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Graduate Program

Technology Education MSEd

This program, available 100% online, provides the degree necessary for New York State Professional Teacher certification in technology education (all grades). It requires 30 credit hours of coursework designed to help candidates become more effective, knowledgeable technology & engineering education (T&EE) teachers.

Dig deeper into T&EE pedagogy with our dedicated professors and fellow teachers. Course content is intended to be immediately applicable to the classroom whenever possible, and synchronous classes provide an opportunity to interact in real time providing rich engagement with both classmates and subject matter. In addition to the six core courses (18 credits), students take 12 elective credits tailored to their professional needs, individual scholarship, and interests in the arts and sciences and professional studies.

The program can be completed in 14 months as a full-time student or two to four years attending part-time.

Technology Education MSED Online

View Courses:

Program Admission

This graduate program is designed for those who have (or are eligible for) initial certification in Technology Education. Admission requirements include: official transcripts, a Statement of Purpose, a resume, and two letters of recommendation. 

Details are provided at the bottom of the Technology Education (Grades K-12) Online page.

Program Re-Admission

Access this Google Form for Re-Admission if you have skipped a semester.   Graduate Re-admission Form

Graduate Core Course Offering Rotation

The six required courses are offered only during specific semesters. 

To view the core courses in a chart form access the Google Document Core Course Rotation Chart 

By Semester

  • Fall 2024: TED 534, TED 536
  • Spring 2025: TED 532
  • Summer 2025: TED 532, TED 534, TED 536
  • Fall 2025: TED 531, TED 535
  • Spring 2026: TED 533, 
  • Summer 2026: TED 531, TED 533, TED 535
  • Fall 2026: TED 532, TED 536
  • Spring 2027: TED 534
  • Summer 2027: TED 532, TED 534, TED 536
  • Fall 2027: TED 531, TED 535
  • Spring 2028: TED 533
  • Summer 2028: TED 531, TED 533, TED 535
  • Fall 2028: TED 532, TED 536

By Course

  • TED 531: Fall 2025, Summer 2026, Fall 2027, Summer 2028
  • TED 532: Spring 2025, Summer 2025, Fall 2026, Summer 2027, Fall 2028
  • TED 533: Spring 2026, Summer 2026, Spring 2028, Summer 2028
  • TED 534: Fall 2024, Spring 2025, Spring 2027, Summer 2027
  • TED 535: Fall 2025, Summer 2026, Fall 2027, Summer 2028
  • TED 536: Fall 2024, Summer 2025, Fall 2026, Summer 2027, Fall 2028

Candidacy Requirements

Midway through the program, students must demonstrate their philosophical alignment to the program and engagement with course content by taking and passing three Candidacy Exams. Exams are available for all six core courses; students select which three exams to take. Exams are offered at the end of each semester as well as at the end of the summer session. Students are advanced to candidacy after successfully completing three exams.

Candidacy Application

Students must file for degree candidacy after completing 12 semester hours and/or during the term they will complete 18 hours. Hours over 18 may be forfeited if exams are not completed successfully. A GPA of 3.0 or higher is required to sit for exams. Apply by emailing the Department of Technology Graduate Program Coordinator, Karin Dykeman at [email protected].

Registration and Upcoming Exams

Students must register for exams by 3:00 p.m. on the Monday before the test using this registration form. To take two exams on the same date, complete the form twice. Exams are currently delivered online through Zoom and Google Classroom, with sessions from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.  Confirmation and instructions will be sent to registered students a few days before the exam.

Upcoming Exams

2025 dates:

Saturday, May 10 - Register by Friday, May 2

Saturday, August 16 - Register by Friday, August 8

Saturday, December 20 - Register by Friday, December 12


Degree Options

Students may choose between three options for completing their 12 elective credits: 

  • Research Project Program (Option A)
  • Thesis (Option B) 
  • Directed Coursework (Option C)

A formal plan entitled "Degree Option Proposal" must be developed, submitted, and approved by their advisor on or before completing the last Candidacy Exam and before any electives are taken.

Research Project Program (Option A)

This program option is designed for the student who would like to complete a research project that is not in a category that would be appropriate for a formal thesis.  Such applied research projects as curriculum development, technical project R & D, design and innovation projects, teaching material development, and others are appropriate project areas for this option.  This is an excellent option for those students who perceive a career goal in administrative ranks, yet do not believe they will continue on for the doctorate, as they can obtain practical, action-based research experience.

