Dear Members of the SUNY Oswego Community-
As you know, for the past several months, we have been developing a strategic plan to operationalize our Vision 4040 and move toward a more educated and economically empowered region. We began this process in November with a campus-wide Town Hall and the subsequent formation of a Strategic Plan Steering Committee, led by Provost Scott Furlong and Faculty Assembly President and Professor Elizabeth Schmitt and then-Deputy to the President for Strategy and Planning Mary Toale. The committee’s work was guided by our Vision 4040 document, SUNY Oswego’s current institutional priorities, SUNY’s four pillars, and the American Association of State Colleges and University’s (AASCU) Postsecondary Value Commission’s Action Agenda.
In the intervening months, the Steering Committee has engaged a wide cross-section of the campus community through focus groups, engagement sessions, and other work, facilitated by Dr. Timothy Mottet, former president, Colorado State University, Pueblo, and Dr. John Jasinski, former president, Northwest Missouri State University, with support from AASCU.
Through this process, the committee identified three strategic “drivers” that should direct our strategy and performance as we seek to reach Vision 4040: growing enrollment and retention, expanding branding and marketing, and enhancing supports for students, faculty, and staff. Updates on the strategic planning process are available on our website.
As we enter the next phase of our planning, the committee would like to update the members of the campus community about the work to date, and the important steps ahead. Please join me, Provost Furlong, Professor Schmitt, and members of the committee at a Strategic Planning Town Hall, to be held on Wednesday, April 10, from 3 to 4pm in room 201 of the Marano Campus Center; it will also be accessible via this Zoom link . The gathering will start with a brief presentation followed by the opportunity for participants to ask questions and share their thoughts on the committee’s work. I encourage everyone to attend.
This effort has demanded a great deal of time and thought from our finest and most dedicated community members, and I am grateful to all those who contributed their perspectives and vision. The work has been so comprehensive and compelling that AASCU, in collaboration with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has awarded SUNY Oswego a Strategic Collaborative grant to help with this process. Congratulations to all who have contributed to achieving this prestigious recognition. SUNY Oswego is one of five regional public universities in the nation to be so recognized!
I look forward to seeing you on April 10 to advance our important mission.
Visit my website to see my recent engagements with internal and external stakeholders in support of SUNY Oswego.
Remain well,
Peter O. Nwosu, Ph.D.