Adjunct Professor
Contact Information
224 Tyler Hall
[email protected]
Office hours
Spring 2025:
Monday/Wednesday 5:30-6:00 pm by appointment
Kelly M Jackson is a working illustrator, author and teacher. She loves teaching and strives to help students realize and connect to their unique talents and passions. Her personal paintings, poetry and photography focuses on capturing the beauty of the countryside. She strives to cultivate an appreciation of rural beauty and culture through her work. Kelly lives in the woods of North Wolcott in an 1870’s farmhouse with her husband, dog and cat. She teaches art full time at Oswego High School.
Kelly’s graduate research focused on Trauma Informed Education practices and the importance of the art curriculum in fostering a social emotional centered learning experience for students. Her current research is focused on historical heritage crafts and their connection to cultural regions and natural materials.
“The Lost Danish Christmas Ornament” by KW McDorman
Illustrated by Kelly M Jackson, published 2021
“Darri the Danish Farm Elf” by KW McDorman
Illustrated by Kelly M Jackson, published 2021
“Fair Haven Retrospective” by The Fair Haven Writers Group
Featured Artwork and Introduction, published 2020
“Wild Words & Natural Magic” by: Kelly M Jackson
Self published book of poems. ISBN: 9781715091538 - 2020
“An Old Fashioned Country Girls Favorite Things” by: Kelly M Jackson
Self published book of photography - ISBN: 9781715202804 - 2020
Van Campen & Jackson, Cyanotype Photography-Sun Printing
New York State Art Teachers Association Annual Conference, Binghamton, NY 2019
Awards and Honors
Kelly received 1st place awards for her oil and mixed media works at the 2019 Sterling Art Exhibition in Fair Haven, NY. She won People’s Choice for her oil painting, “Under the Willows” at the Heartbeat Exhibition in Fair Haven and also was honored to receive the Al Bremer Award at the 56th Annual Tyler Art Gallery Juried Exhibition in 2018.
Kelly’s work has been exhibited in many local shows and spaces, including the Tyler Art Gallery and Fair Haven Art Center.Her first solo exhibition was held in Ithaca in 2020, titled the “Vintage Coffee Collection”. Painting photographs of her grandparents and great grandparents, she used coffee as the medium to create a vintage effect. Her favorite exhibition was in Clyde, NY when she displayed her paintings with her grandfather’s.
MAT SUNY Oswego, 2020
BFA SUNY Oswego, 2012