THRIVE: Building educational excellence through human connections.
SUNY Oswego is a community of learners seeking to continuously better themselves. It is essential to support our human capital (faculty, staff, students, and stakeholders) so they thrive in what they do. To achieve this, we strive to create a welcoming and inclusive campus climate; advance the well-being, equity, and social justice of all campus community members; cultivate a strong sense of belonging and culture of compassion; provide robust professional development opportunities; strengthen our ecological, social, and economic sustainability; maintain and enhance our physical infrastructure; and continually improve upon our digital capabilities. This holistic approach not only strengthens the foundation of our University but also empowers our community to adapt, innovate, and excel in an ever-evolving educational landscape.
Goal 1: Advance well-being, equity, and belongingness for students, faculty, and staff.
Strategy 1. Provide a welcoming, inclusive, and equitable climate for students, faculty, and staff that empowers them to inhabit their identities fully and authentically.
Action 1. Develop equity-informed financial and socio-emotional supports for faculty and staff.
Action 2. Develop a five-year SUNY Oswego Strategic Plan for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion by the end of the 2024-25 academic year.
Strategy 2. Develop a culture of well-being at SUNY Oswego through University and unit-level strategies.
Action 1. Appoint a SUNY Oswego Health and Well-being Steering Committee to oversee the creation of a health and well-being strategic plan by the end of the 24-25 academic year.
Action 2. Design and implement student and employee initiatives (such as the Laker Thrive Series for Employees; major event composting, etc.) that integrates our commitment to ecological, social, and economic sustainability.
Action 3. Create or select a comprehensive assessment tool designed to capture a wide range of perspectives on campus culture, well-being, and engagement and deploy that tool on a regular basis. Use results to inform practice and benchmark progress in areas that need improvement.
Strategy 3. Enhance the student experience by providing comprehensive academic and personal support tailored to ensure that all students complete their educational journey in a timely way, and inspire them to develop and reach their goals, paying particular attention to first-generation students, low-income students, and students from historically marginalized communities.
Action 1. Create a University Task Force to review and make recommendations to advance undergraduate and graduate advising at SUNY Oswego.
Action 2. Expand the use of a case management approach to ensure holistic support for students, recognizing the interconnectedness of their academic success with their financial, social, physical, and emotional health by adding case managers and creating sustainable structures that facilitate cross-department/divisional collaborations.
Action 3. Improve communication by establishing regular forums and feedback mechanisms.
Goal 2: Develop a robust institutional recruitment, retention, and development model for faculty and staff at SUNY Oswego that empowers innovation.
Strategy 1. Optimize SUNY Oswego’s websites as recruitment tools, effectively showcasing the value and benefits of working at our University.
Strategy 2. Provide a welcoming and inclusive experience for faculty and staff that supports their hiring, onboarding, development, and career growth.
Action 1. Using an equity lens, review promotion and tenure structures campus-wide to ensure processes that support the retention and advancement of a diverse faculty.
Action 2. Establish a signature faculty and staff mentorship experience for new employees. Develop an institutional recruitment and retention model for faculty and staff considering pipelines, professional development, and infrastructure for quality mentorship.
Action 3. Review the funding model for professional development across divisions to identify consistent strategies to support growth, learning, and upskilling of all employees.
Goal 3: Support and strengthen our digital, physical and financial infrastructure.
Strategy 1. Invest in and implement advanced technology that seamlessly integrates into the campus's learning and daily life, ensuring stakeholders experience efficient, user-friendly, and inclusive solutions.
Action 1. Enhance applications to provide seamless access to campus resources, real-time notifications, personalized services, and inclusive accessibility features for students, faculty, and staff.
Action 2. Deploy state-of-the-art data analytics platforms to gather and analyze insights on student engagement, resource utilization, and academic performance, fostering data-driven strategies for student success.
Action 3. Relaunch the University web site by Jan 1, 2026, with a paired mobile app with an AI-enabled chatbot.
Strategy 2. Invest in the physical and financial infrastructure to ensure SUNY Oswego has the facilities and resources that support teaching/learning, enrollment, retention, and student life while meeting our University’s commitment to sustainability.
Action 1. Advance and implement the recommendations from the Residential Facilities Master Plan.
Action 2. Update the program study for Lee and Laker Halls to better serve the athletic and recreational needs of the campus.
Action 3. Advance and deploy the Academic Facilities Master Plan, including the renovation of Mahar Hall and the planning for the Lanigan and Penfield spaces.
Action 4. Develop an accessible access point to the lakeshore from East Campus.
Action 5. Increase the amount of external funding to support our strategic initiatives available through a capital campaign and opportunities for external grant funding.