Contact Information
254 Shineman Center
[email protected]
Office hours
By appointment.
Awards and honors
- Sigma Xi Fellow, 2021
- President's Award for Teaching Excellence, 2016
- Provost’s Award for Mentoring in Scholarly and Creative Activity, 2013
- Invited to contribute to The Washington Post article on Roller Coasters, July 2nd, 2013
- Early Promotion to Associate Professor of Physics during the fourth year of tenure track, 2012
- “Essays by Leading Women in Physics”, 2012
- SUNY Oswego - Mc Nair Appreciation Certificate for mentoring a Mc Nair Scholar, 2011
- CELT - Outstanding Teacher Award: “An Apple for the Professor”, 2010
- Gordon Research Conference, Chair’s grant for PUI (primarily undergraduate institution), 2009
- APS, Committee on the Status of Women in Physics – Professional Skills Development Grant, 2009
- Physical Electronics Conference, Nottingham Prize Finalist, 2008
- Gordon Research Conference, Young Investigator Competition Award, 2007
- Sigma Xi Graduate Research Poster Competition Award, 2007
- Prepare Future Faculty Fellow, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, 2006
- Gordon Research Conference, Chair’s Fund for Early Career Scientists, 2005
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Othmer Fellowship for Exceptional Scholars, 2003-2006
- Graduation with Honors from University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics
- University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Romanian Government Fellowship
- Carolina C. Ilie, Zachariah S. Schrecengost, Elina M. van Kempen, Classical Mechanics: Problems and Solutions, Taylor & Francis, CRC Press; 1st edition (December 28, 2022), ISBN-10 : 0367768445 ISBN-13 : 978-0367768447
- Carolina C. Ilie, Zachariah S. Schrecengost, Electrodynamics: Problems and Solutions, Institute of Physics IOP Science, UK and Morgan and Claypool Publishers, CA, USA; May 2018; Online ISBN: 978-1-6817-4931-0 • Print ISBN: 978-1-6817-4928-0
- Carolina C. Ilie, Zachariah S. Schrecengost, Electromagnetism: Problems and Solutions, Institute of Physics IOP Science, UK, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, November 2016; Online ISBN: 978-1-6817-4429-2 • Print ISBN: 978-1-6817-4428-5
Selected Publications (* undergraduate students, ** graduate students)
Elena Echeverria, Officer John McClory, Lauren Samson*, Katherine Shene*, Juan A. Colón Santana, Yaroslav Burak, Volodymyr Adamiv, Ihor Teslyuk, Lu Wang, Wai-Ning Mei, Kyle A. Nelson, Douglas S. McGregor, Peter A. Dowben, Carolina C. Ilie, James Petrosky, Archit Dhingra, Lithium Tetraborate as a Neutron Scintillation Detector: A Review, Crystals 2024, 14, 61. https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst14010061
Thilini K. Ekanayaka**, Dylan Richmond*, Mason McCormick**, Shashank R. Nandyala, Halle C. Helfrich, Alexander Sinitskii, Jon M. Pikal, Carolina C. Ilie, Peter A. Dowben, Andrew J. Yost, “Surface versus Bulk State Transitions in Inkjet-Printed All-Inorganic Perovskite Quantum Dot Films”, section: Synthesis, Interfaces and Nanostructures, Nanomaterials 2022, 12(22), 3956
Dylan Richmond*, Mason McCormick*, Thilini K. Ekanayaka**, Jacob D. Teeter**, Benjamin L. Swanson*, Nicole Benker*, Guanhua Hao**, Sharmin Sikich, Axel Enders, Alexander Sinitskii, Carolina C. Ilie, Peter A. Dowben, and Andrew J. Yost, “Inkjet Printing All Inorganic Hybrid Halide Perovskite Inks for Photovoltaic Applications”, JoVE- Journal of Visualized Experimentation, 2019 issue 143, DOI: 10.3791/58760
