- ACM SIGCHI: The techical group of ACM on Human Computer Iteraction
- Ergonomics Society: The English Organization for human factors and ergonomics
- Human Factors and Ergonmics Society: The national organization for human factors professionals
Usability Guidelines
- Ask Tog: Bruce "Tog" Tognazzini was the "guru" behind the Macintosh Human Interface Group
- Bad Designs: Learn from the mistakes of others
- Research-Based Web Design and Usability Guidelines: From The National Cancer Institute
- The Alertbox: Current Issues in Web Usability: From Jakob Nielson's biweekly column
- Universal Design: This is a movement that supports design that considers the widest range of users
- User Interface Engineering: Free white papers and articles on usability
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
Human Factors Resources
- CTD News On-Line: CTDNews is North America's leading source for information on cumulative trauma injuries (CTDs) and workplace repetitive stress injuries, including carpal tunnel syndrome to low-back pain
- Ergoweb
- Ergoworld: Don't go by the website design. A good collection of HF and ergonomics links
- The HCI Bibliography: Human-Computer Interaction Publications and Resources: This is a great resource of HCI material maintained by Gary Perlman
Human Factors (HCI) Programs & Research Laboratories
- ACM SIGCHI list of graduate programs
- Carnegie Mellon Human Computer Interaction Institute
- FAA Human Factors Division
- Georgia Institute of Technology: Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center
- NASA HF Research and Technology
- Stanford Univeristy Program In HCI
- University of California at Berkeley: Group for User Interface Research
- University of California at San Diego: Distributed Cognition & HCI Laboratory
- University of Maryland Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory
- University of Oregon: Interactive Systems Group
- University of Washington: Human Interface Technology Lab
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University: Center for Human-Computer Interaction