Internships are an optional hands-on learning experience. Internships give students a valuable opportunity to gain practical experience in an occupation of interest, to make professional contacts, and to prepare for their future careers locally and nationally. During internship, students relate theory they have learned in their course work to the way things "really work" in the field.
Signing-up for an Internship
Students wishing to complete an internship should consult with their faculty advisor to register for GST 498 with the Center for Experiential Learning.
Past placements have included:
- Forensic Medical Services
- New York State Police
- Onondaga County District Attorney Office
- United States Customs
- U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
- U.S. Secret Service
- United States Marshals Service
Handshake connects you to thousands of employers that have internship, full-time, part-time, and temporary job vacancies. Your account is already set up and waiting for you; all you need to do is login with your LakerNet ID and password.