Abhishek Thapa
[email protected]
BFA Graphic Design, Multimedia
Abhishek (or Abhi, as everyone calls him here) is an artist from Kathmandu, Nepal, who works primarily in digital media. Graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree with a concentration in Graphic Design, he chose to go this route because of his long-standing interest in being a part of the interactive media scene and the video game industry. Even though he didn’t pursue art as a career at first, he always had a keen interest in design and design concepts after being taught photoshop at home and engrossing in whatever pop culture seeped into Nepal. He eventually made it to the United States and became a part of the SUNY Oswego art department, taking mostly digital classes but also enjoying studio classes here and there. In college, he managed to earn awards like the Al Bremmer in the 57th Juried Art Exhibition and many others throughout his college career. Having worked prior to college in the design field and having kept his passion for the video game industry and the interactive design field, he hopes to keep pursuing his dreams of working for a large studio and eventually leading a team and creating his own video game his undergraduate degree.
Artist Statement
I first learned how to some of the Adobe programs when I was still in Middle School. I don’t remember doing anything serious on them, but it was always a welcome break from the very STEM-focused school curriculum back home. I used to think I was a scientist at heart, but I’ve come to terms that I’m more suited for the arts and that I could still indulge my curious scientific side with my art. I’ve found that my art has allowed me to look at the world very critically and learn to live with its more unsavory sides. “Art is propaganda” was one of my first quotes I had heard about art, and I like to think that it has and always will be propaganda for progressive change. I am very thankful to all my professors and friends for encouraging me to put that into shapes, colors, and motion and to be able to question everything through art.