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Olivia Doerr

Olivia Doerr
Interaction Design and Animation
[email protected]
Churchville, NY


Olivia Doerr is a multimedia artist that brings life to still imagery through visual storytelling. While growing up in Rural Churchville, New York, Doerr grew to love myths and tales from many cultures. She enjoyed learning from the spoken experiences of others. She integrated these stories into her art, allowing viewers to impersonate their perspective on the work through their observations. Mixing themes that are at times macabre, comedic, or unsettling, Ms.Doerr combines digital and physical mediums for a vivid mental impact.

Artist Statement

Before I became an artist, I was always told I would never be smart enough to be an engineer, a good writer, or a scientist because I struggle to convey what I mean in words. Be it speaking or writing, my explanations become wordy and lead into a nonsensical ramble. And that is why I believe that I am so intrigued by the tales of others. They can tell events from their point of view, placing emotions on their faces that no paper can reflect. Such as the emotions that make their story. When someone reads a book, they put their feelings into the events listed, creating a tailored tale. Without that, the story is nothing but ink on paper. And it is the power of our emotions that bring inspiration to my work. I specialize in photo manipulation and animation. However, I am knowledgeable in an array of other mediums. I wanted to know as much as possible to convey as much as I could for the perfect feeling. I prefer to combine my skills into pieces, making them each unique unto themselves, So the viewer feels the story and sees it. My work is naturally created as I prefer to work by instinct. I am creating realistic imagery consisting of monsters, cryptids, the paranormal, or amalgamations, constructed by how I am feeling at that time. And when my work is previewed, witnessing people’s reactions reassures me that though my words will not be as good as others, my art is.

2550x3300 px 
Fall 2021 
Independent Study 
An old photo of a grouping of three trees that look to be in a park. The center tree has two twin boys emerge from behind it. The one on the right has his eyes fused over with skin. The left has his mouth and nose fused over with skin. They move slightly until they both return behind the tree.

The Blind Ride 
1920 x 1080px 
Fall 2020 
Course Completed For: Multimedia 
A silver knight rides a white horse with yellow drapery. The knight holds a long joust. Both the rider and the horse’s armor do not allow them to see. 
Click Here to Watch!

The Duchess 
2550 x 3300px 
Fall 2021 
Independent Study 
An elderly woman sits in a wooden chair blindfolded, rocking back and forth slowly. After 10seconds the chair is stopped by a white hand. Fading in up from the hand apparates a woman in a black dress. Her face is missing and lined with horns. She remains for a little time then disappears, letting the elderly lady continue rocking. 

Click here to watch!

1920 x 1080px 
Fall 2020 
An image of a subway tunnel zooming very slowly toward you. 

Click here to watch!

Monoprint and screenprint 
5’ x 7.5’ 
Spring 2021 
A large deer bust with 8 point antlers. Instead of a deer face, it is a woman’s face. A circle mosaic sits behind their head. 

11x 17’ 
Spring 2019 
Graphic Design for Transfer Students
A woman sits in a chair, breast down. She is sitting cross-legged and is wearing only fishnet stockings. There are two additional crab-like
appendages, sticking out of her sides. There is also one large shelled tail coming from behind her, ending in a stinger. The word ‘devour’ is on the floor in red.

The Wizards Study 
1920 x1080px 
Fall 2021 
3d Design 
A 3D animation of a wizard Study. A candle is to the right of you and follows with the views. You enter up through a floor hatch into a curved room full of bookshelves. Each bookshelf is overflowing with books to the point that some are even on the floor in stacks. The room is dark, with the candle lighting up each shelf as you walk through. On the last turn, you come to a window full of stars that illuminate a bed sitting in the corner. to the left of the bed is a wide antique desk. Stacks of books support other open books and scrolls. The candle is placed on the table as you sit down to look at the books. The animation ends. 

Click here to watch!

Fall 2020 
Screen Printing 
A black and white print of a centipede climbing up the side of the number eight. Print 5 out of 20 

‘Keep moving forward’ Block Monoprint 
Spring 2021 
Black and white ink print on fabric. Two hills with brick roads fill up the space. The words ‘Keep Moving Forward’ wrap around each hilltop. Two Red flowers are painted in the grass. 20’ is labeled in the bottom corner. 

1920 x 1080px 
Spring 2020 
Motion Graphics 
An animation to a music track. The animation starts with an opening title screen of a game. A ring journal is on the right with the text, “Patient Zero” on top. Below that are buttons, ‘Continue’, ‘New’, ‘Settings’, and ‘Controls’. The button Continue is
highlighted and text on the right appears, “Continue on floor 5. Yes or No.” Yes is selected. The title fades and music starts. A woman stands in a white hospital hallway. She is wearing a face mask and orange cleaning gloves. She faces the right and begins running. A health bar and stamina bar sit at the top left. When the woman begins to run the stamina bar begins to decrease. The background scrolls as the character stays centered. She passes words written in blood on the walls. “Do you hear it? And “Run”. Plants and other hospital equipment pass by as well. Not after too long of running a monster comes in from the left of the screen. A large snake's head with human teeth expands out of a woman's mouth. Two arm appendages line the head reaching for the running woman. The head is connected to a centipede-like body propelling itself on more arm appendages. The monster snapped at the woman running attempting to grab her. Halfway through, the running protagonist looks to go into a game inventory, selecting a ball. She throws it and the monster runs past the screen to grab it. The running woman enters a doorway ending the scene. A ‘Level complete’ window opens and says. “Time: you could do better.” “Grade: C, what’s up with that running animation?” “Continue? Yes or No.” The ball that was thrown bounces across the scene. End animation. 

Click here to watch!

Gif Animation 
1920 x 1080px 
Spring 2021 
A large bird with two heads. Each head has the mouth of a dog. One is closed. The other is open and panting. The head bobs back and forth in a resting position as the one toe on the right leg taps the ground. 

Long Exposure Photograph 
11 x 17’ 
Fall 2019 
A black and white image of four paper cranes on a string. The 3rd and 4th cranes are fading into each other.