Honors in Psychology & Awards

Honors in Psychology are conferred to outstanding graduating psychology majors who have excelled in the four principle domains of Academic Achievement, Growing Mastery of Psychology, Citizenship & Leadership in Psychology, and Scholarly & Applied Experiences in Psychology. The Department of Psychological Sciences also recognizes students for their academic successes and pursuits through several awards and recognitions. Click the buttons below for more information.
Psi Chi

This international psychology honor society was founded in 1929 and is known around the world for the purposes of encouraging, stimulating, and maintaining excellence in scholarship and advancing the science of psychology. To qualify for induction, students must meet certain GPA and credit hour requirements and application requests to join SUNY Oswego's Psi Chi chapter are sent out each Fall - at the beginning of each academic year - to eligible students.
Psychology Club

The Psychology Club's aim is to promote and educate in the field of psychology and related fields.We strive to maintain an active role in the community by participating in events and institutions including Stride to SAVE Lives, Adopt-A-Grandparent, the Oswego Animal Shelter, Relay for Life, Mentor Oswego and other events on campus. We meet every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in Mahar 467. If you have any questions or would like to join, feel free to email us at [email protected].
Association of Black Psychologists

SUNY Oswego's ABP is the student circle of the Association of Black Psychology. Its purpose is to influence social change through the usage of psychology, to create programs that can assist in informing individuals about problems of the black communities and other ethnic groups and to assist in solving these problems. Contact [email protected] for more information.
Professional Psychology Associations

To further explore their interests in psychology, students are eligible to join many professional psychology associations, including: