Assistant Professor, Postdoctoral ProdiG Fellow
Contact Information
Campus center 246
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Roseli Rojo is an Assistant Professor of Caribbean Studies at the State University of New York at Oswego. She is the author of Contar Abya Yala a los niños (Narrating Abya Yala to Children), published by Letras Cubanas in 2020, and Pinos Nuevos Essay Award in Cuba. Her articles and chapters on Caribbean Literature, performance, and culture have been published in peer-reviewed journals and book compilations in the U.S., Mexico, and Cuba. Dr. Rojo is currently
working on her book Distressing Bodies in Colonial Times: Technologies of Race and Gender in Cuba, where she explores the depiction and agency of women and Afro-descendants in the Caribbean.
Areas of Interests
Caribbean Studies, Colonial Literature, Intersectional Studies, Gender Studies, Fashion, Transportation and Urban Studies, Environmental Humanities, Visual Culture
- PRODiG Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Modern Languages and Literature, SUNY at Oswego (2022- )
- Assistant Professor of Spanish, Department of History and Foreign Languages, Jacksonville State University (2021- 2022)
- Instructor of Record, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Rutgers University (2016-2021)
- Assistant Professor of Latin American Literature, Department of Theater, University of Arts, Cuba (2013-2014)
- Contar Abya Yala a los niños. Género y etnia en la literatura latinoamericana. Letras Cubanas. (2020)
Refereed Journal Articles
- “Una Antígona para tiempos de supervivencia: Lo heroico y lo sucio en Antígona del dramaturgo cubano Yerandy Fleites,” Latin American Theatre Review (Spring 2023)
- “Havana on Steam Power: Literature, the Railroad, and the City in Nineteenth-Century Cuba,” Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas, 105 (The Havana
Connection, Fall 2022). - “Petimetres en la urbe: cuerpos en crisis en La Habana colonial (1790-1805).” Decimonónica: Journal of Nineteenth Century, vol. 17, no. 1 (Winter 2020): 81-100.
- “De Flora al Toa: Revolución, superhombre y naturaleza en Ciclón (1963) y Ociel del Toa (1965).” Hispanic Review, vol. 87, no. 4 (Autumn): 459-81.
“Olor a Barrio Chino: Estereotipos en La cola de la serpiente, de Leonardo Padura.” Dossier: “Cuba Joven.” LL Journal, vol. 12, no. 2 (Fall). (2019) - “Una Habana profunda contada por su gente. Acercamiento a la novela La sombra del caminante, de Ena Lucía Portela.” LL Journal, vol.12, no. 1 (Spring). (2017)
Refereed Book Chapters
- “La condesa en volanta: Transporte y nación en La Havane colonial,” Isla Diseminada. Ensayos sobre Cuba. Hypermedia Press, pp. 45-68. (2022)
- “Historias latinoamericanas animadas: Los animales: música infantil mexicana y La flauta de Bartolo,” Nueve miradas al cine de Paul Leduc. Universidad
Autónoma Metropolitana, pp. 241-265. (2021)
Awards and Honors
- NEH-AHRC Spanish Paleography and Digital Humanities Institute, The University of Texas at Austin | LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections (2023)
- PRODiG Postdoctoral Fellowship, State University of New York-Oswego (2022-2024)
- Spanish for Criminal Justice, Nursing and Heritage Speaker. Teaching Circle, Jacksonville State University (2021-2022)
- Engaging Students through Game-Based Learning. Teaching Circle, Jacksonville State University (2021-2022)
- “Knowing Bodies: Science and the Sex/Gender Distinction,” Fellowship at the Institute for Research on Women, Rutgers University (2020-2021)
- Graduate Merit Award, Executive Women of New Jersey (2019)
- Adolfo Snaidas Essay Prize, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Rutgers University (2019)
- New Directions in Cuban Studies Conference Award, Cuban Heritage Collection, University of Miami (2019)
- Schoenbach Summer Research Award, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Rutgers University (2019)
- Pinos Nuevos Essay Prize, Dulce María Loynaz Center, Cuba (2019)
- Center for Latin American Studies Award Fund, Rutgers University (2019)
- Center for Latin American Studies Award Fund, Rutgers University (2018)
- Goizueta Foundation Fellowship, Cuban Heritage Collection, University of Miami (2018)
- Off-Campus Dissertation Development Award, Graduate School, Rutgers University (2018)
- Professional Development Grant Award, Graduate School, Rutgers University (2018)
- Excellence Fellowship, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Rutgers University (2017)
- “Valuable Mentor,” The Program of Leadership and Experiential Learning, Rutgers University (2016)
- Graduate CLACSO-CONACyT Fellowship, Latin American Council of Social Sciences, CLACSO (2015)
- Graduate Student Fellowship-CONACyT, National Council of Sciences and Technology, Mexico (2014)
- Sur-Place-Scholarship Program Central America and the Caribbean, Heinrich Böll Foundation (2014
Classes Taught
State University of New York at Oswego
- Cuba and Spain: Cultural Transatlantic Connections (Spring 24)
- Latin American and Caribbean Female Authors (Fall 23)
- The Caribbean in Colonial Times 495 (Spring 23)
- Continuing Intermediate Spanish 202 (Spring 23)
- Elementary Spanish 101 (Fall 22, Spring 23)
- Elementary Spanish 102 (Fall 22)
- PRODiG Postdoctoral Fellow, State University of New York at Oswego (2022- 2023)
- Ph.D. Spanish Literature and Culture, Rutgers University-New Brunswick (2021)
- Fellow of the Institute of Research on Women, Rutgers University (2020-2021)
- M.A. Latin American Studies, National Autonomous University of Mexico (2016)
- B.A. Hispanic Literature and Classical Literature (summa cum laude), University of Havana (2013)