Carolina C. Ilie, Francisco Guzman*, Benjamin Swanson*, Ian Evans*, Paulo Costa**, Jacob Teeter**, Mikhail Shekhirev, Nicole Benker*, Sharmin Sikich, Axel Enders, Peter A. Dowben, Alexander Sinitskii, and Andrew J. Yost, "Inkjet Printable-Photoactive All Inorganic Perovskite Films with Long Effective Photocarrier Lifetime", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30 18LT02
Guanhua Hao**, Nicholas Noviasky*, Shi Cao**, Ildar Sabirianov, Yuewei Yin, Carolina C. Ilie, Eugene Kirianov, Nishtha Sharma, Andrei Sokolov, Andrew Marshall, Xiaoshan Xu, Peter A. Dowben, "Device Implications of Voltage Controlled Magnetic Anisotropy in Co/Gd2O3 Thin Films though REDOX Chemistry", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 451 (2018) 487-492
- Carolina Ilie, Printable Perovskites: The Future of Solar Energy is... an Inkjet Printer", Funsize Research on Funsize Physics, 2017
- Carolina C. Ilie, Luis G. Rosa, Matt Poulsen, and James Takacs, “ Water Absorption and Subsequent Lattice Changes in the Crystalline Poly(Methyl Vinylidene Cyanide) and in the Ferroelectric Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride with Trifluoroethylene), Integrated Ferroelectrics (2011) 125:1, 98-103
- Peter A. Dowben, Jie Xiao, Carolina C. Ilie, Luis G. Rosa, “Adsorbate/ absorbate interactions with organic ferroelectric polymers”, Journ. of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, review article in the honor of Prof. Bill Salanek, 174 (2009) 10-21
- Jie Xiao, Carolina C. Ilie, Ning Wu, Keisuke Fukutani, and P.A. Dowben, “Haloform Adsorption on Crystalline Copolymer Films of Vinylidene Fluoride with Trifluoroethylene”, Surface Science, 603 (2009) 513-517
- P. A. Dowben, Luis G. Rosa, Carolina C. Ilie, “Water Interactions with Crystalline Polymers with Large Dipoles”, Z.Phys. Chem. (Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie) 222 (2008), 755-778 – review article
- Carolina C. Ilie, P.A. Jacobson*, I.N. Yakovkin, Matt Poulsen, D. Sahadeva Reddy, James M. Takacs, and P.A. Dowben, “Activated Water Desorption from Poly(methylvinylidene cyanide)”, J. Phys. Chem. B 111 (2007) 7742-7746
- Carolina C. Ilie, P. A. Jacobson, Matt Poulsen, Luis G. Rosa, D. Sahadeva-Reddy, James M. Takacs, Stephen Ducharme, and P. A. Dowben, “Angle Resolved Thermal Desorption Studies for Poly(methylvinylidene cyanide) and Poly(vinylidenefluoride trifluoroethylene)”, MRS Symposium Proceedings (2007) 0947-A03-01
- P.A. Jacobson, Carolina C. Ilie, I.N. Yakovkin, Matt Poulsen, D. Sahadeva Reddy, James M. Takacs, and P.A. Dowben, “Water Absorption and Desorption from the Dipole Ordered Polymer Poly(methylvinylidene cyanide)”, J. Phys. Chem. B 110 (2006) 15389-15392
- Carolina C. Ilie, Snjezana Balaz, Luis G. Rosa, Jiandi Zhang, P. Lunca-Popa, Christopher Bianchetti, Roland Tittsworth, J.I. Brand, B. Doudin, P.A. Dowben, “The Coadsorption and Interaction of Molecular Icosahedra with Mercury”, Applied Physics A 81 (2005) 1613-1618
Other Publications
- Kimberlyn Bailey*, David Horacek, Steven Worthington, Ampalavanar Nanthakumar, Scott Preston, and Carolina Ilie, "STEM/Non-STEM Divide Structures Undergraduate Beliefs About Gender and Talent in Academia”, Frontiers in Sociology, 4:26. (2019) doi: 10.3389/fsoc.2019.00026
- Kimberlyn Bailey*, David Horacek, Steven Worthington, Ampalavanar Nanthakumar, Scott Preston, and Carolina Ilie, "STEM/Non-STEM Divide Structures Undergraduate Beliefs about Gender and Talent in Academia," (90315), XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Research Committees session "Unfolding Organizational Hybridity in Tertiary Schooling: Testing Boundaries of Knowledge Forms in Higher Education, July 15-21, 2018, Toronto, Canada.
