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Dean Crawford

Dean Crawford

Professor, Accounting, Finance & Law

Contact Information

328 Rich Hall
[email protected]

Office hours

Fall 2024:
Tuesday and Thursday Noon – 2:20 pm or by appointment
By Appointment:

Dr. Dean Crawford has been a full-time professor of accounting since the fall semester of 1986. He has taught accounting at:

  • The University of Michigan (1986-1991)
  • The University of Toledo (1991-1997)
  • Le Moyne College (2006-2008)
  • The State University of New York at Oswego (1997-2006 and 2008-present)

Dr. Crawford became licensed as a certified public accountant in July 1977. Before becoming an accounting professor, he practiced public accounting in Buffalo and Western New York for seven years. He holds a B.S. degree in accounting from The State University of New York at Buffalo. He also holds an M.S. degree in accounting and finance and a Ph.D. in accounting from the University of Rochester.


Dr. Crawford has published articles in several areas of accounting, including:

  • The market response to the accounting for stock splits and stock dividends 
  • The required methods for accounting for employee stock options
  • The effects of income tax laws on financial decisions
  • The accounting rules for reporting comprehensive income
  • International financial markets
  • Instructional cases in accounting


  • Crawford, Dean, Diana R. Franz, Collin Gilstrap, and Gerald J. Lobo, “The Effects of Changes in Tick Size and Tax Rates on the Tax Timing Option and the Market Response to Stock Distributions,” Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance (forthcoming).
  • Wu Zhanxia, Dean Crawford, and Wang Ruyan, “Financial Leasing:  Value, Taxation Principle and Current Tax Policy,” Tax and Economic Research, (2014, No. 1):  85–90.
  • Rao, Hema, John MacDonald and Dean Crawford, “The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010,” The CPA Journal, (March 2011):  14–25.
  • de la Rosa, Denise, Diana R. Franz, and Dean Crawford, “Distributional Asymmetries on the Warsaw Stock Exchange 1991 through 2004,” International Journal of Accounting Information Science and Leadership 2 (No. 3, 2010).
  • Crawford, Dean, Diana R. Franz, and Gerald J. Lobo, “The Effect of the Prolonged Bull Market on the Market Response to Large and Small Stock Distributions,” American Journal of Finance and Accounting 1 (2009): 312–333.
  • Crawford, Dean, Diana R. Franz, and Gerald J. Lobo, “Signaling Managerial Optimism through Stock Dividends and Splits: A Reexamination of the Retained Earnings Hypothesis,” The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 40 (September 2005): 531–561.
  • de la Rosa, Denise, Dean Crawford, and Diana R. Franz, “Trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange—From Reopening in 1991–2000,” Journal of International Accounting, Auditing, and Taxation 13 (2004): 121–134.
  • Henry, Eleanor G., Dean Crawford, and Roberta M. Lipsig, “Budgeting for Snow Removal Using Monte Carlo Simulation:  A Classroom Project,” Advances in Accounting Education, (2002): 169–188.
  • Crawford, Dean and Diana R. Franz, “Stock Dividends and Splits: Anticipation, Signaling, and Market Response,” Journal of Accounting, Auditing, & Finance, (May 2001):  141–166.