Thesis (Option B)

This program option is designed for the student who would like to complete a formal research activity, given specific parameters.  Those who will possibly continue their graduate work toward the doctorate are highly encouraged to choose this option as it offers excellent preparation towards the development of a doctoral dissertation.  Those who would like to have their credentials highly regarded in many sectors of the educational establishment should also consider this option.

Directed Coursework (Option C)

This program option is designed for those teachers who are obtaining their M.S. degree to receive professional certification and who expect to continue their entire career in the classroom.  With adviser approval, 12 semester hours (sh) of graduate level courses should be selected to develop competence in specifically designated areas.  Students must file an adviser signed Directed Coursework Proposal for the 12 sh to be applied to their program.  This proposal must precede the coursework, and it may be changed due to circumstances, with adviser approval.  Courses should not simply be selected at random from the available offerings.

Students considering remaining in the classroom for their career should also consider the research project or thesis option as they hold valuable experiences that cannot be obtained through additional coursework.  In any event, the students should carefully select one of the three options with the help of the adviser.

Final Portfolio


Students who matriculate into the MSEd Program in Technology Education are required to submit a portfolio as a comprehensive assessment of their work in the program.  Degree candidates will submit their completed portfolio at the end of their final semester.  The portfolio should highlight their work as a graduate student, demonstrate their level of proficiency in the core content, and exhibit significant products from additional relevant courses.  The completed portfolios will be reviewed by the department's graduate faculty prior to graduation and also be used for departmental program review.

General Requirements

Students will submit their portfolio through their TK20 account. All submissions must be provided in or converted to standard viewable formats (.DOC, .PDF, .PPT, JPG, .HTML). Files from specialized programs with proprietary file formats (AutoCAD, Photoshop, etc.) should be converted to one of these more accessible formats before submitting. Submissions should include all of the required components of assignments/work, be well organized, and be of professional quality. Specific requirements are provided below.

Review Process

The portfolio will be reviewed by the Department of Technology Graduate Faculty using the evaluation criteria provided.  Students will be assigned a pass/fail final grade.  Students submitting portfolios that are incomplete or of poor quality will have their portfolios returned with recommendations for improvement.  Students submitting or resubmitting portfolios past the final due date for that semester risk having their graduation delayed pending the final review of the portfolio.  

Specific Requirements

Statement of Reflection

Develop a written statement (4-5 well-written pages) that provides an overview of your graduate work at SUNY Oswego. Provide a comprehensive overview that ties together your core courses, electives, and special projects as a body of work.

  • Identify and explain your initial goals and ideals when entering the program.
  • Reflect on how well your goals were met, supported by specific examples and details from your work.
  • Identify how and why your goals and/or ideals changed throughout the program.
  • Incorporate connections between your work and growth in upholding and implementing the conceptual framework and professional dispositions for the School of Education.
  • Explain how your graduate studies affected your attitudes toward teaching and helped you develop as a professional.

Core Course Exhibits

Exhibit your best, most significant work from each of the six core courses (6-12 samples). Provide samples of your best papers, projects, etc., ensuring artifacts submitted are professional quality with all final edits incorporated. Do not include instructor comments or grades. Ensure all content requiring citations is included in a reference list at the end of your papers and projects. If papers or projects were done as a group, clearly identify the other group members. As an example, in TED 533 Curriculum Development for Technology Education, you completed a full course curriculum as the primary course project, and that would be an excellent exhibit of graduate-level curriculum work.

Supplemental Work

Exhibit materials from your elective courses and projects. Examples of materials may include papers, projects, curriculum documents, samples of your students’ work, thesis materials, etc.



Material Gathering

Select and save examples of student work from classes throughout the graduate program. Correct errors and update work as recommended by course instructors. Students are responsible for saving, maintaining, and backing up all of their work.

Final Semester

Compile Portfolio

Gather final copies of papers and exhibits. Write reflective statement. Organize and complete portfolio.

2 Weeks prior to end of final semester

Submit Portfolio

Submit portfolio in TK20 for review by department faculty.

End of final semester

Portfolio Returned

Portfolio reviewed and feedback provided.


Mr. Richard Bush 
Department Chair
[email protected]
103C Park Hall, 315.312.3011 

Ms. Erin Leary
Department Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
103 Park Hall, 315.312.3011

Mr. Ronald Alexander
Technology Internship Faculty Sponsor
[email protected]
115 Park Hall, 315.312.6643

Ms. Karin Dykeman
Graduate Program Coordinator
[email protected]
103F Park Hall, 315.312.2830

Dr. Laura M. Spenceley 
School of Education Dean
302C Park Hall, 315.312.2102