- A. Panteleev, A. Ieta, C. Ilie, “Just-in-Time Teaching: Computer Science Meets Physics” Proceedings of the 119th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, AC 2012-3348, San Antonio, Texas, June 10 – 13, 2012
- A. Ieta, C.C. Ilie, A. Pantaleev, “Effective Lectures Using Online Quizzes”, proceeding to The 118th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancover, BC, Canada, June 26-29, 2011.
- A. Ieta, A. Pantaleev, C.C. Ilie, “An Evaluation of the “just in time teaching” method across disciplines”, The 118th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, T458, Vancover, BC, Canada, June 26-29, 2011.
Ph.D. Physics and Astronomy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska
MS, Physics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
MS, Physics, Semiconductors, University of Bucharest, Romania
BS, Engineering Physics, University of Bucharest, Romania
Classes taught
- PHY 101 Introductory Physics
- PHY 111 College Physics I
- PHY 112 University Physics I
- PHY 198 First Year Signature Course-Physics at the Frontier: Most Amazing Discoveries
- PHY 205 Energy and Environment: Global View
- PHY 399/499 Independent study: Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, Methods of Teaching Physics, Capillary Condensation Transitions, etc.
- PHY 496 Senior Research Project
- Master level classes: PHY 567-800 - Advanced Mechanics; Chemistry 597-173 - Research Problems; CHE 599 – Independent study; PHY 567-810 - Advanced Electromagnetic Theory
- PHY 212 College Physics II
- PHY 213 University Physics II
- PHY 112/213 Labs
- PHY 363 Materials Science
- PHY 436 Advanced Classical Mechanics
- PHY 439 Advanced Electromagnetic Theory
- PHY 423 Quantum Physics Lab
- PHY 322 Optics Lab
Selected Conferences (national, international - since 2008)
Katherine Shene*, Lauren Samson*, Elena-Maria Echeverria, John McClory, James Petrosky, Brant E. Kananen, T. D. Kelly, Juan Colón Santana,Yaroslav Burak, Volodymyr Adamiv, Ihor Teslyuk, Lu Wang, Wai-Ning Mei, Kyle A. Nelson, Benjamin W. Montag, Douglas S. McGregor, Archit Dhinga, Peter A. Dowben, Carolina C. Ilie, A Novel Scintillator Detector: Rare Earth Doped Lithium Tetraborate, Summer Research Symposium, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, August 4, 2021
Lauren Samson*, Esha Mishra, Cody Schultz, Rebecca Y. Lai, Carolina Ilie, Peter Dowben, Decontaminating Nebraska’s Water Supplies with Uranium-Peptide Bonding, Summer Research Symposium, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, August 4, 2021
Elina M. van Kempen*, Julia R. D’Rozario*, Marie T. Romano*, Carolina C. Ilie, Gravitation Free Confined Systems: Capillary Condensations Transitions, National Conference on Undergraduate Research (virtual, oral presentation), April 14, 2021
Elina M. van Kempen*, Julia R. D’Rozario*, Marie T. Romano*, Carolina C. Ilie, Capillary Condensations: Phase Transitions for Two Gravitation-Free Confined Systems, American Physical Society National Mentoring Community Conference (virtual), February 18, 2021
