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Behind the Mask: Portrait of Richard Zakin

Joseph Mario Romano
(American, b. 1983)

Portrait of Richard Zakin, ca. 2005
Oil on canvas, 22” x 21”

Gift of Richard and Helen Zakin

Passing away in 2018, Richard Zakin taught ceramics at SUNY Oswego from 1967-2008. He influenced thousands of students who recall not only his vast knowledge of ceramics but his overall generosity and commitment to helping students. Now himself an art faculty member at Oswego, “Mario” Romano painted Richard’s portrait in profile while a student. The up-close point-of-view, dark background and limited palette result in a compelling portrait. Romano’s words attest to the impact Zakin had on his students:

This portrait of Richard Zakin attempts to portray a moment of transience. Not so much one moment of time but many moments of time. For those who knew Richard he never stopped working or teaching or making art. So it was only natural to paint him in mid-thought, mid-sentence or mid-breath. (Mario Romano)
