Associate Professor, German
Contact Information
248 Marano Campus Center
[email protected]
Ana Djukic-Cocks's CV
- Associate Professor of German, State University of New York, Oswego
Currently working part-time.
- Assistant Professor of German, Hood College, Frederick, MD (1994 - 2001).
- Ph.D., German Language and Literature, 1994.University of Cincinnati
Dissertation: Das Amerikabild in den Reportagen von Egon Erwin Kisch. - Master of Arts in German Language and Literature, 1990.University of Cincinnati
Thesis: Das Image Mexikos in dem Reportageband Entdeckungen in Mexiko von Egon Erwin Kisch. - Bachelor of Arts in German Language and Literature, 1980 (minor: French), University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
- Charlotten Gymnasium Stuttgart, four years of high school in Stuttgart, Germany, 1969-73.
- Cuernavaca Language School, intensive courses in Spanish language and
Mexican civilization and culture, summer 1997, Cuernavaca, Mexico. - Academia Hispano-Americana, intensive courses in Spanish language, Mexican
history and culture and 20th century Mexican literature, summer 1988, San
Miguel de Allende, Mexico. - Escuela de idiomas, intensive courses in Spanish language, summer 1980,
Barcelona, Spain.
- Course Innovation Grant for developing a course on German Theater and Performance. SUNY Oswego, Spring 2006.
- Goethe Institute/New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers Scholarship for 2004. The scholarship enabled me to travel, do research and
attend a cultural seminar in Germany Literatur im Unterricht (Teaching Literature to Undergraduates), Berlin, July 4-17, 2004. - TraiNDaF 2003. A grant established by the German government that aims to build future leaders in the field of the teaching of German. The 2003 program
consists of two meetings and a summer study program in Germany for development of language skills, cultural knowledge, and pedagogical/methodological practices. - Summer Research Award supported by the TEAGLE Foundation to carry out research and study of Berlin in the 20th Century (summer 1999).
- SUNY OSWEGO. Elementary, intermediate and advanced German; German Conversation through Film; Deutsche Novelle; Berlin in the 20th Century; German
Civilization and Culture; Survey of German Literature; Business German; Global Cities: Berlin; German Theater and Performance; Global Cities: Vienna; Global
Cities: Athens; Global Cities; Munich; Independent Study, 2001- present. - HOOD COLLEGE. Elementary and intermediate German; Elementary Spanish; German Conversation and Composition; Introduction to German Literature;
Modern German Literature; German Civilization and Culture; Novelle; Translation and Interpretation (German, Spanish, English); Directing and supervising Independent Study, 1994-2001. - MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. A total immersion program of German Language and Literature, Deutsche Schule, summer 1994, summer 1995, summer 1996,
summer 1997, summer 1998, summer 1999, summer 2000, summer 2001, summer 2002, summer 2005, summer 2006, summer 2007, summer 2008. - UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI. Beginning and Intermediate German, German Composition and Conversation at the 300 level, a course otherwise only
taught by native speakers and faculty. Designed and implemented class syllabi utilizing tapes and films. Designed and graded tests. 1987-94.
- Translator and interpreter in the Yugoslav Embassy in Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany, September, 1981 - August, 1987.
- Translator and interpreter in an export-import company in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, March, 1981 - August, 1981.
- Elementary to advanced German language and elementary to advanced pedagogy;
Civilization and culture in the German speaking world; 20th century literature,
particularly Expressionism, literature of the Weimar Republic and literature in
exile; Theater pedagogy; Elementary Spanish and Mexican culture.
- New York State Teacher Certification Exams German Standard Setting Committee, Member 2016
- AP-Reader for German, College Board, Cincinnati 2014-2018
- AP-Pre-Reader and Reader for German, College Board, Cincinnati, June 2019-2020, June 2023
- The Annual Convention of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), San Antonio. Using Music Videos in the German
Classroom – A New Twist, a three hours long workshop that introduced participants to various aspects of teaching German culture and civilization and the
use of multi-media in classroom. November 2007. - The Spring Meeting of the Central New York Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German, Onondaga Jr.- Sr. High School, Nedrow,
NY. Drama Pedagogy, a three hour long workshop that introduced participants to language learning through drama activities. May 2007 - The Annual Convention of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Chicago. Landeskunde Multimedial, a three hours long
workshop that introduced participants to various aspects of teaching German culture and civilization and the use of multi-media in classroom. November 2004.
- The Annual Convention of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Boston. German Response to the Current Refugee Crisis – Developing Modules for German Courses, a three hour long workshop, November 2016.
- The Annual Convention of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Nashville.
Co-Presenter: Multikulti and Beyond: New Voices in German Poetry and Prose November 2017. - The Annual Meeting of the New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers (NYSAFLT), Rochester.
Co-Presenter: Other German Activities In and Outside the Classroom, October 2007. - The Annual Meeting of the New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers (NYSAFLT), Saratoga Springs.
Organizer/Presenter: A Journey on the Rhine, October 2006. - The Annual Convention of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Baltimore.
Co-Presentation: Creative L2 Use: Developing Reading, Speaking, and Writing Abilities, November 2005. - The Annual Meeting of the New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers (NYSAFLT), Saratoga Springs.
Co-Presenter: German Culture – What And How We Teach It, October 2005. - The Annual Meeting of the New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers (NYSAFLT), Rochester.
Organizer/Presenter: 20th Century Berlin. Developing a Course, October 2004. - The Annual Convention of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Philadelphia.
Paper: Landeskunde multimedial, November 2003. - The Annual Meeting of the New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers (NYSAFLT), Rochester.
Co-Presentation: SUNY-Oswego’s German Program: Show and Tell, October 2003. - The Annual Convention of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Salt Lake City.
Paper: Ossi-Wessi Stereotypen in dem Film “Marx und Coca Cola” (Stereotypes of East and West Germans in the Movie Marx und Coca Cola) November 2002. - The Annual Convention of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Washington, D. C.
Paper: Cultural Stereotypes in the German Classroom, November 2001. - The Annual Convention of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Boston. Paper: Communicating Diversity - Diversifying
Communication? November 2000. - The Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Paper: Under the Star of David: Mexico in the Eyes of
an Exile German Jew, April 1997. - Cultural Diversity in Germany: Current and Historical Perspectives, University of Maryland at College Park. Presentation: First Person: Living and
Working in Germany as a Minority, April, 1995. - Ohiotal-Symposium II - Ohio Valley Symposium II, University of Cincinnati. Paper: Das Amerikabild in den Reportagen von Egon Erwin Kisch, October, 1992.
- Member of the Review Committee for Faculty International Grants
- Departmental representative at the Faculty Assembly
- Member of Eta Omicron Chapter of Phi Beta Delta, Honor Society for International Scholars
- Member of the First Year Advising Group
- Chair of the Departmental Curriculum Committee
- Chair of the Departmental Personnel Committee
- Member of the GLS Board
- Organized each semester German movie series
- Interviewed students for the Fulbright stipend (Language Assessment)
- Participaed as evaluator for the Seal of Biliteracy for Bosnian language