Trieu Le*, Thilini K. Ekanayaka, Annika Neufeld-Kreider*, Archit Dhingra, Takashi Komesu, Andrew J. Yost, and Carolina C. Ilie, Photovoltaic Applications: Transition Metal Doped Quantum Dots 2020 National Sigma Xi Virtual Annual Meeting & Student Research Conference, November 2020
Elina M. van Kempen*, Julia R. D’Rozario*, Marie T. Romano*, Carolina C. Ilie, Capillary Condensations: Phase Transitions for Various Confined Systems, 2020 National Sigma Xi Virtual Annual Meeting & Student Research Conference, November 2020
Trieu Le*, Thilini Ekanayake**, Annika Neufeld-Kreider*, Archit Dhingra**, Takashi Komesu, Andrew Yost, and Carolina C. Ilie, “Transition Metal Doped Quantum Dots for Inks Application in Inkjet Printed Photovoltaic”, 2020 APS March Meeting – accepted & cancelled due to Covid19
Annika Neufeld-Kreider*, Archit Dhingra**, Thilini Ekanayaka**, Trieu Le*, Simeon Gilbert**, Andrew J Yost, Alexey Lipatov, Alexander Sinitskii, Carolina C. Ilie, and Peter A. Dowben, “TiS3 (001) Nanowiskers as Photo Conduction Channels in Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells”, Summer Research Symposium, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, August 7, 2019
Trieu Le*, Thilini Ekanayake**, Annika Neufeld-Kreider*, Archit Dhingra**, Takashi Komesu, Carolina C. Ilie, Andrew Yost, and P. A. Dowben, “Transition Metal Doped Quantum Dots for Inks Application in Inkjet Printed Photovoltaic”, Summer Research Symposium, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, August 7, 2019
Roselyn Tofa*, Thilini Ekanayake**, Trieu Le*, Annika Neufeld-Kreider*, Archit Dhingra**, Carolina C. Ilie, Andrew Yost, Alexander Sinitskii, and P. A. Dowben, Optical Properties of Quantum Dots, Summer Research Symposium, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, August 7, 2019
Dylan Richmond*, Thilini K. Ekanayaka**, Mason McCormick, Nicole Benker, Syed Qamar Abbas, Corbyn Mellinger, Guanhua Hao*, Alexander Sinitskii, Peter Dowben, Andrew Yost, Carolina Ilie, " Optical and transport properties of mixed halide all-inorganic quantum dot inkjet-printed films”, American Physical Society March Meeting, Session X20: Hybrid Perovskites – Low Dimensions, March 2019
Dylan Richmond*, Thilini K. Ekanayaka**, Mason McCormick, Nicole Benker, Axel Enders , Andrew Yost, Alexander Sinitskii, Peter Dowben, and Carolina Ilie, "Optical Properties of Inkjet Printed Mixed Halide Perovskites", Summer Research Symposium, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, August 7, 2018
S. Nandyala, D. Baral, M. Shekhirev, C. Ilie, S. Sikich, A. Enders, P. Dowben, A. Sinitskii, T. Chien, A. Yost, J. Pikal, Optical Properties of Inkjet Printed CsPbBr3 Quantum Dot Perovskite Films, March International Meeting of American Physical Society, Session B11: Organometal Halide Perovskites II, March 2018, Los Angeles, CA.