  • Crawford, Dean and Eleanor G. Henry, “Budgeting and Performance Evaluation at the Berkshire Toy Company,” Issues in Accounting Education, (May 2000): 283–309.
  • Henry, Eleanor G., Dean Crawford, and Roberta M. Lipsig, “Monte Carlo Simulation in Budget Planning and Monitoring for Municipalities,” Journal of Accounting and Finance Research, (Spring 2000):  58–69.
  • Crawford, Dean, Denise M. de la Rosa, and Diana R. Franz, “Nowy Miernik Wyniku Finansowego (A New Measurement of Financial Performance),” Rachunkowoу, (July, 1999):  441–442.
  • Campbell, Linda, Dean Crawford, and Diana R. Franz, “How Companies are Complying with the Comprehensive Income Disclosure Requirements,” The Ohio CPA Journal, (January– March 1999):  13–20.
  • Franz, Diana R., Dean Crawford, and Linda Campbell, “How to Value Gifts of Employee Stock Options,” The Tax Adviser, (December 1998):  848–855.
  • Crawford, Dean, Diana R. Franz and G. Robert Smith, Jr., “Michael Eisner’s Compensation Agreement with Disney,” Issues in Accounting Education, (November 1998): 957–974.
  • Franz, Diana R., Dean Crawford, and Denise de la Rosa, “Comprehensive Income: Gauging a Company’s Exposure to Risk,” Journal of Lending and Credit Risk Management, (November 1998):  52–60.
  • Franz, Diana R., Dean Crawford, and Eric N. Johnson, “The Impact of Litigation Against an Audit Firm on the Market Value of Non‑Litigating Clients,” Journal of Accounting, Auditing, & Finance, (Spring 1998):  117–134.
  • Franz, Diana R., Dean Crawford, and Deborah J. Dwyer, “Downsizing, Corporate Performance, and Shareholder Wealth, Mid‑American Journal of Business,  (Spring 1998):  11–19.
  • Crawford, Dean, Diana R. Franz, and Dennis J. Gaffney, “The Complexities of the Section 165(i)(1) Disaster Loss Election,” The Tax Adviser, (October 1997):  646–652 (featured in the monthly column “From the Tax Adviser” in the October 1997 issue of the Journal of Accountancy, p. 34).
  • de la Rosa, Denise, Diana R. Franz, and Dean Crawford, “Reporting Comprehensive Income in the Financial Statements,” The Ohio CPA Journal, (October–December 1997): 10–15.
  • Crawford, Dean, Diana R. Franz, and G. Robert Smith, Jr., “Computing Employee Stock Options With a Spreadsheet,” Management Accounting, (July 1997):  44–48.
  • Franz, Diana R., G. Robert Smith, Jr., and Dean Crawford, “How to Account for Stock Options in Nonpublic Companies,” The Small Business Controller, (Fall 1996): 26–32.
  • Crawford, Dean and Thomas A. Lechner, “Takeover Premiums and Anticipated Merger Gains in the U.S. Market for Corporate Control,” Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, (July 1996):  807–829.
  • Crawford, Dean, Diana R. Franz, Raymond A. Zimmerman, and Philip R. Fink, “Exposure to the Extracontractual,”  Journal of Accountancy, (December 1995):  89–91.
  • Pullo, Marcey, Dean Crawford, and Diana R. Franz, “Tax Consequences of Employee Stock Options,” The Ohio CPA Journal, (August 1995): 25–27.
  • Crawford, Dean and Diana R. Franz, “Stock‑Based Compensation:  Estimating Option Values,” The CPA Journal, (December 1994): 60–62.
  • Fink, Philip R. and Dean Crawford, “Should an S Corporation Election be Terminated After RRA of 1993?” The Journal of Corporate Taxation, (Summer 1994): 144–159.


