before it has been posted equitably.

Additionally, please feel free to check out our last Handshake workshop hosted by CELT:

    Tips & Tricks Tutorial Video


Q: Do I have to use Handshake to post my job?

A: We know you have a lot of systems surrounding you that the campus uses. The short answer to this question is: yes. Think of it this way. We have hundreds of jobs and internships on campus. Ensuring that students having equal access to opportunities isn't just our goal, it's our duty. Reach out if you're worried about making an account or using the database!

Q: I'm not having a lot of students apply. Am I doing something wrong?

A: Recruitment can be tricky. Simple things like word choices, length, and over-requiring qualifications can lead to low applicant pools. It's important to make your job descriptions concise and formatted in a way that speaks to the communication tendencies of your candidate pool. You are absolutely able to consult the Student Employment Coordinator to see if there are things that can be done to make your role competitive and sought after! 

Q: What is my timeline to recruit? 

A: The one thing to remember about student opportunities is that students are not in uniform situations. One student might leave an off-campus job and want to find something on-campus in the middle of a semester, while another might have just transferred in. We also see students come in as freshman ready to go and hit the ground running. Your timeline to recruit will also differ based on the type of job you are offering. Work-Study students have additional processes and Paid Interns often plan a term ahead for their experiences. It is recommended that you also attend the On-Campus Job and Internship Expo each semester so that you are successful in your timeline.

For additional assistance with these questions, please contact Tina Cooper (Internship & Student Employment Coordinator) at 315.312.3693 or [email protected].