A. J. Yost, T. Komesu, C. C. Ilie, F. Guzman, B. Swanson*, I. Evans*, P. Costa, J. Teeter, M. Shekhirev, N. Benker, S. Sikich, A. Enders, P. Dowben, A. Sinitskii, A Comparison of the Electronic Structure of Single Crystal Hybrid and Inkjet Printed Nanocrystalline Inorganic Perovskite Film, 45th Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces (PCSI-45), accepted, 2018
Swanson, Benjamin*, Evans, Ian*, Guzman, F.*, Komesu, T., Teeter, J.**, Benker, N.*, Shekhirev, Mikhail; Yost, Andrew; Sikich, S., Sinitskii, Alexander; Enders, Axel; Dowben, Peter, Ilie, Carolina C., “Inkjet Printed Nanocrystalline Inorganic Perovskite Films: the Novel Solar Cells,” Nebraska Materials Research Science and Engineering Center Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physical Sciences at University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Nov. 9 to 11, 2017
Hao, Guanhua**, Noviasky, N.*, Sabirianov, I., Ilie, C.C., Cao, S.**, Yin, Y**, Sokolov, A., Xu, X.**, Kirianov, E., Sharma, N., Marshall, A., Dowben, P., Voltage Control of Magnetic Anisotropy, C-SPIN (The Center for Spintronic Materials, Interfaces and Novel Architecture) 2017 Annual Review, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, September 27-28
Evans, Ian*, Ilie, Carolina C., Comparison of Edge Binding Sites of Gold Terminated Graphene Nanoribbons, Nebraska Summer Research Symposium, August 2017, UNL, Lincoln, NE
Swanson, Benjamin*, Guzman, Francisco*, Evans, Ian*, Teeter, Jacob**, Shekhirev, Mikhail; Yost, Andrew; Sinitskii, Alexander; Enders, Axel; Dowben, Peter; Ilie, Carolina C., Electric Transport of Perovskite Solar Cells, Nebraska Summer Research Symposium, August 2017, UNL, Lincoln, NE
Hao, Guanhua**, Cao, Shi**, Noviasky, Nick*, Ilie, Carolina, Sokolov, Andrei, Yin, Yuewei, Xu**, Xiaoshan**, Dowben, Peter, Voltage Control of Magnetic Anisotropy, S B50: Magnetism in Curved Nanostructures and Nanowires, APS March Meeting 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana
Davis, Shelby*, Porter, Stephen*, Chamnichanh, Jerry*, D’Rozario, Julia*, Ahmadi, Zahra**, Rodenburg, Jack**, Routaboul, Lucie, Enders, Axel, Dowben, Peter, Ilie, C.C., Thin Film Organic Solar Cells: Theoretical and Experimental Band Gap Energy Calculations, APS March Meeting 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana
Noviasky, Nicholas*, Sabirianov, Ildar, Cao, Shi**, Zhang, Xiaozhe**, Hua, Guanhua**, Sokolov,. A., Kirianov, E., Dowben, P. Ilie, C.C., Voltage Controlled Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy, APS March Meeting 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana
D’Rozario, Julia*, Ahmedi, Zahra**, Enders, Axel, Dowben, P., Ilie, C.C., Interface-Engineered Materials for High-Efficiency All Organic Solar Cells, Nebraska Summer Research Symposium, UNL, August 2016, Lincoln, NE
Noviasky, Nicholas*, Cao, Shi**, Zhang, Xiaozhe**, Sokolov,. A., Dowben, P., Ilie, C.C., Voltage Controlled Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy, Nebraska Summer Research Symposium, August 2016, UNL, Lincoln, NE
Bailey, K.*, Nanthakumar, A., Preston, S., Ilie, C.C., Explaining the Gender Gap: Comparing Undergraduate and Graduate/ Faculty Beliefs about Talent Required for Success in Academic Fields, March 2016 American Physical Society International Meeting, Session R7: Physics Education Student Retention, Baltimore, MD
Jira, N*., Sabirianov, I., Ilie, C.C., Electric Transport Phenomena of Nanocomposite Organic Polymer Thin Films, March 2016 American Physical Society International Meeting, Baltimore, MD
Ilie, C.C., Jira, N.*, Evans, I.*, Cohen, M.*, D'Rozario, J.*, Romano, M.*, Sabirianov, I. Capillary Condensation in Polymer Blends: an Analysis of Phase Transitions, March 2016 American Physical Society International Meeting, Baltimore, MD