  • Crawford, Dean, Diana R. Franz, Collin Gilstrap, and Gerald J. Lobo.  “The Effects of Tick Size and Capital Gains Tax Rates on the Market Response to Stock Distributions,” presented at the Academy of Business Research Summer 2020 Online Conference, August 5, 2020.
  • Crawford, Dean. “Starbridge Associates, LLP,” presented at the Eleventh Annual Business Research Consortium, Niagara Falls, New York, April 16, 2016.
  • de la Rosa, Denise, Diana R. Franz, and Dean Crawford.  “Distributional Asymmetries on the Warsaw Stock Exchange 1991 through 2004,” presented at the 2009 European Applied Business Research Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, June 1, 2009.
  • Crawford, Dean, Diana R. Franz, and Gerald J. Lobo, “The Effect of Changes in the Value of the Tax Timing Option and Overall Market Conditions on the Market Response to Large and Small Stock Distributions,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Accounting Association, Washington, DC August 8, 2006.
  • de la Rosa, Denise, Diana R. Franz, and Dean Crawford.  “Stock Market Development in an Emerging Financial Market:  Warsaw Stock Exchange—From 1991 through 2004.” 4th International Conference on Business Economics, Management and Marketing, Athens, Greece, June 2006.
  • Crawford, Dean, Diana R. Franz, and Gerald J. Lobo, “The Effect of Changes in the Value of the Tax Timing Option and Overall Market Conditions on the Market Response to Large and Small Stock Distributions,” presented at the Mid-Atlantic Regional meeting of the American Accounting Association, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 20-22, 2006.
  • Crawford, Dean, Diana R. Franz, and Gerald J. Lobo, “Accounting for Stock Dividends and Splits:  A reexamination of the Retained Earnings Hypothesis,” research forum paper, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 3-6, 2003.
  • Crawford, Dean, Diana R. Franz, and Gerald J. Lobo, “Accounting for Stock Dividends and Splits:  A reexamination of the Retained Earnings Hypothesis,” presented at the Southeast Regional meeting of the American Accounting Association, Charleston, South Carolina, March 28, 2003.
  • Crawford, Dean and Diana R. Franz, “Managerial Motivations for Stock Distributions,” presented at the Northeast Regional meeting of the American Accounting Association, Providence, Rhode Island, April 19, 2002.
  • Crawford, Dean, Diana R. Franz, and Gerald J. Lobo, “The Retained Earnings Hypothesis: A Reexamination of the Evidence,” research forum paper, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, August 15, 2001.
  • Crawford, Dean, Diana R. Franz, and Gerald J. Lobo, “The Retained Earnings Hypothesis: A Reexamination of the Evidence,” presented at the Northeast Regional meeting of the American Accounting Association, Portland, Maine, May 5, 2001.
  • Crawford, Dean and Diana R. Franz, “Stock Dividends and Splits: Anticipation, Signaling, and Market Response,” research forum paper, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, August 18, 1999.
  • Henry, Eleanor G., Roberta M. Lipsig, and Dean Crawford, “Monte Carlo Simulation and Service Efforts and Accomplishments: A Governmental Accounting Project,” presented at the National Applied Business Research Conference, Denver, Colorado, August 2, 1999.
  • Henry, Eleanor G., Dean Crawford, and Roberta M. Lipsig, “Monte Carlo Simulation in Budgeting for Municipalities,” presented at the 1998 meeting of the American Academy of Accounting and Finance, New Orleans, Louisiana, December 4, 1998.
  • Crawford, Dean, Denise M. de la Rosa, and Diana R. Franz, “Nowy Miernik Wynikw Finansowych na XXI Wiek (A New Measurement of Financial Performance for the 21st Century),” presented at the conference, Poland in the 21st Century, Lodz, Poland, September 15, 1998.
  • Crawford, Dean and Diana R. Franz, “Market Reaction to Large Stock Distributions: The Effect of Accounting Treatment and Contemporaneous Announcements,” research forum paper at the American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, August 18, 1998.
  • Franz, Diana R., Dean Crawford, and Deborah J. Dwyer, “Downsizing, Corporate Performance, and Shareholder Wealth,” presented at the Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, San Diego, California, November 22–25, 1997.
  • Franz, Diana R., Dean Crawford, and Eric N. Johnson, “The Impact of Litigation Against an Auditor on the Market Value of Non‑Litigating Clients,” research forum paper at the American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, August 20, 1997.
  • Franz, Diana R., Dean Crawford, and Eric N. Johnson, “The Impact of Litigation Against an Auditor on the Market Value of Non‑Litigating Clients,” presented at the American Accounting Association Southeast Regional Meeting, Nashville Tenn., April 25, 1997.
  • Crawford, Dean and Thomas A. Lechner, “Takeover Premiums and Anticipated Merger Gains in the U.S. Market for Corporate Control,” presented at the Conference on Corporate Control, Ownership and Financial Structure, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, England, March 28, 1996.
  • Crawford, Dean and Thomas A. Lechner, “The Relation Between Takeover Premiums and the Probability of Acquisition,” presented at the American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, August 9, 1990.

Awards and Honors

  • Beta Gamma Sigma, the national business school honor society, June 1988 and December 1974.
  • Ernst & Whinney Doctoral Dissertation Award, September 1984 to June 1985.
  • American Accounting Association Doctoral Consortium Fellow, Biloxi, Mississippi, August 1983.
  • American Accounting Association Fellowship Award, March 1983.


  • Ph.D., University of Rochester, February 1988. Major field: Accounting.  Minor field:  Finance. Dissertation title: “The Structure of Corporate Mergers: Accounting, Tax, and Form of Payment Choices.”
  • M.S. in accounting and finance, University of Rochester, May 1984.
  • B.S. magna cum laude in accounting, State University of New York at Buffalo, December 1974.

Classes taught

Fall 2024:
ACC 312 - Acct as Management Tool
ACC 330 - Federal Tax Accounting
MBA 501 - Accounting Principles