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symbols of Criminal Justice: lights on a police car, handcuffs, a gavel, Lady Justice, the American flag

Criminal Justice Department

Criminal justice deals with how laws are made, applied and enforced (equally or unequally) and the policies and goals that inspire those laws. It also focuses on crime and criminal behavior. 

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SUNY Oswego Criminal Justice & Corrections Program is a Great Value According to 2019 Rankings

College Factual

profile image of Bree Newsome

Bree Newsome

Bree Newsome rallies your spirit with her impassioned message about racial equality and illustrates how with course, zeal, and the support of others, ordinary people can make an extraordinary difference.

collage of student individual research projects

Individual Research Projects

CRJ 388 class research presentations

Our programs

The criminal justice major at SUNY Oswego is a multidisciplinary liberal arts program with special emphasis in the social and behavioral sciences combined with specialized in-depth research and supervised fieldwork experience. Areas of study include administration of justice, corrections, court, and judicial administration, juvenile delinquency, law enforcement, probation, parole, community-based rehabilitation programs, private security, and pre-law. Our faculty bring a wide variety of experience, research interests, and teaching methods that make this a strong, vibrant, and interesting area of study.

Majors and Minors

Real experience

The criminal justice optional internship opportunity gives students a valuable opportunity to gain practical experience in an occupation of interest, make professional contacts, and to prepare for their future careers locally and nationally. During the internship, students relate theory they have learned in their course work to the way things “really work” in the field. Several of our students have had their research presented during QUEST Day, won Dean's Writing Awards, and had their research submitted to professional publications.

Beyond the Classroom

Career paths

Our program prepares you for multiple career options in human services and community rehabilitation programs, court, law and government administration, and law enforcement, investigative, and corrections fields.

Prospective Students

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Handshake connects you to thousands of employers that have internship, full-time, part-time, and temporary job vacancies. Your account is already set up and waiting for you; all you need to do is login with your LakerNet ID and password.

profile image of Mark Follman


"Trigger Points: A Conversation about Mass Shootings in America" with Mark Follman By Criminal Justice

Join the Department of Criminal Justice in welcoming Mark Follman for a conversation about mass shootings and how these tragedies can be prevented. 

profile image of Mark Follman


Journalist, author to discuss efforts to stop mass shootings

Journalist and author Mark Follman will discuss “Trigger Points: A Conversation About Mass Shootings in American and How We Can Work to Prevent Them” during a talk at SUNY Oswego at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 3, in the Marano Campus Center auditorium (room 132).

Criminal Justices Students in a group at. a conference in Portugal


Criminal justice student presents at conference in Portugal

Over the summer, SUNY Oswego criminal justice major Gabrielle Roubanian had an outstanding opportunity to present research to an international conference at Lisbon, Portugal.

Profile image of Jaclyn Schildkraut


Faculty member looks to provide reason, research in wake of school shooting debates

In the wake of the tragic deaths in a school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, and other recent mass shootings, Jaclyn Schildkraut of the criminal justice faculty has provided her expertise to international, national and regional media outlets, bringing reason and research into a topic that is emotional and, unfortunately, ever timely.


Criminal Justice Department
Temporary Location:
321 Poucher Hall


Phone: 315.312.3406

Department Secretary: 
[email protected]

Advisement Coordinator
[email protected]

Department Chair: 
[email protected]