Zuba, M.*, Howard, P.*, Familo, B.*, Kane, T.*, Netusil, R.L.*, Ilie, C.C., "Potential Energy Calculations for Water Adsorption on Poly(methyl methacrylate)", March 2015 American Physical Society International Meeting, San Antonio, TX, March 2-6, 2015
McIntyre, D.*, Dann, M.*, Ilie, C.C., Optimizing Energy Conversion: Magnetic Nanomaterials, March 2015 American Physical Society International Meeting, San Antonio, TX, March 2-6, 2015
Howard, P.*, Familo, B.*, Kane, T.*, Netusil, R.*, Romano, M.*, St. Leger*, J., Jones, P.*, Ilie, C.C., “Desorption Kinetics of Water from Poly(methyl methacrylate)”, March 2014 American Physical Society International Meeting, Session: 14.4: Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Film Reactions: Kinetics & Dynamics, Denver, CO, March 3-7 2014
Jones, P.*, Kane, T.*, Familo, B.*, Netusil, R.*, Howard, P., Romano, M.*, St. Leger*, J., Ilie, C.C., “Water Interaction with Poly (methyl methacrylate) and Polyethylene Films", March 2014 American Physical Society International Meeting, Session 01.12: Surfaces, Interfaces, and Polymeric Thin Films, Denver, CO, March 3-7 2014
Ilie, C., Potter, M.*, Ketsman, O., Vampola, D., Schofield, D., “Implementing Multi-Touch Technologies to Improve STEM Education", K2014 Information Fluency Conference: The Age of New Media: Literacy in the 21st Century, Thinking Critically and Creatively: Communication and Technology, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, Feb 26, 2014.
Netusil, R.*, Familo, B.*, Kane, T.*, St. Leger*, J., Bennett*, J., Yorke, A.*, Ilie, C.C., “Kinetics of Water Desorption from Poly(methyl methacrylate) Film”, Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (Nebraska MRSEC) and the Center for Nanohybrid Functional Materials (CNFP) Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physical Sciences, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, October 24 - October 26, 2013.
Romano, M.*, Yorke, A, Christiana, K., Ilie, C.C., “Capillary Condensation: an Analysis of the Phase Transition”, Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (Nebraska MRSEC) and the Center for Nanohybrid Functional Materials (CNFP) Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physical Sciences, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, October 24 - October 26, 2013.
Romano, M.*, Bassett, S., Ghobrial, L.*, Evans, M.*, Ilie, C.C., “Transforming the Academia: Native American Women and Women in Physics", Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (Nebraska MRSEC) and the Center for Nanohybrid Functional Materials (CNFP) Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physical Sciences, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, October 24 - October 26, 2013.
D’Rozario, J.*, Evans, M.*, Christiana, K.*, Boyer, D., Ilie, C.C., The Importance of Undergraduate Research: a SUNY Oswego Approach”, Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (Nebraska MRSEC) and the Center for Nanohybrid Functional Materials (CNFP) Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physical Sciences, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, October 24 - October 26, 2013.
Romano, M.*, Yorke, A.*, Christiana, K.*, Ilie, C.C., "Capillary Condensation Transitions for Simple Geometries", 2013 Gordon Research Conference - Dynamics at Surfaces: Reaction Dynamics, Scattering Dynamics, and Molecular and Structural Dynamics at Surfaces and Interfaces , August 11-16 2013, Salve Regina University, Newport, RI
Ilie, C.C., Familo, B.*, Kane, T.*, Netusil, R.*, Bennett, J.*, St.Leger, J.*, Yorke, A.*, "Analysis of Desorption Kinetics: Interaction of Water with Poly (methyl methacrylate) Films", 2013 Gordon Research Conference - Dynamics at Surfaces: Reaction Dynamics, Scattering Dynamics, and Molecular and Structural Dynamics at Surfaces and Interfaces , August 11-16 2013, Salve Regina University, Newport, RI
