Dr. Warkentin has been at SUNY Oswego since 1999. He served as Department Chair from 2012-2021 and primarily teaches courses in global politics.
- international organization
- activism and change
- global security
- Ph.D., Political Science, University of Kentucky, 1999
- MA, Political Science, University of Kentucky, 1996
- Graduate Certificate, Women's Studies, University of Kentucky, 1996
- MA, International Relations, California State University, Fresno, 1993
- BA, Political Science, California State University, Fresno, 1986
Classes taught
- POL 201 - Global Politics
- POL 300 - Foreign Policy
- POL 300 - Diplomacy
- POL 307 - European Politics
- POL 309 - International Law
- POL 319 - International Organization
- POL 330 - Internet Politics
- POL 339 - International Relations Theory
- POL 348 - Contentious Politics
- POL 363 - Feminist Social and Political Theory
- POL 369 - Terrorism and Political Violence
- POL 389 - Security Studies
- POL 497 - Activism and Change
- POL 497 - Children and Global Politics
- POL 497 - Food Politics
- PCS 200 - Peace and Conflict Studies
- GLS 301 - Globalization and Global Cultures