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Student Opportunities

Psi Chi

This international psychology honor society was founded in 1929 and is known around the world for the purposes of encouraging, stimulating, and maintaining excellence in scholarship and advancing the science of psychology. To qualify for induction, students must meet certain GPA and credit hour requirements and application requests to join SUNY Oswego's Psi Chi chapter are sent out each Fall - at the beginning of each academic year - to eligible students


Honors in Psychology

Honors in Psychology are conferred to outstanding graduating psychology majors who have excelled in the four principle domains of Academic Achievement, Growing Mastery of Psychology, Citizenship & Leadership in Psychology, and Scholarly & Applied Experiences in Psychology. All psychology majors are eligible to apply for Honors in Psychology prior to the beginning of their final year of study at SUNY Oswego. To apply and for more information, please visit the program website.


Students on laptops smiling at the camera

Our department prides itself in offering students a hands-on education and training in applied settings. Oswego's strong internship network means you can pursue many field opportunities that build your skills and experience. Applied experiences are paired with an academic component through partnerships with faculty sponsors, where students develop career-related materials and skills-based learning outcomes. Students can learn more about internship opportunities through SUNY Oswego's EXCEL Office

Psychology Club

group of Psi Chi inductees

The Psychology Club's aim is to promote and educate in the field of psychology and related fields.We strive to maintain an active role in the community by participating in events and institutions including Stride to SAVE Lives, Adopt-A-Grandparent, the Oswego Animal Shelter, Relay for Life, Mentor Oswego and other events on campus. We meet every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in Mahar 467. If you have any questions or would like to join, feel free to email us at [email protected]


Association of Black Psychologists

SUNY Oswego's ABP is the Oswego student circle of the national organization The Association of Black Psychology. The purpose of this organization is to affect and influence social change through the usage of psychology, to create programs that can assist in informing individuals about problems of the black communities and other ethnic groups and to assist in solving these problems. Contact [email protected] for more information.

QUEST & Conferences

professor and student standing next to projector

During the past several years, students have presented independent research and collaborative research with faculty members at SUNY Oswego's annual Quest day. Students have also presented regionally at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, and nationally at conferences for the Association for Psychological Science, the American Psychological Association, and several other major psychological associations. Please see our Research & Labs page for more information about how you can get involved in student research.

Student Awards

The David J. King Psychology Department Honors Project Award

This award was established in 1989 by Dr. Paul Wilbur, Professor Emeritus of psychology, in memory of Dr. David J. King who was chair of the Department of Psychology from 1968 to 1976. To be eligible for the David J. King award a student must be a senior psychology major enrolled in PSY 490H (Practicum in Honors Research). All such students presenting at the Quest Symposium will be candidates for this award.

Helen B. Daly Undergraduate Award for Excellence in Psychological Research

This award is dedicated to Dr. Helen B. Daly (d.1995) in recognition of her contributions during 27 years at Oswego. During this time Dr. Daly obtained the rank of Distinguished Teaching Professor and was awarded both the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching and the Oswego Gold Medal for Excellence in Research and Sponsored Programs. In order to continue her dedication to the development of outstanding student researchers, this award is presented to a student or students who have demonstrated outstanding skills and accomplishments in psychology research. Nominations are made by the psychology faculty.

Outstanding Senior in Psychology Award

This award recognizes an outstanding senior in majoring in Psychology. The criteria for this award includes academic excellence (a minimum of 3.3 SUNY Oswego GPA overall and 3.5 in Psychology courses), high potential for success in the field of Psychology, and commitment to the field of Psychology (e.g. history of service, research accomplishments, and plans for graduate study). There is an application for this award.

Psychology Club Undergraduate-Scholars Grant Program Cindy Sprague Grants

The Psychology Club established the Undergraduate-Scholars Grant Program in 1989 as a means for support of quality, student-initiated scholarly activity in psychology. The Psychology Club administers the program, which is supported by and endowed through The Oswego College Foundation, Inc. account started by Roger and Margaret Sprague of Mexico, NY. The fund and grants are named in honor of their daughter, who died the summer before she would have attended SUNY Oswego. The grants typically range from $25 to $100 with a maximum of $200 for an individual grant. Applications are made to the Psychology Club Grant Review Committee and guidelines for the grant applications are available in the Psychology Department office in Mahar Hall. Deadlines: October 15 and March 15.

The Professor Herbert Van Schaack Endowed Scholarship

This award recognizes an outstanding student majoring in Psychology at SUNY Oswego.The scholarship was established in recognition of Dr. Van Schaack’s accomplishments and contributions during his 39 years at SUNY Oswego. A 1951 graduate of SUNY Oswego, Dr. VanSchaack obtained the rank of Distinguished Service Professor and was awarded the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in teaching. Dr. Van Schaack also served as Chairman of the Faculty Assembly for 10 years. Demonstration of academic excellence in Psychology and a desire to pursue a career in Psychology will be the primary criteria in the selection process. To qualify for this award a student must: (a) be a matriculated major in his/her junior year in Psychology, (b) have a minimum 3.50 GPA in Psychology, (c) demonstrate promise and commitment to pursue an advanced degree in Psychology, and (d) be entering his/her Senior year. Preference will be given to a student who has demonstrated leadership qualities and has participated in service in the community. Preference may also be given to students with documented financial need and/or who have been a teaching assistant in the Psychology Department (and who has demonstrated a strong teaching ability and interest). The Psychology Department selects students to receive the award.

Professional Psychology Organizations