Ilie, C.C., Yorke, A.*, Christiana, K.*, Romano, M.*, "Capillary Condensation Transitions for Various Geometries", 2013 American Physical Society, March International Meeting, Baltimore, MD
Ilie, C., Kane, T.*, Netusil, R.*, Yorke, A.*, "Desorption Kinetics of Water from Poly (methyl methacrylate) Films and other Polymer Films", Session U34: Thin Films, Surfaces and Interfaces I, 2013 American Physical Society, March International Meeting, Baltimore, MD
Netusil, R.*, Ilie, C., Kane, T.*, Damkaci, F., "Pentacene Derivatives: Electronic Structure and Spectra", Session W23: Semiconductors: Theory & Spectra II, 2013 American Physical Society, March International Meeting, Baltimore, MD
Christiana, K.*, Ilie, C., "Designing Drops, Loops, and Hills: The Physics behind Roller Coaster Design", Session A 46: SPS Undergraduate I, 2013 American Physical Society, March International Meeting, Baltimore, MD
Ilie, C.C., “Course Design: Interdisciplinary Context-Rich Problems Solving Techniques", American Association of Physics Teachers, Workshop for New Physics and Astronomy Faculty – Reunion Meeting, Nov. 2-4, 2012, American Center for Physics, College Park, MD
Ilie, C.C., Kane, T.*, Netusil, R.L.*, Ghobrial, L.*, Maslak, G.*, Stewart, M.*, Evans, M.*, Rosa, L.G., 2012 “Water Interaction with Ferroelectric and Dipole-Oriented Polymers”, Gordon Research Conference: Polymers, July 22-27, 2012, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA
Hay, K., Ilie, C.C., “Pre-course student curiosity questions as motivators for class lessons”, AAPT Summer Meeting 2012 - Theme - Physics: The Experimental Core - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 28 - August 1, 2012
Scoins Tyler *, Evans, M.*, Ilie, C.C. , “Goals Centered Effective Undergraduate Research Experiences” The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) Conference "Leveraging Uncertainty: Toward a New Generation of Undergraduate Research" 2012, College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ, June 23-26, 2012
Panteleev, A., Ieta, A., Ilie, C.C. , “Just-in-Time Teaching: Computer Science Meets Physics” The 119th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas, June 10 – 13, 2012
Ilie, C.C., Ghobrial, L.*, Maslak, G.*, Stewart, M.*, Evans, M.*, Rosa, L.G., 2011 “Water Interaction with Poly(methyl methacrilate) and Other Dipole-Oriented Polymers”, Gordon Research Conference: Dynamics at Surfaces, Reaction Dynamics, Scattering Dynamics, and Molecular and Structural Dynamics at Surfaces and Interfaces, August 7-12, 2011, Salve Regina University, Newport, RI
Chediak, Alex, Hay, Katrina, Ilie, Carolina, Johnson-Steigelman, H. Trevor, 2011, “Expanding the FCI to Concepts of Energy-Work, Momentum, and Rotational Dynamics”, National Meeting AAPT Summer 2011– American Association of Physics Teachers, Session CB02 Physics Education Research – Student Reasoning, July 30-August 3, Omaha, NE
Ieta, A., Pantaleev, A., Ilie, C.C., 2011, “An Evaluation of the “Just in Time Teaching” Method Across Disciplines”, Session T458 - Innovations in Teaching Physics or Engineering Physics II, Physics Division, 118th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Vancover, B.C. Canada, June 26-29, 2011
Maslak, Gregory*, Mark, Stewart*, Ghobrial, Lillie*, Laurion, Wes*, Jiang, Jinyue, Tan, Li, Ilie, C.C., 2011, “Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical Vibrational Spectra for Pentacene Derivatives”, Session W11: Electronic Structure: Thermodynamics and Optical Properties, American Physical Society, March International Meeting, Dallas, TX
Ilie, C.C., Ghobrial, Lillie*, Maslak, Gregory*, Stewart, Mark*, Evans, Michael*, Rosa, L.G., Dowben, P.A., 2011, “Water Desorption from Ferroelectric and Dipole Oriented Polymers”, Session H44: Surfaces, interfaces and Polymer Thin Films I, American Physical Society, March International Meeting, Dallas, TX
Evans, Michael*, Ilie, C.C., 2011, “Developing Effective Undergraduate Research Experience”, Session L14: Physics Education Research, American Physical Society, March International Meeting, Dallas, TX
Potter, Mark*, Ilie, C.C., Schofield, D., 2011, “Physics Learning Strategies with Multi-Touch Technology”, Session A14: Focus Session: New Ways of Comunicating Physics, American Physical Society, March International Meeting, Dallas, TX
Ghobrial, Lillie*, Evans, Mark*, Maslak, Gregory*, Bontorno, Anna*, Barrett, Brittany*, Scott, Nicole*, and Ilie, C.C., 2011, “Women in Physics: an Analysis of the Gender Gap”, Session B10: SPS Undergraduate Research I, American Physical Society, March International Meeting, Dallas, TX
Ilie, C.C., Potter, Mark*, and Schofield, Damian, 2011, “Implementing Multi-Touch Technologies to Improve Physics Education”, AAPT 2011– American Association of Physics Teachers – 100 Years of Nuclear Physics, Jacksonville, FL
Ilie, C.C., Ghobrial, Lillie*, Evans, Michael*, Maslak, Gregory*, Stewart, Mark*, 2011, “Women in Physics: a SUNY Oswego Approach to an Old Problem”, AAPT 2011– American Association of Physics Teachers – 100 Years of Nuclear Physics, Jacksonville, FL
Ghobrial, Lillie*, Scott, Nicole*, Evans, Michael*, Maslak, Gregory*, Stewart, Mark*, Bontorno, Anna*, Barrett, Brittany* and Ilie, C.C., 2010, “Women in Physics: a SUNY Oswego Approach to an Old Problem”, WOPHY – Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics – LASERPALOOZA, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Lincoln, NE – Outstanding Undergraduate in Physics Award
Ghobrial, Lillie*, Evans, Michael*, Maslak, Gregory*, Stewart, Mark*, Rosa, Luis G., Dowben, P.A., and Ilie, C.C., 2010, “Water on Polymers”, WOPHY – Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics – LASERPALOOZA, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Lincoln, NE
Ilie, C.C., Lee, K., 2010, “Computer Based Collaborative Problem Solving for Introductory Courses in Physics”, American Physical Society, March International Meeting, Portland, OR.
Ilie, C.C., Hay, K., 2010, “How to Implement JITT - Just In Time Teaching?” American Physical Society, March International Meeting, Portland, OR.
Ilie, C.C., Buske, K.*, Gray, S.*, Chartrand, J.*, Laurion, W.*, and Dowben, P.A., 2009, “Lattice Behavior of Two Ferroelectric Polymers under Progressive Water Coverage”, Material Research Society, Boston, MA.
Ilie, C.C., Chartrand, J.*, Gray, S.*, Buske, K.*, Xiao, J., Dowben, P.A., 2009, “The Interaction of Haloforms with Ferroelectric Copolymers of Vinylidene Fluoride with Trifluoroethylene”, Gordon Research Conference: Dynamics at Surfaces, Andover, NH.
Ilie, C. C., Xiao, Jie, Dowben, P.A., 2009, “Haloform Adsorption on Crystalline Copolymer Films of Vinylidene Fluoride with Trifluoroethylene”, American Physical Society, March International Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.
Ilie, C. C., Xiao, Jie, Dowben, P.A., 2008, “Haloform Adsorption on Crystalline Copolymer Films of Vinylidene Fluoride with Trifluoroethylene”, Material Research Society, Fall International Meeting, Boston, MA.
Rosa, Luis G., Ilie, Carolina C., Dowben, P.A., 2008, “Activated and Nonactivated Water Desorption from Polymer Surfaces”, Faraday Discussion 141 Water from Surface to Bulk, Royal Society of Chemistry, Edingburgh, Scotland, UK.
Ilie, C. C., Dowben, P.A., 2008, “Activated and Nonactivated Water Desorption from Polymer Surfaces”, Physical Electronics Conference, Nottingham prize finalist, Riverside, CA.